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t1_iuyn5b5 wrote

Not house related, but I recently started a new RN job at Hartford Hospital and it is FABULOUS. I highly recommend that your wife applies for positions there


OP t1_iuyr4bh wrote

Good to know you love it!! That is on top of her list (above Middlesex, children's and UConn health). Is there a resource to look up average nursing salaries in the area?


t1_iuz1rd6 wrote

Glassdoor for salary checks.

I also work at Hartford Hospital and absolutely love it. So much that I ended up leaving a federal job to come back. It's the best place I've ever worked.

ETA: I commute from Plainville to Hartford every day. If I get on 84 by 8:35 I'm usually pulling into the parking garage by 8:57.


t1_iv0mz17 wrote

Also, a new RN job with the Newington VA just got posted. If she can get into the VA… great pay, vacation time, benefits… and unlike the other hospitals in the area, sick time is separate from vacation time and can be used if a loved one/kids are sick. I know so many coworkers who got screwed out of their vacation time because they had to stay home days/weeks to take care of little ones.