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ThoughtfulPoster t1_j7l537r wrote

My stalker follows this advice, and I really wish she wouldn't.


JonesoftheNorth t1_j7lqwp7 wrote

Coleman Barks does some fantastic readings of Rumi. Youtube had a bunch. I think I still have a copy of Unseen Rain around here somewhere...



AL3000 t1_j7mjh42 wrote

Nice try coke and hookers!


chevymonza t1_j7nic82 wrote

On the one hand, I find great personal fulfillment in pursuing the things I love.

On the other, I've gotten nowhere in my "career," and wish I'd stuffed some more useful information in my head.


Musicdev- t1_j7nng7n wrote

Hasn’t lead me astray yet, in fact it keeps pushing me towards what I probably Should be doing career wise.


buwefy t1_j7oknu6 wrote

What if I like cocaine and cheap whores? (Cit)


chevymonza t1_j7s1s8t wrote

Ahhh always a tricky concept, making a passion into a career! The things I love would pay even less. My passions aren't marketable (writing, translating, creative stuff.) But I have learned to incorporate some of these things into my daily routine to offset the grind. For example, designing a chart for the VP that's fun and colorful rather than the usual boring list- that got some praise! Mass emails with some graphics are also fun to do. Difficult conversations that other people don't want to get involved with, that takes finesse and some creativity. Stuff like that.


bentschji OP t1_j7trvmg wrote

That sounds great tbh - sounds like you managed to sprinkle bits and pieces of the things that give you energy and meaning into your everyday life: if that way works for you, fantastic! :)

Yes to making things colorful! :D


chevymonza t1_j7x8ga8 wrote

Thanks!! It's a real rush when other people notice and they too seem to get a kick out of a little unexpected creativity in the workplace. Makes for a good benign conversation starter as well.