Submitted by Kitchen-Spray-1984 t3_ylg7mk in Hartford
thriftshopmusketeer t1_iv1i88e wrote
Reply to comment by thriftshopmusketeer in Relocating to Hartford with kids by Kitchen-Spray-1984
There's also Uconn and St Francis in close range of the town--10 minute drive without any highways to maneuver.
Kitchen-Spray-1984 OP t1_iv2ybsw wrote
I am picking up this theme here that it is better to avoid highways. Do other roads get cleared fast enough in winters?
thriftshopmusketeer t1_iv2ynlh wrote
The highways in general aren’t too bad, with the exception specifically for 84 & 91 in and around Hartford. That interchange is some foul blasphemy against the dreams of Man.
The roads get cleared at a good pace unless it’s a REAL storm, and those are rare. Honestly, the snow in general is quite anemic these days. We go most of the winter bare. It’s sad.
Kitchen-Spray-1984 OP t1_iv353o8 wrote
> We go most of the winter bare. It’s sad.
Really, for some reason I thought CT gets a ton of snow like Boston?
I am coming from a cold Midwest city where it doesn't snow much but temps are frigid through April.
thriftshopmusketeer t1_iv35gzm wrote
We used to, when I was young. But it lessened, year by year. Nowadays we usually get 1-2 4-8” storms in late winter and only spattered inches beyond that.
Kitchen-Spray-1984 OP t1_iv36cu6 wrote
And when does spring or end of winters usually come around?
thriftshopmusketeer t1_iv36xn8 wrote
April. March might start to feel nice. Do not trust it. It is a liar and a deceiver.
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