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pbcttt02 t1_j4sux9p wrote

Any word if they are just moving to a safer location ? It is bad there


murbike OP t1_j4szbsm wrote

No new location according to the linked story.

That neighborhood has been rough since they opened. I started going when they opened, and never had any issues.


u16173 t1_j4v20b9 wrote

Cool Moose. It will always be the Cool Moose to me.


FalcosLiteralyHitler t1_j4vdeo4 wrote

Weren't they closing like a year ago but didn't actually? Hopefully it's the same this time


rediot t1_j4vkkus wrote

This is the fourth time in ten years they have been in their last week before closing, it will be a shame to see them go, but "boy who cried wolf" comes to mind and I think the owners are playing fast and loose with people's jobs.


NillyGuy t1_j4w7fdc wrote

Cool vibes there but I rarely ever see more than a couple of tables filled and that area is sketch