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GeezusManForReal t1_j7rgtn9 wrote

I'm on day 231 today. I used to be a junkie. Sobriety will deliver you everything that the drugs/alcohol promised.


enchiladasundae t1_j7rjd2a wrote

I’m proud of you. First step is usually the hardest. The long road to recovery is one well worth traveling on


vinonoir t1_j7rkct6 wrote

Congrats, my fellow human. One day at a time, and one foot in front of the other. You got this.


Lokkuri OP t1_j7rljea wrote

Thanks all for the support


OkElderberry4333 t1_j7rlnih wrote

I wish both you and I success. Day 4 for me today and I’m doing okay 👍


woodspider9 t1_j7rlwop wrote

Day 1350 here. You can do it. Take it a day, an hour, a minute at a time. 👍


LeLuche t1_j7rm3j6 wrote

There's always a first day for lot's of things. It also happens to be my first day back to therapy. Looks like we both chose alike!


Curleysound t1_j7rmrkh wrote

Asking for help is one of the greatest acts you can do for yourself. Congrats and good luck!


pegpen64 t1_j7rp13d wrote

Every journey begins with a single step. You are on your way.


40AiR t1_j7rqcn4 wrote

18 months sober man, it starts with the decision. Keep fighting the good fight and don’t be too afraid to ask for help!


Gorilla_Grower2020 t1_j7rqlb1 wrote

I’ve been in recovery for 15 years and I go to the jails trying to help and the number one thing about getting and staying sober, is you can’t do it alone. Find some help. AA would be my first step.


_H8__ t1_j7rrfk7 wrote

10 years sober. It gets easier and easier and better and better. You can do this


mazurzapt t1_j7rsequ wrote

🦅You can do it. I’m glad you asked for help.


BlazinAden t1_j7rsz57 wrote

Dude I feel ya on this one! First day no drugs whatsoever. Boring as fuck but feels good in a natural kind of way 👍 KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!


bngbngbngbng t1_j7rv48u wrote

34 days for me. You got this. one I’ve realized is you have more support than you think and do it for yourself and only yourself.


Worldly_Ask7204 t1_j7rvkwj wrote

I’ll be 3 years off opiates and stimulants this year. It’s hard and not every day is fun and rainbows but it’s so much better than living like I was.

You deserve this.

You deserve to be happy and healthy.


Gbchris12 t1_j7rvu1f wrote

Congratulations. I'm just over 2 years dry. It's hard as fuck, but do not be afraid to seek help. If it's alcoholism I highly advise you go into the hospital for medical care, Alcohol withdrawal CAN kill you. The hospital saved my life.


Hairywhitedog t1_j7rvw9k wrote

Please be careful you can die from alcohol withdrawal I’m sober a bit over 11 years now. I was a blackout drunk. I had to learn to look after my body and take responsibility for my actions. I had 21 hospital admissions from alcoholism. It’s evil stuff. Now I just toke weed a little it’s Doctor prescribed legal weed


dillpicklewithedges t1_j7rx0t3 wrote

Day 15 here, group is really helping and I'm feeling a ton better about life. Keep going forward.


Dankrz27 t1_j7rz4dl wrote

Struggling to get over the boredom and lack of motivation of sobriety


loveSci-fi_fantasy t1_j7rz995 wrote

Wow. You should be proud of asking for help. Little steps, take back control over your life. 18 months here


loveSci-fi_fantasy t1_j7rz9p8 wrote

Wow. You should be proud of asking for help. Little steps, take back control over your life. 18 months here


tiny_little_planet t1_j7rzqk9 wrote

It's amazing how much better you will sleep, feel, and look. If you are comfortable with it, I suggest taking a photo of yourself today. Then take a photo of yourself in a month, 6 months, and a year. You will be amazed at what alcohol does to your body. If you ever feel you want a drink, just look back at the photos. And remember that you did that. You will be proud, and you should be proud today.


6byfour t1_j7s08wu wrote

Proud of you, stranger!


boomersapper65 t1_j7s2pza wrote

Congrats ! One minute one hour one day one week one month one yr. Stage two. Two minutes two hours two weeks two mnths 2yrs and repeat it's good for you. The money you save an spend other places and the old friends you find and have,just the respect you get an have in vary short time is a ego booster to no end.


wasafu_85 t1_j7s2swr wrote

Hell yea!! Keep up the good work. I'm on day 35 and going to meetings and changing playgrounds will help you keep it pushing strong!!! And remember it's your sobriety no one else's stay focused on yourself


deThurah t1_j7s3oko wrote

Mornings are gonna be way better, right off the bat


bjones0921 t1_j7s59gg wrote

Just know, everyday you stay to your plan, you are more of a badass than anyone out there.

