Submitted by crm_expert t3_111xel4 in GetMotivated
soiramio3000 t1_j8hczi7 wrote
that's not always true.
if you are bad at what you are doing you can practice for years and still fail to improve.
I know from personal experience.
EDIT:to clarify:I am mostly talking about competitive pokemon. I just can't improve on that since there aren't any STRAIGHTFORWARD videos and articles on the internet on team building.(except from that video grady cool made for sticky web teams, that was the one and only straightforward video I have ever watched).
caoram t1_j8hfmvw wrote
Replace daily practice with money.
Chambec t1_j8hnxv5 wrote
No orange juice no fire! Get that juuuice!
Zech08 t1_j8hot6n wrote
thought this was going to be a physics joke.
Simplyobsessed2 t1_j8hpgca wrote
But with inaction I can waste more time on Reddit.
Simplyobsessed2 t1_j8hph5w wrote
But with inaction I can waste more time on Reddit.
MithandirsGhost t1_j8hrufu wrote
Finally a get motivated that isn't some syrupy sweet pop psychology bullcrap.
MithandirsGhost t1_j8hrx5n wrote
That sounds like a lack of potential.
Sepidy t1_j8hs2c2 wrote
Awesome image. The biggest risk is not taking action.
taco_monger t1_j8hs323 wrote
How do I milk the sun juice?
The_Real_ZerXceS t1_j8hsbul wrote
you need to pour molten metal through a metal ring to light a campfire. inaction means no metal rings
Bikouchu t1_j8huo1i wrote
That's why you practice so you know you have no potential.
AresAndy t1_j8huzhd wrote
Never heard of Wu Wei, eh?
2351156 t1_j8hxon2 wrote
this picture is confusing. Took me time to get it.
yanbag609 t1_j8hxw80 wrote
I believe that's called insanity
soiramio3000 t1_j8hygd8 wrote
it is not called insanity.
it is not my fault that there are almost zero STRAIGHTFORWARD videos and articles on the internet on how to make good teams in competitive pokemon.
I have only watched exactly one video that was actually straightforward.
1stbaam t1_j8hz1cf wrote
Replace inaction with 12 hour shift.
Joebiwan13 t1_j8hz7e7 wrote
What is happening in this picture 😂
ehho t1_j8hz7h9 wrote
Thats not true. You can improve at anything.
You need to put more time and attention to what you are doing according to your limitations. Thats where good teachers and coaches come into play.
Its rarely a race. Often its a marathon.
1stbaam t1_j8hzdqr wrote
Not sure why you're being downvoted. A lot easier to nurse potential when you're not doing 12 hours in the warehouse to get by.
yanbag609 t1_j8i0irj wrote
loI i was quoting Albert Einstein.. sorry you suck at pokemon 🫤
BudwinTheCat t1_j8i0s4s wrote
Me and my ADD here... feelsbadman
[deleted] t1_j8i1liq wrote
thaddeus423 t1_j8i1z18 wrote
I don’t feel good today.
I feel awful. I want to be unalive.
But I know I won’t always feel this way.
This too, shall pass.
All I can do is hope and pray every day. It’s out of my hands at this point.
So today, I’ll try and focus on the things that I can control.
I will try and obtain the juice, so that I may obtain the fire.
Lord knows I have limitless potential when properly loved and inspired.
Thank you, juice man.
Lvl-1-Backpack t1_j8i27d7 wrote
You can work on being better person with zero money. It’s a secret trick the experts don’t want you to know.
fAppstore t1_j8i36zn wrote
Just because someone can do it easier with money doesn't need you just wallow in self pity and do nothing. It's called get motivated, not find excuses to complain.
