Modulus16 t1_ix1p3ni wrote
Does your VR game work with people who have homonymous hemianopsia after a stroke in the occipital lobe of the brain? I’ve been hesitant to try VR games since I can’t process one entire half of my visual field.
Has any of your research been focused on 1) accommodating people with visual field defects or 2) helping people with recent strokes restore even some of their lost vision due to stroke damage in the brain (who have otherwise fully functioning eyes)?
EzekielNOR OP t1_ix2w998 wrote
There shouldn't be any issues using it with mono-vision, but of course depth perception will be limited as in real life. It will be significantly harder, but not any different from real life.
A small note that we didn't write research papers on this but developed it through workshops and clinical use. User and hospital feedback combined with iterations and in conjunction with qualified medical personnel. Continued clinical use is planned.
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