Keep being a badass.


wittykitty t1_j7s5an1 wrote

Proud of you. Greatest journey you'll ever take!


OleksiyG35 t1_j7s7m6c wrote

2.5 years sober feels unreal when you do actually get out of it , can’t even picture doing drugs now , gross


nikup t1_j7s8tr2 wrote

I’m proud of you :)


Ok-Tangelo-8324 t1_j7s8x19 wrote

Congratulations, you walking miracle, you!! By the grace of my God, I have made it just over 5 years clean and sober. I'm not going to lie to you, it isn't always going to be easy, but it is SOOOOOOO worth it. There is no shame in reaching out to others for help. I'm sure others have already told you, but if not - I am super SUPER proud of you & I love you! Keep fighting for yourself 🙂


Special_Safety7007 t1_j7s9lnu wrote

You got this. Speaking it out loud makes all the difference, you’re accountable now… to us as well as to yourself. Take it minute by minute when you need to, but never lose sight of the goal. It will get easier and your life will change in ways you can’t even imagine right now. You got this.


RadiatedEarth t1_j7shbwf wrote

Every journey starts with a single step!

This random redditor is proud of you and cheering for you on the rest of your journey


MuskratSmith t1_j7shcvo wrote

Getting to that place where, "this sucks" plus, "I need help," and doing the reaching out and committing to doing some other guy’s idead—that’s the hard part. The rest is just follow through. You have a bunch of folks who really want you to succeed. Grab onto somebody living the life they want, do what they suggest, if only for a bit. My sponsor has offered to refund my misery if I’d like. AA has worked for a lot of us.


Blake198624601 t1_j7shtl2 wrote

You’re awesome. You see that the road you were on was a dead end. So many people do not. Be proud and grateful that you are wise enough and love yourself enough to seek something greater.

200ish days sober here after many false starts and failed attempts. Here’s what’s working for me (may or may not work for anyone else):

My philosophy is to build a life that I don’t want to risk losing by doing drugs. That’s my big picture approach.

The other side is knowing that I also have a chronic neurological/biochemical problem that has to be treated with meds, and therapy.

Final piece of the puzzle—I’m a spiritual being that needs to be connected to a larger whole. I get this through my job in healthcare, loving and honest relationships with friends and family, and by reveling in the beauty, awesomeness, and mystery of the universe.

Godspeed, fellow traveler.

Edit* forgot to mention. When you screw up (and you’re gonna), get right back on that horse and hold your head high.


kmga43 t1_j7sijl7 wrote

Keep it up everyone! It’s a long road but the hardest part is getting started on your recovery. Heard a quote “you can face the pain of determination or the pain regret” you got this!


swingman6977 t1_j7slfan wrote

The best advice I ever got on my first day sober was Don't take a. Drink and stick with the winners


MMTP t1_j7smqg6 wrote

Success, my friend!


021coaching t1_j7snsta wrote

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable and living into being human. Proud of you! 🙌you’ve got this. If you think you can you’re right, if you think you can’t, you’re also right.


Tarable t1_j7sp3pu wrote

Yay!!! I’m so proud of you for choosing yourself. 💜


Traditional_Job2723 t1_j7sqphg wrote

It's the very best thing that has happened to me. At 500 days and it's a miracle after 40 years of drinking. You've got this. Going to meetings is valuable. So happy for your bright future.


multigrain-pancakes t1_j7srpyt wrote

Always support those who recognize and seek help. Good job dude. You got this.


FlobiusHole t1_j7ss97c wrote

If you were having problems in your life because of addiction, sobriety is actually the easier course to be on. I don’t mean that to sound unsympathetic or simplistic. Good luck.


BhopTheSteadfast t1_j7st3ll wrote

Possibly he means that the void you try and fill with drugs can be filled with positivity and actual genuine spiritual experiences (human experience) rather that substances sobriety/being clean allow you a way to fill that void in a healthy way


BhopTheSteadfast t1_j7st9zr wrote

My advice from some one that is 6 years clean and been there done that with addiction is to go to a detox then possibly half way house for a while , go to meetings and work steps and get a solid foundation of recovery under your belt. Secondly don’t worry about “the long road ahead” worry about staying your ass clean till you go to sleep each day one day at a time


RenaissanceBear t1_j7su4py wrote

Don’t be afraid. The change you’ve made is positive. The things that drove you to drink were always there, but now you’ll have a chance to address them head on with your full faculties. Take it a step at a time though, healing takes time, don’t be afraid to take it slow, don’t let anyone else force you to any pace.