[deleted] t1_j8i3maj wrote
1stbaam t1_j8i442c wrote
Motivation doesn't magic an extra hour in the day. It doesn't pay the bills. For people working 55 hour manual jobs to get by, no ammount of motivation allows them to pursue their potential in anything. Especially when most things cost money on top of that. Any sport, painting anything. Costs MONEY.
joomla00 t1_j8i4hb0 wrote
You can also practice incorrectly. People always underestimate, or don't want to perform, proper training
joomla00 t1_j8i4ly5 wrote
Easier to just blame stuff than put in effort
fAppstore t1_j8i597l wrote
I'm sorry then but why the fuck are you even here if your only plan is to say "well I can't do ANYTHING ?" What are you trying to achieve by just playing the misery card ? What are you achieving by shitting on people trying to get motivated on get motivated exactly ? People realized that the 0th step is to stop blaming the world and try to do stuff within their own measures, not give up and be spiteful for 0 good measure, maybe rewatch the image and see how inaction from self pitying leads to no results
TDA792 t1_j8i5ljb wrote
Oh god, I've been there. Trust me friend, its not worth the effort.
I played a lot of Pokémon Showdown (the online, unofficial browser-based competitive battling scene) back around gen6. It gave me an understanding of IVs and EVs, as well as the kind of movesets and types that are good for walls/stalling/trolling/tanking/etc etc.
But it was impossible - even though I played probably many thousands of games, my ranking never really increased. I got much better at predicting attack patterns, for example I could recognise that someone was going to bring out a mon and use a particular move, so I'd switch to a different Pokémon that would resist it. But if I wanted to climb, I had to restrict myself to using only a couple of different Pokémon, essentially abandoning using my favourites which I had been using up til then. I didn't want to do that, as it felt against the spirit of the game. So my rating remained stagnant.
I sort of fell off after gen7 and 8 were released, and have since gotten into Chess. Much more straightforward, everyone has the same pieces and it truly is about skill rather than team composition etc.. rating has improved by several hundred points after about 6 months of consistent play.
sneaky_squirrel t1_j8i5oqu wrote
You'd be surprised.
Feels like the exact opposite for me.
Adam_2017 t1_j8i5wn7 wrote
“What is that thing sucking up the fire?” … Oh. NVM.
just-a-dude69 t1_j8i8ddv wrote
Or shit schools
1stbaam t1_j8i8v5w wrote
I'm not talking about me and I'm not shitting on anyone. There's just a lot of people detached from the scenario of the average person like you who make these tone death posts.
Go and ask an average worker what hobbies and passions they pursued as kids and why they dont do them now.
Answer will be money, money, money and time.
Go work a 12 hour manual shift and see how inclined you are to pick up your talent of swimming afterwards.
SporesM0ldsandFungus t1_j8i8yhk wrote
Took me a few looks. It's supposed to be the sun and a magnifying glass that lights the campfire.
renannmhreddit t1_j8i9bmc wrote
This is so dumb
inlinekid t1_j8ia9ke wrote
Ok so use tool to make it easier... Steroids!
Bland-fantasie t1_j8iaj6d wrote
Can anyone honestly explain the metaphor here?
nobody876543 t1_j8ibcaw wrote
The sun will only drip into a campfire through a metal ring. It’s not a metaphor it’s just basic science
Rubanski t1_j8ibdic wrote
Pretty sure it's Starkiller base
Aquamarooned t1_j8ibfb8 wrote
Magnifying glass. I also had to read the comments for the answer
[deleted] t1_j8icvxd wrote
plsobeytrafficlights t1_j8idobv wrote
Is that a magnetic induction ring..and liquid iron?
Lvl-1-Backpack t1_j8ie5ef wrote
And at the root of that, is fear.
TRON0314 t1_j8iektz wrote
I'm not sure this person has used a magnifying glass before.
Bland-fantasie t1_j8iemoz wrote
Oh thanks. Well then I’ll say sarcastically that this is a great life lesson/metaphor:
-No lens in the magnifying glass, so the tool is “broken.” Light isn’t refracted either; there is actually no lens.
-Doesn’t require practice to do it if you see or hear about it once.
-Extremely minimal effort to light the fire if you have a functioning version of this tool.
theanedditor t1_j8ien1s wrote
I thought it was one of those games where you move the metal loop and can’t touch the other metal wire or it buzzes and electrocutes you.
twohundredsixteen t1_j8ieo7z wrote
That's why it's so dangerous to leave rings lying around outdoors. Rings= leading cause of global warming.
