Submitted by GrizzlyNaturals-com t3_11ufgnc in IAmA
Submitted by GrizzlyNaturals-com t3_11ufgnc in IAmA
What if women use your soap?
Would you recommend using this for internal use?
How many bars of soap do you make a day?
Why is soap called soap?
Do you make soup?
Grizzly as in Grizzly Bare?
Do you know rampart?
Do you need a CFO?
Do you fully understand how much damage you'll do to your brand if you dont handle this AMA well?
Which one’s your favorite product?
Please do not eat our soap or use it internally in any other way.
Right now, we make 500-1000 bars a month, daily it can vary. We are growing and having to make more quickly though! We also sell other products.
Soap got its name from an ancient Roman legend about Mount Sapo. Rain would wash down the mountain mixing with animal fat and ashes, resulting in a clay mixture found to make cleaning easier.
I do occasionally make soup to eat.
Grizzly as in Grizzly Bear, but Grizzly Bare would be a good soap name
I do not know Rampart, unless you're talking about rampart from Apex Legends lol.
Look, he just wants to talk about Rampart.
Our scents are more appealing to men, but women can use our soap as well!
We do not currently need a CFO, but if we ever do I will be sure to reach out to you Mr. owner-of-the-boner.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration
My favorite scent is our Cozy Cabin, or Calming Forest. Black Licorice is also really nice, but it's a love it or hate it type of scent. All the scents are great though, everyone's preferences vary.
I'm new to Reddit, but I'll tread carefully!
How about a C-3PO?
I want some proceeds of Grizzly Bare to go to getting socks for homeless. Deal?
Also rampart is a great movie, you should check it out with Woody Harlelyson.. or what ever his name is.
Sounds sexy
I call dibs on R2D2
[deleted] t1_jcnymt1 wrote