WillRollon t1_j7sun4m wrote

I’ll try though I’m battling my own addictions. Drug/ alcohol use typically start as attempts to make you feel good. Takes your mind off stuff, makes you feel better, helps forget life’s stressors. Do it enough and you start to only feel good when using/ consuming. Then you feel miserable without it. So you keep doing it more often and your body, your mental sharpness, your health, your relationships all start to deteriorate. So you use more and more to distract you from those issues as well. Short periods of sobriety only give you an excuse to “celebrate” and your using again.

Then, god willing, a moment of awareness takes hold and a conviction to stop using becomes a goal. If you survive the “withdrawal” and continue on the path of sobriety long enough, you start to rebound. For example, I’m a functioning alcoholic so though I always took care of my kids, sobriety gave me stamina to cook better food, read to them regularly, have more patience, and not be exhausted regularly. I’m just a better parent now. The happiness I chased through excessive use was achieved through sobriety.


Novel-Bike-6317 t1_j7suo6e wrote

Might seem like a long road but the further you get down, the more simple and stress free your life will be. Im at 5 1/2 years sober after years of pill addictions.


CitronParticular6844 t1_j7sv7ey wrote

I made the same decision June 24th 2013. It was hard at first and the cliche “just for today and one day at a time” really means a lot when I look back at it. I had to start over November 21st 2018 and do it one day at a time. Luckily it was a quick short relapse but I was right back where I was before doing it one day at a time and now four years have gone by. I don’t do 12 step meetings much these days but I highly recommend at least checking it out. For me, I don’t think I could have done it in the beginning without it.


m_garlic87 t1_j7t2c52 wrote

I just hit 300 days. The key to this time being so successful was that 300 days ago I not only admitted my problem, but I asked for help. It’s very hard to do it on your own. A support network is key. You’ll have bad days and you’ll have good days. Just be open and communicate and after awhile, every day will get a little easier, or at least it has for me.


kindnessgiven t1_j7t3gw2 wrote

You are awesome! If you haven't, I hope you also get a medical and psychological screening. Get admitted to a hospital or other facility if necessary. You're not only getting sober, you are getting physically and mentally healthier! You'd be amazed at how many people will help if you ask.

And if you relapse, try again. Please don't ever give up on yourself.


Maypolemaggie t1_j7t47qv wrote

Congratulations you are very brave and I am proud of you


gumbi01 t1_j7t4tgy wrote

Some people will have multiple first days. The trick is to get back at it. It’s okay if we slip up ever once in awhile. Don’t let that setback deter you. “To err is human.”


time_thug19 t1_j7t5l4b wrote

Keep going brother. May you have success with your health.


nobecauselogic t1_j7t5qfk wrote

Find someone you can talk to about it, ideally someone else who has gotten sober. Talk to them regularly. Then find other people who are working to stay sober, and talk to them. Ask them what they did to get sober, and do it. Addiction turns us into isolated liars, and the antidote is to regularly connecting with others and telling them your truth. You will not be judged.

Be open to saying yes to anything that will help. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but think of the great lengths you would go to to get your fix and commit to put that same level of effort toward sobriety.

You’re not alone, and you’ll be amazed at how much better your life becomes.

Google the 9th step promises. Read them, they are true.


Different-Special125 t1_j7t60l1 wrote

I'm fell in love with myself on 2 14 2020 I didn't go to alochlish meetings or nothing like that I went to Jesus and he delivery that's my higher power if Jesus can't do it it won't be done I just tell the Lord Thank You


Different-Special125 t1_j7t6yhp wrote

I didn't go to no aa meetings I went to someone that I know can deliver me from all things and I had the willing mind his name is Jesus I went to alot of aa meetings and I started back drinking every time but when I found Jesus it was over with those aa ppl can't keep noone clean and sober they can't keep there self clean and sober but Jesus Christ can


DunderMifflin888 t1_j7t9pqs wrote

And tomorrow you will look back on today. And do it, just for one day only. Proud of you. Keep going. You can fo it.


Ok_Money5266 t1_j7t9x3j wrote

Keep it up it gets easier day by day … 55 days today myself


localpunktrash t1_j7tagyn wrote

Another sober buddy here! You will thank yourself for this later down the line. The NA/AA programs can be a great start for most people. There are also agnostic steps and recovery programs for all flavors. You’re not alone and never will be! Find what works for you and stick to it. Digging yourself out of the hole addiction puts you in can be challenging but SO worth it


SpuddleBuns t1_j7tbz4h wrote

Good on ya!!! YOU made the choice to love yourself a bit more...