Dan-D-Lyon t1_j8iewcn wrote
Oh, that's a magnifying glass. I spent too long trying to figure out how the artist thought fire worked
TRON0314 t1_j8iewpi wrote
People that have expensive guitars and expensive golf clubs but never practice are still shit at playing.
PipIV t1_j8if0nn wrote
Come on bro not on Valentine's.
I'm too scared
phlegmatic_aversion t1_j8ifihk wrote
This reminds me of a quote I read once that said something like "Luck is opportunity meets preparedness".
Everyone gets many opportunities in life, if you aren't prepared to take advantage of them, it results in nothing. Create your own luck; prepare to seize your opportunities.
senorbozz t1_j8ifiou wrote
Well if the sun starts melting I'm definitely skipping the gym that day
Zyrr2 t1_j8igcj0 wrote
There is a glass, look closely. I don't think it's bad either.
Focus your potential (with whatever tool works for you) on something to get a result. Or don't focus it and get no results.
I can relate.
[deleted] t1_j8igig5 wrote
aBORNentertainer t1_j8igry9 wrote
Photovoltaic cells to run a juicer?
siler7 t1_j8ii9p5 wrote
' ' ' '
cote112 t1_j8iide0 wrote
Daily "focus" on goals
siler7 t1_j8iifcs wrote
Yeah, ask lottery winners how well that works out. If you don't have the skills to handle it, money disappears in a BIG hurry.
lashapel t1_j8ij2ce wrote
that's supposed to be the sun rays going through magnifying glass ?
[deleted] t1_j8ij5jv wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ij8t8 wrote
AlwaysLosingAtLife t1_j8ijd9y wrote
Except for a lot of americans: you can be the hardest working magnifying glass, magnify the sun's rays for 12-16 hours a day for years, and still fail to start that fire. In the end, everyone will say you're just lazy and don't work hard because the ends define the means.
Hard work isn't worth it anymore.
[deleted] t1_j8ijfbd wrote
pm_me_your_amphibian t1_j8ikesj wrote
What on earth is going on here
[deleted] t1_j8iketx wrote
unhandy_handyman t1_j8il0h3 wrote
I understand what they are trying to say and I think it fits close enough that most don't notice its muffin toping out of the concept. My left eye twitched experiencing the image.
Bland-fantasie t1_j8ilq6c wrote
Thanks! I did this and my bank account was mistakenly drained and I can’t get through to your customer service anymore - is there a website where I could submit a ticket?
UnsolicitedDogPics t1_j8ilw7j wrote
No you’re supposed to use a magnifying glass.
[deleted] t1_j8ilyip wrote
Mr-Zero-Fucks t1_j8iml5j wrote
good illustration, sloppy message
King_Offa t1_j8inh10 wrote
Or edibles
Lostmyfnusername t1_j8inhy9 wrote
Replace daily patience with focus, add glass to the magnifying glass, and make the orange juice look more like light.
SuspiciousCrow888 t1_j8io277 wrote
Don’t forget! Work and action include thinking about how to start the fire, looking for a magnifying glass, and making mistakes (not enough sunlight, wet wood, etc). Be proud of all your hard work, not just the desired result!!
ChewsGoose t1_j8ioacz wrote
It's true, just remember that not all skills translate, I've been practicing my love making solo for years, and am shite in the bed, I am however, quite popular at truck stops.
Bob_the_peasant t1_j8ioao4 wrote
Eh, I’ll wait for a forest fire. Then also complain
yourmentalhealthpal t1_j8ioeuq wrote
Indeed, having potential, talents, or abilities is not enough to achieve success or make progress in life. Without taking action and putting in the necessary work, these qualities are wasted and have no real value. Stay Motivated and Stay positive guys.!! 🙌
Arijan101 t1_j8ipbxn wrote
So the final result is entropy in both cases, the difference is that it will come sooner in the 1st case.
ADHDCuriosity t1_j8ipm6e wrote
Mine's built more like a solar collector. In a valley. In the Arctic.
TheHalloumiCheese t1_j8iqdq5 wrote
Is the rich parent someone who comes along with a lighter?
