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LynxKuroneko t1_j91y77x wrote

Imagine deliberately going to a Motivation post and trying to ruin it. It's okay to be insecure. It isnt okay to force it on others.


lyov11 t1_j91zgcs wrote

Posting an actual motivational quote from an actual sports icon should be more motivational then a blue fish with memory issues. It’s ok to be insecure. It isn’t ok to be motivated by imaginary cartoon characters. Sleep tight Karen.


LynxKuroneko t1_j91zrjo wrote

So you believe a man playing sports is a better inspirational source than fictional characters based off real experiences reflecting on their struggles?

Damn, I definitely couldn't sleep at night if that were me.


lyov11 t1_j923n0r wrote

Those real experiences you speak of are based off of actual real people…so yes, a man playing sports is a better inspirational source than princess bubblegum.


LynxKuroneko t1_j923xts wrote

I'm not sure how to get the point across. Best of luck with figuring it out.
