Recent comments in /f/GetMotivated
sleepy_puzzle t1_jegn5om wrote
Reply to [Text] I want people to know this by homie_147
This exactly reflects how my day was. Felt like every movement was as through water, slow and heavy, and everything being seen through a foggy and dull lens. Was beating myself up this morning and felt down for many (some seemingly insignificant) reasons. A lot of my negativity stemming from comparisons with others, not in a constructive kind of way. By around lunchtime I just told myself that ”it’s ok” to feel this way. I’m here and that’s all there is right now. Made the dishes. ”Good work!” Cooked a meal. ”This was delicious!” Studied. ”Proud of today’s accomplishments!”
We should celebrate what we are and do in the ”now” and practice acceptance of what is and what may come. You are enough and you are worthy of love. Most of all, you are worthy of giving it to yourself.
Thank you OP for this post.
[deleted] t1_jegm9y3 wrote
Reply to [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
SamohtGnir t1_jegm5f9 wrote
One of the first things I tell people who are depressed is to stop talking bad about yourself. A lot of people do it as a joke or not too serious, I don't care, stop it! You're not an idiot for making a small mistake. You're not dumb because you forgot your keys. You're smart, you're talented, and you should treat yourself like you deserve.
SamohtGnir t1_jeglova wrote
Reply to [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
I don't need them to like me.
Celcius_87 t1_jegkpyg wrote
Colossus-the-Keen t1_jegklj5 wrote
Reply to comment by gonzo8927 in [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
Confidence : The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
Colossus-the-Keen t1_jegjzfl wrote
Reply to [TEXT] Feeling irrelevant and left in the dust; I need to make friends but it seems impossible. by thequeasydream
Start with one productive thing each day that improves your life. People will come and go, but when you have a healthy mind, you will more likely attract healthy people.You are worthwhile. You are someone that people will want to hang out with. You just have to be patient and wait for a true connection with someone. You will know when you truly get along. New job, new people. New living place, new neighbors. New hobbies, new interactions with likeminded people. I really hope this helps even a little bit.
a-friendgineer OP t1_jeggpdp wrote
Reply to comment by Casandy420 in [Discussion] Nervous about taxes by a-friendgineer
I freak out because I want to make sure to recieve the maximum benefit.
I know I had to redact some previous taxes and I'm scared to do that too.
gonzo8927 t1_jegg3fj wrote
Reply to comment by Restless_Wonderer in [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
Kind of. In my eyes, as a salesman, I very much care what the client thinks.
So I have to approach a situation knowing that they will like me, not "if they don't oh well"
Just my perspective though
Smick33 t1_jegg27b wrote
Reply to [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
Confidence is not thinking about either of those things.
Casandy420 t1_jegfxns wrote
Reply to [Discussion] Nervous about taxes by a-friendgineer
Just make an honest attempt to do your best and the IRS will help you figure it out if something is wrong. Idk why people freak out about it.
CrayonDelicacies t1_jegfqsy wrote
They’d probably make even more jokes about my ego.
Restless_Wonderer t1_jegd8id wrote
Reply to comment by gonzo8927 in [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
Confidence is not caring what others think
gonzo8927 t1_jeg9pj9 wrote
Reply to comment by justasmalltowndad in [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
I interpreted this as thoughts before doing something. I mean, after the fact, if they don't like you, they don't like you, lol.
Edit: "I'll be fine if they don't", shows a level of doubt in your abilities, so to me, that's still a lack of confidence. I would say that's more of perseverance.
justasmalltowndad t1_jeg7bfd wrote
Reply to [Text] 30 Days No YouTube Challenge by Infern00b
I'm down and have been wanting to find a group to do this challenge for years. YouTube is the great hidden scourge on our time.
justasmalltowndad t1_jeg56vs wrote
Reply to comment by gonzo8927 in [Image] Confidence is not “they will like me” by Dark-GV
You can have confidence in a situation where no one likes you and you know they don't.
Ok_Audience_3413 t1_jeg2e1y wrote
Reply to [image] We all can be better by dee_castafiore
I have been that person for 20+ years and I’m tired. Someone else’s turn
FuckYouThrowaway99 t1_jefz212 wrote
Reply to comment by Eddi_imma_ready in [image] We all can be better by dee_castafiore
Don Cormeone
ItsYaBoySkinnyPen15 t1_jefy3ee wrote
kingtitusmedethe4th t1_jefx2el wrote
Reply to comment by DatTF2 in [image] We all can be better by dee_castafiore
It took me a long time to learn how to be assertive without sounding aggressive. Because I like to keep my resentments to myself, when I finally speak up, it typically comes out a little more intensely than planned. Learn to set boundaries early and hold people to those boundaries. I promise it is possible.
[deleted] t1_jeftglw wrote
Reply to [image] We all can be better by dee_castafiore
thequeasydream OP t1_jefriia wrote
Reply to comment by Legal_Beginning471 in [TEXT] Feeling irrelevant and left in the dust; I need to make friends but it seems impossible. by thequeasydream
I don’t have a dependent personality type, I am a very independent person. I keep to myself entirely, do everything myself, I’m 100% financially independent and I don’t ask anything from anyone and don’t even share how I feel with people. I don’t think I could be more independent if I tried.
dee_castafiore OP t1_jego7ka wrote
Reply to comment by kingtitusmedethe4th in [image] We all can be better by dee_castafiore
>It took me a long time to learn how to be assertive without sounding aggressive.
Same. Also, as you said set boundaries is an important thing because (some) people will not hesitate to set them for you.