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sandiegoopera OP t1_it8ivsx wrote

I just did a quick search on "conductor motions" on YouTube, and a bunch of promising videos came up. Try that?

And for your six-year-old -- That's awesome he's into music! Have you tried looking up kiddie concerts in your area, either through your local orchestra or other ensembles? These tend to be shorter, encourage clapping at frequent points for that physical release for kids, etc. I'm also wondering about getting your kid some music lessons on his chosen instrument, or into a local little kiddie choir? Sounds like there's talent there for a proud daddy to cultivate! :)


BestCatEva t1_ita1u03 wrote

The lack of musical instrument instruction in the elementary schools is so sad. Getting past that first year is hard — and starting that in middle school makes it even harder.

Definitely look into a music school that can give your guy a ‘tour’ of instruments.