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Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mvx7w wrote

Because I think the cult stuff is way cooler than the self-help stuff. I don't have a problem. You assumed I had a problem and immediately went on the defensive. I was just trying to start a conversation about a cool subject


sitnlisten t1_j8mw4wr wrote

You said why is no one talking about this. People are talking about it, your lack of exposure isn’t evidence that something isn’t happening. Didn’t go on the defensive. Went on the offensive to pick apart your false statements.


Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mw9yc wrote

It was a hyperbole. I was literally talking about it to. Making my statement false. If I said "Why is no one watching this awesome TV show." It would be false too. Because I would have watched it.


Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mxu3q wrote

Also, you said, "Let them be." As if I was attacking "Jungians.". Cult, while carryng a negative connotation, I like to study old religions so it doesn't carry that meaning with me. Maybe that's where we got off on the wrong foot.


sitnlisten t1_j8my7s0 wrote

Then broach topics in a way people can understand your point. Your first comment is clearly a criticism with no “wow isn’t this interesting” aspect to it at all.