It will be somewhat difficult, but not really that long. Once you accept your new reality, then it's just maintaining,
The hardest part is not accepting the excuses you will tell yourself to try and justify taking "just one," drink. So long as you don't accept the excuses, you will be triumphant.

SO proud of you taking that first step. It's the hardest one, because you are taking responsibility for your choices. YAY YOU!!!


LAVAFLIX t1_j7tiyyu wrote

Well done and hang in there 🤙


Lokkuri OP t1_j7tk3s0 wrote

Thank you all so much for the kind words, im going through withdrawal now obviously feel like crap, but reading each comment makes it easier...Internet can be a beautiful thing.


Whole_Ad_6484 t1_j7tkdge wrote

Best wishes on your new journey. Thanks for sharing and for encouraging all of us to follow your steps. 💪🙏🙏🙏🙏☝️


No-Scientist-6484 t1_j7top0h wrote

I think the Keto diet may be very helpful in reducing/eliminating cravings for the addictive substance. This is just my speculation. I began to suspect that sugar was an addictive substance after years of trying to lose weight by restricting calories. The cravings I had were intense. Keto stopped my cravings, which solidified my belief that sugar is addictive. Alcohol is converted to glucose (sugar) in the liver. Could sugar addiction be a part of alcohol addiction? If it is, Keto should be helpful. I don't know about other addictive substances, but I think it is worth a try. My brain fog is gone, my depression is lifted, and I have more energy and motivation to get daily tasks accomplished. Keto may help people in recovery with those symptoms. Again, it's just speculation on my part, but I think it's worth trying.


dollparts1975 t1_j7trxhf wrote

That’s great! One day at a time. I’m a friend of Bill’s almost 17 years. ❤️ you got this! You’re not unique and you don’t have to be alone. Just be sober til you go to sleep then wake up and do it all over.


MysticBaba t1_j7tsz8y wrote

I am on day 4 today after excessive use of weed over the past decade.

Make sure to get some sunlight & do some exercise. Read books as well.

And do not think that the road ahead will be long/difficult, try to change your mindset.

Always stay positive & kind. Be grateful.


itsonly1aramis t1_j7txppp wrote

50 days in. Every day I tell myself that I just have to get through the day. You’re stronger than you know. You can do this


cemita t1_j7tywt8 wrote

Think about how good you feel with one day and imagine how you you’ll feel in a week! Keep it up, so proud of you!


bonchilli t1_j7u032l wrote

I don’t believe you, you’re making a reddit post


Sir_Zog t1_j7u11c9 wrote

Find a group, there are many. You won't like them all. That is OK. But find one. Come all the way in and sit all the way down. You will most likely feel uncomfortable in doing so. Do it anyway.

You have done the hardest part already.


ringoflowers t1_j7u3spf wrote

Here to say I’m proud of you! 👏🏻🙏🏻

Join us in r/alcoholicsanonymous if you want some guidance or advice. Seriously met the most kind and supportive humans in AA.


SonofFinn t1_j7u7048 wrote

I’ve been there twice. It’s better on this side. Please work the program, hang with people who know their stuff (you’ll figure out the people who aren’t taking it seriously over time) and do what is necessary to stay sober. And if nobody else has said it, “I love you and am proud of you for this giant first step!”


sparrowskate39 t1_j7u9p2v wrote

The first step is the hardest and most important man. Great job. As addicts we all are trying to fill some void inside that we’ll never fill with substances. You gotta fill it with something greater. Good job being brave and asking for help- you don’t have to go it alone- failed many times because I was too stubborn to ask. But the help will be given if you ask the right way


dan_is_not_here t1_j7uaim0 wrote

You made the right choice!

Good luck! You can do it.

The road is tough at first but it gets WAY easier!


adf1962 t1_j7ucxuu wrote

You’ve taken the biggest steps so far … the decision to stop and to ask for help. You’re doing amazing.


Ok-Ice-7050 t1_j7udcy8 wrote

3 decades sober. Get to a meeting and say what you said online. That's where the experts are who can help. I'm old school (and old) but would suggest finding a sponsor to work with. Beware of social media. It's not always positive anonymity.


littlebitsss t1_j7uf1oq wrote

I’m 10 and a half years sober and the best advice I can give is take everyday one day at a time. Hell, sometimes it’s taking the day one minute at a time. You’ve got this, keep being honest with yourself, and find a good support group. This stranger is proud of you! The first step is the hardest.


slappy500000 t1_j7uf2np wrote

I’m on day 5, finally feel like I can do this


slam6000 t1_j7umkpt wrote

My nextdoor neighbour just found out he has cancer both lungs and his brain at 69 ! Also suddenly diabetic 2 .