Jackal000 t1_j8ir8fj wrote
Nah.. poor visualization
Trumpswells t1_j8irfza wrote
Potential magnified by daily practice equals results. Said another way: Hard work pays off.
dogfighthero t1_j8irvy2 wrote
I came here to get motivated but all I got was a stroke trying to understand this picture
paulstelian97 t1_j8isgvf wrote
You won't be the best but if you properly practice anything, even out of your league, you won't be terrible either.
It's a difference between whether others outclass you or you outclass others. If you put in the work, you can do anything at some level.
Sure, you want to find out what you can do best and work to get to said best. But not everyone is lucky enough, some just need to take what they can do and optimize that.
wookieebush t1_j8iu79u wrote
You are worth it, bud. You deserve love and happiness and you will find it.
ilovepolthavemybabie t1_j8iveji wrote
Threezeley t1_j8ivgnm wrote
I love this subreddit because it rarely makes any sense lol
MadaRook t1_j8iwrga wrote
Here feeling bad with you, my Adhd and I
PaullT2 t1_j8iwyob wrote
I like how they used solar energy to portray potential when potential energy was right there.
MeowMix1984 t1_j8ix1vh wrote
Wouldn't "focus" be more appropriate for this image rather than "practice"?
soiramio3000 t1_j8ixjet wrote
I am playing competitve pokemon in pokemonshowdown for over a year and I suck and I cannot improve because there are not any STRAIGHTFORWARD videos or articles on the internet on how to built a team.
(except from EXACTLY ONE video that was only about building a sticky web team.).
soiramio3000 t1_j8ixnr9 wrote
I don't think that there is an "incorrect" way to practice competitive pokemon.
soiramio3000 t1_j8iyfv3 wrote
I edited the comment so it will be more clear that I was talking about competitive pokemon when I was talking about experience.
improving on this game is impossible,at least for me.
e_pi314 t1_j8iykgx wrote
I always say, knowledge is not power. It’s only potential until you use it.
paulstelian97 t1_j8iynp7 wrote
Sometimes you need friends to compensate for lack of available material.
Devlarski t1_j8j2oqk wrote
Yeah but if you got A LOT of potential and no action with no rain for a long enough time you get an even bigger fire
Munsu9 t1_j8j5aod wrote
Please do not give anyone advice. Thank you.
SixGeckos t1_j8j5du7 wrote
There’s plenty of people without these constraints and there’s always ways to shoot down these positive messages. Leave the subreddit if you always have excuses
Fitfatthin t1_j8j6f63 wrote
This image is useless
caoram t1_j8j6fnk wrote
You see that big ball of potential? Not everyone has it, you don't end up gambling your savings away on lottery tickets if you had any real skills to handle money.
nicoisthebestdog t1_j8j6rco wrote
Intelligence without motivation get you the same place as a art degree. Barista at a Starbucks.
Ninjasifi t1_j8j6yhe wrote
And here, we can basically see growth mindset vs. fixed mindset.
tots4scott t1_j8j7q94 wrote
Yeah but you're adding a lot to the image. All it says is inaction and daily practice.
There's a million decent image metaphors out there and this is not one of them.
BlueCheeseNutsack t1_j8j9wm1 wrote
What a dumb illustration for an apt analogy.
Strict-Ad85 t1_j8jad5p wrote
zoroddesign t1_j8jadbs wrote
This is extremely true. even if you take one small action every day towards your goal, in no time you will make massive progress.
soiramio3000 t1_j8jam5g wrote
what are you talking about?
tokachevsky t1_j8jbhtb wrote
One of the best advice I heard is to not tell someone he/she is smart, but rather say "you're a hard worker", especially to a child. Telling someone he or she is smart subconsciously tells the person they don't need to work hard then, if talent and smartness comes natural without putting an ounce of effort. By telling someone they're hard worker instead, it makes the person think that to keep up, they must keep practicing! I wish someone told me otherwise that when I was younger!
paulstelian97 t1_j8jc40t wrote
Stuff like written knowledge, videos etc can be collectively called material.
