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shrimptooth OP t1_j1boanm wrote

It's a good question! One I'm asked all the time. I actually don't do drugs at all. I smoked weed a bit in high school and college but other than that I'm mostly a Bud Light and Coke Zero kind of guy.


LeVampirate t1_j1butsv wrote

Oh, that sounds like a deplorable cocktail, but if it gets the creative juices flowing I'll take a double.


radicz t1_j1cw63y wrote

But.. beer with coke is delicious, one of my favorite summertime drinks.

Edit: to all the butthurt beer gatekeepers, just try it. It's a popular drink in some countries.


SanguinePar t1_j1e6yb0 wrote

I don't fancy it, but people do drink beer with lemonade, aka Shandy (not sure if that's a common name for it outside the UK?) so you never know, maybe coke and lager is where it's at?


CINHelloChess t1_j1e72gk wrote

It literally is popular in many countries, over here it's called "diesel". I have no idea why you're getting downvoted. It actually makes drinking harsher beers pleasant to me.


Buddahrific t1_j1f46qo wrote

I tried it but didn't have beer so I substituted milk, and I didn't have coke so I substituted soy sauce. A bit on the salty side but not bad overall. I'm going to start recommending this cocktail myself.


Loves_Semi-Colons t1_j1ffqgf wrote

How do you pour/ mix it?


radicz t1_j1fk5fz wrote

This varies a bit by taste - I'd say usually it is something between 1 part beer to 1 part coke up to 2 parts beer to 1 part coke.

It does make a small difference whether you pour the beer or the coke first:

Beer first - less foaming

Coke first - they mix better

Results may vary based on your chosen beers, so just experiment a bit with ratio and pour if you like the taste.

Also don't let it sit for too long, else the drink might start to flake a bit - still safe for consumption, but it's best to drink it freshly poured. (Again this might vary a bit based on your beers)


ImTrappedInAComputer t1_j1ea96w wrote

There's a German beer you can buy in that's mixed with a grapefruit juice and it's delicious.


readytobelieveyou t1_j1f1j05 wrote

Kolaweiss. It's a great hangover cure but not something I'm drinking a ton of.


TriblialBrainDamblge t1_j1ccu82 wrote

I doubt he meant at the same time but his brain obviously works differently than mine so who knows?


abraxasisall t1_j1cd9qs wrote

The person you’re replying to was not being serious. Everyone knows you only mix bud light and sprite.


-ineedsomesleep- t1_j1cg24y wrote

Nothing wrong with a shandy.


Hidesuru t1_j1cw78g wrote

Jesus my stomach was already feeling rocky this morning and you gotta go and do this to me.


mad0666 t1_j1czrjh wrote

Haven’t had Sprite in probably 30 years but do drink BL often, and I have to admit this sounds delicious


kpopera t1_j1d3nyv wrote

Right, so just water and sugar flavored water.


roofuskit t1_j1ddzl6 wrote

So no drugs, except alcohol and caffeine...