He found his girlfriend dead on the lounge floor so he's been a grieving dry drunk for about about 5 years now but his whole life went the booze went . I am amazed he hasn't reached for the bottle , as he's terminal, like another neighbour(67) who got a bottle of wild turkey and hung himself 1 year after giving up the grog .

Both drunk very heavily for too long , did a lot of damage, and couldn't find an alternative lifestyle as they didnt have any firm experienced SUPPORT !!!!! I know of others also - a hidden stat and a joint is illegal .

So you need all the determination and bloody support you can manage to scrape up .Pour the shit down the sink or you go down it . NOW ! No ........ around . You can survive this .


Tasty_Shallot_817 t1_j7upb2d wrote

Congratulations! I’ve been off opiates since October 22 2022. It hasn’t been easy but I have an amazing support system. I’m so glad I got clean. My life before was the same but being a junkie really made me see it completely differently. I’m proud of you and just know you can do if!


swingman6977 t1_j7usshv wrote

Well for me it is a great way to enjoy life and entertain myself I live right next to a large lake, have a nice fishing boat, retired ,sober for 11 yrs, and would enjoy the company of other fellow members for relaxing day on the lake


climbah1 t1_j7uvcyq wrote

LSD has been shown to help cure alcoholism. It has a really high success rate. I recommend looking into it


Lokkuri OP t1_j7uwh0a wrote

Yes, Ive been reading a lot on microdosing, both LSD and certain Mushrooms, but at the moment i need to be 100% clean from any substance until i can rework myself


agentaltf4 t1_j7uyk9p wrote

You never have to feel this way again. Do today. Worry about tomorrow when it comes. Make your decision to stay sober every morning. It has been a while for me and I still make that call every morning. I have a lot more tools now but I have to make sure I use them.

I don’t wish luck because luck doesn’t get or keep you sober. I wish for your determination to wake up everyday and work for your sobriety.


Bewisetoday t1_j7v9pjt wrote

As someone who loves someone with an alcohol, pills and meth addiction, drug and alcohol addiction is brutal. My sister has been in and out of treatment and is 55 years old. I've seen her at her best, clean and sober, happy, productive and content and I've seen her as she is right now, spiraling out of control, homeless, angry and scared to death of withdrawals. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Please be your own best friend and take good care of yourself and don't let anyone get in the way of your sobriety..


DrRohan9990 t1_j7vbo49 wrote

I’m SO proud of you! Please take of yourself and remember that there is hope, light and love all around you!


Navalanche t1_j7vg2p8 wrote

I’m also freshly sober, it’s wild not having my usual crutch to fall back on. Take it day by day mate, you’ll get through it.


Newark_BC t1_j7vta1x wrote

Congratulations 👏👏👏 and I hope you continue on your positive journey


tmink0220 t1_j7vup9t wrote

It will be miraculous and hard, and at times you will have a pink cloud. Congratulations, I am a friend of Bill W. myself for two decades, it changed a life that would have been ended years ago.


alphakennyb0dy t1_j7w9mr8 wrote

I havent had a sip since Sept! Was functional & all obligations met, but I found myself not wanting to go to restaurants that didnt serve wine/beer. Now im into different teas, coffees, & im glad I'm not hindered by that anymore. I kicked cigs 16 years ago & that was so effing hard. Everytime I kick a bad habit it's like a heavy chain is taken away. & i'm just a bit lighter. Still can function w the chains, just functioning a LOT better as they fall away one by one. Next chain is prob going to be my partner.


alphakennyb0dy t1_j7w9yty wrote

Sanctification through Christ! As I've gotten closer to God, my desire to drink has all but disappeared. Never knew what sanctification through Christ even meant, but when I lost the urge to drink it made sense. I was always agnostic until I was dying & prayed as a last-ditch effort. Whatever works for you, man!


whiskey0213 t1_j7wo06q wrote

Long road ahead brother make sure you grab a beer for that drive


[deleted] t1_j7zgusa wrote

Check in with us on day 4 and tell us how you feel.


Flip80 t1_j7zlh2a wrote

Congrats. The work is worth it.


strayfromvanilla t1_j7zug9c wrote

I was drinking 3 handles of vodka a week for most of my 30's...I'll be 9 years with no booze this April. It keeps getting better and better. You can do it - don't look back!


Emmyshines t1_j82rmu6 wrote

All is needed is that determination and resilience.


brickyard15 t1_j8441d6 wrote

I wish you and everyone else success! I’ll have 5 years in August. It gets easier every day. For me the hardest was obviously the first few days, then about 3 months in you’re feeling confident that you could use just once and go back to sobriety like nothing happened. But don’t listen to that bullshit thought ! You got it bro, life is so much better sober.