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HuskyDread t1_ix0tvng wrote

How did you get into the virtual reality industry? I'm currently a college student and I want to work with VR in the future, but there's not a lot of programs to get started with it.


EzekielNOR OP t1_ix0vnvw wrote

Inspiration after a friend of mine had a brain stroke. Combined with being a indie developer/hobbyist for mange years using Unreal Engine.

I don't know what the best way into the games industry these days is- it can be very hard. But starting off small, doing your own projects and getting noticed, building a portfolio with VR things is always a good way to go about it I believe.


Chaosbuggy t1_ix0xs2i wrote

I really appreciate your transparency with the limits of what the games do, and the extent of your medical knowledge. I bet that a lot of people in tech are interested in helping in the medical field, but don't feel they have the right expertise for that. I feel that way, at least.

I hope your AMA inspires other people to reconsider how their skillsets could help in other fields; it has certainly inspired me!


EzekielNOR OP t1_ix0ybry wrote

Thank you for the kind words. If I inspire one person -that is mission complete for me. <3

It can be daunting to start projects like these. We didn't have extensive medical knowledge outside a keen interest in the topics - but that is why we allied ourselves with a good hospital - to weigh up for our own limitations.

If you feel limited in anything you do - find people that compliment you! :)


HuskyDread t1_ix0wj8i wrote

Thanks for the response! I also have a question that's a bit off topic, but do you how the VR industry is in Norway? I currently live in America but I want to move to a different country and currently Norway is my top choice, but I don't know much about the industries there.


EzekielNOR OP t1_ix0wz2l wrote

We have a few studios working with VR I believe. And within digital twins, training I believe the market will grow rapidly.


snertwith2ls t1_ix1g1tu wrote

Any chance of being able to apply any of your work to tinnitus?


EzekielNOR OP t1_ix2uyvb wrote

Masking sounds could be a potential avenue - but I don't know enough about tinnitus. We teamed up with a hospital to deal with the medical side of our project.


snertwith2ls t1_ix3e1d3 wrote

Thanks for your response. I was hoping for some brain retraining exercises, I heard that works better than masking but haven't been able to find anything yet. Years ago there were some options on youtube but ever since the "misinformation" purge it's been harder to find those kinds of things.