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Celeste_0211 t1_j8zsa70 wrote

Ah yes, Margaret Thatcher, the iconic fictional character


Amanystya t1_j90n9m0 wrote

And the woman who singlehandedly decimated the working class


criminalsunrise t1_j90no6q wrote

God bless her for that at least.


superfrank_8 t1_j91exyn wrote

Hey Maggie Thatcher, you're all right! Thanks to you, I sleep at night. You keep England safe. You're a very special lady.


afreakinchorizo t1_j926e43 wrote

Therapist: Repeat after me, “The Iron Lady isn’t real, she can’t hurt me any more.”


ca_kingmaker t1_j99pghd wrote

She's the political equivalent of lead poisoning. It will fuck you up long after you're no longer exposed.