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mezz7778 t1_j8uxurs wrote

Course a kid with one leg is possible.....just cut some kids leg legged kids.....this isn't rocket surgery


hypertonica OP t1_j8uy6zu wrote

She’s not just “some kid” … her name is Ilean.


IJustBeTalking t1_j8vudgg wrote

Joke went over your head. They weren’t referring to Ilean. They were saying a kid with one leg is possible, take any kid and cut their leg off, there you have it.

Edit: fat r/whoosh moment on my part, imma leave this up for the comedy but holy shit i feel on another level of simple minded 🤦🏻‍♂️


madpacifist t1_j8vu43l wrote

You've got a name, you're still just some person.