Take the red pill my friends! When you realize that the brainwashing starts from birth, that the pursuit of the latest phone, fastest car, or the most money will never make you the most happiest. There will always be a newer phone, faster car, and someone will always have more money. It’s the hamster wheel with no end, no matter how fast you run. Turn your head and realize there’s an entire world outside the hamster wheel. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Look in the mirror and love the person you see, be grateful for family and friends, treat everyone with love and respect, slow down to appreciate the wind, the sun, the noises around you, the smell in the air. And CHOOSE to be happy!
Huge truth here. I have a paid off car, phone, no credit debt. I could have a new car, phone, and still be making it. BUT, I'd be on a razor thin margin. The buffer is so helpful towards my baseline happiness.
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