MourkaCat t1_j8jcjmt wrote
Yep. Would LOVE to do the action. Would loooove it.
joneptune t1_j8jdrdp wrote
soiramio3000 t1_j8jdrdq wrote
ooh that's what you meant by matterial.
anyway as about the friend's part I don't have any anymore,and I doubt if my past friends have even heard of pokemonshowdown.
pmfiebig t1_j8jdrnq wrote
phayke2 t1_j8jgecz wrote
Daddy needs his juice
Velentina t1_j8ji0be wrote
You can milk anything with nipples
pepsisugar t1_j8jiuzy wrote
I like this picture a lot. It basically says that whoever drew this image should do more daily practice.
stpetepatsfan t1_j8jj9ck wrote
Better:. Sun = practice then glass to fore Right = black sun is no practice, below is no fire .
whatisitaboutmusic t1_j8jk7jw wrote
All action without potential, or better put, intention is worthless too
thaddeus423 t1_j8jkzl8 wrote
Hell yeah, man. We all are. I hope the same for all of us, and you.
HalflingMelody t1_j8jl1ff wrote
Why is an orange pouring into a fire? And where have the left orange's extra sesame seeds gone?
catfink1664 t1_j8jms2n wrote
Have you tried asking in r/pokemonshowdown ?
soiramio3000 t1_j8jozxg wrote
Ask what exactly?
If you are talking about the "rate my team"posts they are useless, they are mostly ignored and when people respond to them they give advice that benefits the team very little.
If I ask for team building tips in general then they will jist tell me to watch a video or read an article.
Someone just yesterday told me in the smogon forums that "Teambuilding is a skill you build upon through experience and metagame knowledge. Its simply practice on what you want to build around, your offensive/defensive cores, pivots, hazards, etc."
This info is not helpful at all.
catfink1664 t1_j8jpb7f wrote
Yep, absolutely agree. Doesn’t even have to be manual. Long hard days at a desk is enough to make you want to go straight to bed when you get home
Macarthius t1_j8jpcyl wrote
Ehh I feel like the "daily" part often leads to more demotivation than motivation. Life happens, other things take your attention, and some days you may not have the energy to do whatever it is- so you either have to force yourself in a non-productive way or miss a day then stress about "catching up"
The hardest part is starting but after that it's dedication. That doesn't necessarily mean doing it every day or sticking to a certain routine. It means you keep trying even when things don't go to plan.
catfink1664 t1_j8jpkun wrote
I agree, it isn’t. Ask them if they know of good videos and articles for improving your game
pier4r t1_j8jpww6 wrote
One should also keep in mind the following though:
[deleted] t1_j8jq5pk wrote
soiramio3000 t1_j8jr8q1 wrote
There aren't any videos or articles that help you. I looked it up.
They are all giving you surface level information like what a wallbreak and a revenge killer is and what then they expect you to figure out everything on your own.
Anti-Queen_Elle t1_j8jt190 wrote
Instructions unclear, letting a 9-5 suck all potential from me.
ehho t1_j8jtldc wrote
I don't know anything about that game in particular so what i say may or may not apply.
They say that you need 10.000 hours of practice to master something. Anything. 10.000 hours is roughly 10 years.
I played league of legends and chess for that amount of time and still sucked. The reason i didn't improve is because when they say practice, they mean hard work, which is different than just playing around.
When i wanted to improve i spent more time analying my games, finding mistakes teying to figure out to fix them for the next time. Only when i had no solution i googled wuat othera did in that specific example. Another thing i did was look for chess and LoL guides, video explanations, spent 30-60minus practicing specific skills i lacked. I more about games itself, read ever patch of LoL, general important things about stages of the game, general strategies,... Lastly, i found a communities, played with them, exchanged advice and references, asked for tips,...
I did slowly but consistently get better, however, peronally, it took out all the fun out of the game and i don't have ambitions of becoming a pro player. So i stopped practicing and just continued playing for fun.amd with that, my progress also stopped.
I believe that all pros spent a lot of time practicing hard, and if you want to stay competitive you need to not only beat them in practice, but also find an edge anywhere you can.
I don't know if this reply is useful to you but i wish you find a way to break the plateau and continue growing as a player.
