Recent comments in /f/GetMotivated

the-cafinated-tiger t1_jefqylk wrote

🫣 Luck is a major factor of life, starting with where you get born, later the people you meet ( rather random ) and eventually the macro economic and geopolitical influences. Or are you going to tell people who get struck by a bombardment that they made a bad decision by buying a house where a bomb would explode 20 years later ? And then there's also health, which is affected by global pollution, nuclear disasters, viri...for a major part totally out of our control. Yes you can workout, eat healthy but that doesn't make you immune for the microplastics in your tuna who amongst many not yet fully understood effects mess with your immune system. You might get cancer from those and from jogging in polluted air.


compaqdeskpro t1_jefflb6 wrote

Reply to [Image] by k10001k

I'm reading this in Cillian Murphy's voice.

"Buyer beware. I told you my compound would take you places. I never said they'd be places you wanted to go."


Anthropomorphic_Void t1_jef7g1e wrote

There is no such thing as a good or bad person. Everyone is capable of carrying out actions they believe are good. And everyone knowingly and willingly perform what is precieved to be bad actions. Sometimes in both cases the actions don't do align with the intentions.


johnsolomon t1_jef69e3 wrote

I agree with this. I understand the urge to play devil's advocate but I do think the principle of this picture is a good one. It's implied that there's something better -- an opportunity -- at the top of that latter, so it's pointless to take the photo out of context.

At the end of the day, it's just warning people not to wreck their future to be comfortable now. It's something a lot of us need and I took something away from this reminder. I have a lot of dreams and I've honestly been sitting on my hands lately, so it was a useful kick in the butt.


ShotCommunity1834 t1_jeeykmp wrote

I am sorry that you feel this way but what everyone said above is correct. I have a dependent personality myself but it is our responsibility to create a life for ourselves. You sound like a nice person and you will make friends. Join groups but also try to step out of your comfort zone and initiate conversations. You will be surprised at the way people will respond to you. It will build confidence as well. You deserve a happy life so go get it girl!! 💕


Risket2017 t1_jeev05e wrote

Doesn't offend me at all, scares me a little too. Many of the people in my family have let themselves go, and after being a lazy shit for years I refuse to do the same thing.

Trust me, it creeps up on you. You don't need to be a professional athlete, just develop good habits now and it will pay dividends later in life.


Flacidpickle t1_jeeohef wrote

The basis of this is pretty bleak when you think about it. This quote, or whatever it is, assumes that a plurality of people have a very tenuous grip on their faith in humanity if they have one at all.


ValyrianJedi t1_jeeobbe wrote

I had a single guy change literally my entire life for me when I was like 12 out of a massive act of generosity that came from a total chance encounter... Like I would genuinely be in an entirely different and much worse place 20 years later had that chance encounter not happened... I will never stop looking for it to be my time to pay that one forward