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InformalPenguinz t1_j8199ht wrote

Two steps forward, one step back, is still one step forward!


Vihzel t1_j81guic wrote

Only 376,382 steps to go until I feel happy enough to go out for dinner.


InformalPenguinz t1_j81hamm wrote

Well Google says average steps a year is around 75k which seems low to me... anyway that's only 5 years till you can go out. If you break that down it's only 60 months..... also ubereats exists lol


405cw t1_j81kklx wrote

No, average miles walked in a lifetime is 75k. Average steps a year is just under 2.5mil.


InformalPenguinz t1_j81kqo8 wrote

Oohhhh I must've misread, thank you for the edit kind internet stranger.


405cw t1_j81kxz4 wrote

No prob! I hit just under 10k a day so I noticed it was off.


InformalPenguinz t1_j81l6t2 wrote

That's why I put seems a lil low.. I did not fact check my fact check. Classic rookie mistake


RollerDude347 t1_j843bhe wrote

My job requires a lot of walking. 30k steps minimum a day. Honestly I've never felt better.


evilanimegenious t1_j83rqow wrote

I do just over 8k a day walking to and from work 5 days a week and I'm on my feet all day while I'm at work.... Makes me wonder how many I really do in a work day 🤔


405cw t1_j855p1f wrote

It's worth getting a step counter!


Gratiskatze_ t1_j858ymg wrote

Most phones have a built in counter these days, maybe not super-accurate but gives you an eatimation.


713984265 t1_j82zmni wrote

> Well Google says average steps a year is around 75k

Maybe average steps a week?


Suck_my_fat_hairy_n t1_j82ypdu wrote

That's cap bro I hit like 30k steps on my 2ds in a day for those little orange tokens


-hx t1_j85iptw wrote

A healthy amount should be 5-10k a day so that's already 3 million steps a year if you're proactive about it.

I think google is obviously counting people that hardly reach a thousand a day.


Commie-commuter t1_j821si6 wrote

This has more to it than sounds. Resting a bit is often known to increase efficiency in the long run.


frivol t1_j855wyq wrote

I've definitely noticed this with learning languages. Studying relentlessly means I'll have to unlearn more bad habits later. (Human, not computer, languages.)


-hx t1_j85iy3e wrote

Same with programming! Breaks help with understanding what you're doing no matter what you're learning. Also, sleep!


EmilyClaire1718 t1_j853s73 wrote

It’s true! And sometimes it’s 4 steps back, 2 steps forward , 2 steps back, 5 steps forward.

It’s easy to focus on the backtracking because it sucks! But if one just keeps at it and trying as hard as they can, the steps forward are guaranteed