Electronic_Skirt_475 t1_j8jwngb wrote
Nah fuck this, idc that this is a get motivated sub. As a (former) burnt out gifted and talented kid (im an adult now) let me say that work isnt always worth it even if you have potential. It is okay and entitely valid for anyone to just...exist. you dont judge a rose for not growing longer or being bigger even when it could be, you just delight in the knowlege that is is there, and just its existance brings beauty into your life
DescendingOpinion t1_j8jyvhj wrote
SMH....just wow.
[deleted] t1_j8k04gf wrote
Rokketeer t1_j8k0czx wrote
They’re just venting man. I was in the same boat as the comment OP for years until I had the opportunity to quit and go back to school. Not everyone can be as fortunate, sadly.
JTXUS t1_j8k1bv0 wrote
For a sub called Get Motivated, every time I go into the comments, half of the people are giving reasons why not to be motivated.
jarvis01123 t1_j8k3wr3 wrote
While you may already give warmth and light to the entire solar system, you could also burn a small amount of dead trees if you only had a magnifying glass.
NeoHolyRomanEmpire t1_j8k3xnl wrote
I wish the person who made this meme would practice not using symbolic relationships as causation in the real world
Morgoba t1_j8k72uz wrote
Assuming there's potential to begin with
rcn2 t1_j8k8q5w wrote
You should use a funnel in the ring clamp. Not just a ring clamp. The ring clamp does nothing in this instance.
Also, nuclear fusion and/or plasma would turn your results into atomic ash.
TheNotoriousWD t1_j8kay94 wrote
Passive investors would like a word.
Gorkus_the_Goblin t1_j8kf13o wrote
Thank you I needed this today 😊
GreenTheHero t1_j8kg5bn wrote
You don't need daily practice to know a magnifying glass under the sun can start fires, this is public knowledge, who the fuck is practicing that.
Also, it's be much more efficient and reasonable to just use a lighter, alternatively
if you wanted to attempt to make this imagery work, starting a fire with wood rubbing would be extremely inefficient, however extremely practical in survival situations. Because it's inefficient, it takes practice to get good at it.
No need to thank me
NtheLegend t1_j8kgk6r wrote
Have you seen The Ring? That’s basically how it works.
puslekat t1_j8kh20v wrote
These are getting kinda stupid..
SaveMyButthole t1_j8ki0uj wrote
I (44yo) started playing the guitar 5 days ago. I practice about 30 min to an hour a day. I can now play 6 notes and two chords by reading sheet music. I also learned how to read guitar tabs. I can now play the opening to Flutes of the Chi (Ween). My goal is to learn 6 (minimum) Ween songs every year.
It’s been fun so far but my finger tips are fucking wrecked lol.
If anyone likes Ween and plays guitar I made a tab book because you can’t actually buy one anywhere. I’m happy to email it for free. If you wanna kick me a few bucks that’s cool too but I don’t expect anything. It’s about 100 songs. DM me your email if you want them. Happy to share the love. Hail Boognish!
Jeggasyn t1_j8ki5f3 wrote
In my life, I'm the magnifying glass and it's permanently night-time.
NoGrass8119 t1_j8kj7c8 wrote
I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?
maybejustadragon t1_j8kjzd7 wrote
Money buys gas and a lighter so there is that.
SirVanyel t1_j8kko3v wrote
You've never used the wrong tool to try to get the job done because you were too lazy to make a trip to the toolbox?
joomla00 t1_j8kmckp wrote
I don't know anything about competitive Pokemon but based in what you said, you clearly have a problem with team building. Your practice at the moment may be developing and testing techniques to optimize for team building.
pensy t1_j8kn6xx wrote
This is Christianity. Through action one achieve results. Hard work guarantees the Lord's pleasure
Demosthenes3 t1_j8kytgv wrote
I think the sun is melting into the wood
JRYeh t1_j8l0hm0 wrote
Then some dude just walk in with a gold plated lighter and lights the fire right away
darkkazim t1_j8l0k15 wrote
What if its night time?
PacanePhotovoltaik t1_j8l2gvs wrote
PacanePhotovoltaik t1_j8l2we0 wrote
So Sonic the Hedgehog is a good guy or an enemy of the world?
