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stevesdemoreels OP t1_iu25uf1 wrote

Haha, well considering I'm trying to get it made on a smaller budget I doubt we'd be able to afford him. Would be tough to say no to him if he wanted to be in it though.

The idea just kind of came to me. I had been working as an actor doing small parts in big movies, doing the audition grind and was looking for a way to take my career to "the next level".

I saw an interview with Jon Favreau on Charlie Rose about how he was a struggling actor and wrote Swingers for he and himself to star in, and I related a lot to the things he was saying, and thought that maybe if he could do it, I could do it too.

I've always loved Halloween but I'm not a big horror movie guy, and I thought there was definitely a market for a movie like this. Especially nowadays I feel like there's not a lot of good comedies that are being made and I'd like to be part of the solution in changing that.

This is the Favreau interview:


Darkchyylde t1_iu274bd wrote

That's awesome. I do love the idea and would totally watch it