DaveInDigital t1_j8l31wf wrote
and half the people around will clap and cheer, telling everybody that he made that fire all by himself, the self-made genius of our time, and anybody saying otherwise is just poor, jealous, and lazy
DaveInDigital t1_j8l36id wrote
> EDIT:to clarify:I am mostly talking about competitive pokemon.
lmao i was not ready
DaveInDigital t1_j8l3ixt wrote
> What are you achieving by shitting on people trying to get motivated on get motivated exactly ?
twohundredsixteen t1_j8l3pt3 wrote
Well, he collects them, which means there are fewer around....I'm gonna call him the good guy. For now.
DaveInDigital t1_j8l3sbs wrote
in fairness, that wood on the right can absolutely light up without any direct action at all.
source: Californian
cjfi48J1zvgi t1_j8l3sh1 wrote
Playing this game, probably,
[deleted] t1_j8l42hs wrote
JRYeh t1_j8l4zlh wrote
But I’d also like to add a person who may start his own fire by own skill, perhaps a bit of talent and a bit of better tool
But his success still ignored because he’s not “underdog” enough
RoosterBrewster t1_j8le0xs wrote
Even then, you can be motivated to be more efficient with your time, learn other skills to get a better job, or adapt in some way to at least start somewhere.
RoosterBrewster t1_j8leioh wrote
Yep, it's all about deliberate practice. I hear some people at the gym say they'll never be able to look like some top bodybuilders. So they just half-ass their workout and never improve. They may not have won the genetic lottery plus steroids, but they discount the tremendous effort put in to get there.
PhilipXD3 t1_j8leqz1 wrote
I'm in this picture and I don't like it
wirecats t1_j8lh2f8 wrote
False. The sun keeps me warm and gives me light. Not useless
VolvicApfel t1_j8ljsh2 wrote
Thats what the shooter thought too. 😅
getmevodka t1_j8llic9 wrote
If you are constantly on the right, ever checked for adhd symptoms on yourself ?
engranansu t1_j8llj8e wrote
happiness and you will find it
userfromspacex t1_j8llyk2 wrote
HighExplosiveLight t1_j8ln4sr wrote
I think we need some more labels.
Henrychinaskismom1 t1_j8lnp2o wrote
I need to make a plan. A routine. Ideas come out at random. No order to my day. Work blends into doing house work back to working totally distracted. Oof.
miguelagawin t1_j8ltkax wrote
I will heed to this…soon.😅
[deleted] t1_j8lud8w wrote
MustFixWhatIsBroken t1_j8lv7h4 wrote
I think the biggest issue is working without potential, being at action without purpose.
There's a great many people hard at work so they don't have to think or feel anything.
Marcu3s t1_j8lwlfd wrote
That's one big ass campfire site.
dplagueis0924 t1_j8m0d8j wrote
It’s pretty obvious: Potential without work. Action is useless.
PorqueTaco t1_j8mhamv wrote
2 deep 4 me
soiramio3000 t1_j8mjq7q wrote
>Your practice at the moment may be developing and testing techniques to optimize for team building.
Hm?what? Are you talking about what I am currently doing or what you believe that I should be doing?
You may want to rephrase that part.
BudwinTheCat t1_j8mriyi wrote
Oh ya you definitely understand
Mat1c444 t1_j8n2ux0 wrote
So if i train hard enough i can become an arsonist
Got it
1stbaam t1_j8n72tk wrote
Have you ever been in that situation? Do you think you could do an hours studying each day after that amount of work?
Not saying you couldn't but I feel that goes beyond motivation. That person is driven by something.
moxinghbian t1_j8nfn7u wrote
The wood grew to be fire wood using that “potential” for the past 20 years, consistently.
frankie0694 t1_j8nh2nv wrote
That’s great, but can you draw when I can find the motivation??
MourkaCat t1_j8nosfl wrote
I do my friend! All the best to you. Hope you manage to do the thing today! And if not, well. There's always tomorrow to try again!
RagingHolly t1_j8xgu74 wrote
Sweet. I'm gonna go start a fire!
rehab_VET t1_j8h9yum wrote
Annnnnnnd I’ll go do another set of weights . Thank you good person of the internets