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revanon OP t1_j1kntyg wrote

Faith isn't the same as science, and neither are meant to take the place of the other.


PhartN t1_j1kozjz wrote

To have faith that humans devised something so reliant on the faith that humans are faithful to honesty is a major flaw in the system of Christianity. I would argue that religious “faith”preys on science. The science of biology and chemistry in our DNA.

Edit: also, that’s a go away answer.


Old-Tip-4898 t1_j1l148a wrote

If you asked "Why is it that there is not one single piece of real tangible evidence that art exists?" what are people supposed to say? If I say "What about Michelangelo's 'David'?" you can just say "Michelangelo was a hack. That's not real art." and repeat the process with each new example. Because art and science aren't the same as one another and don't work the same way. Trying to come up with an example of art/theology that pleases you personally doesn't seem like a good use of anybody's time.

Besides, there are plenty of not-tangible, not-visible things we know to exist. I am not nearly as smart as this guy. But I know that even if you couldn't touch or see the plague before van Leeuwenhoek, you still died if you caught it.


texturediguana t1_j1kugks wrote

How can faith prey on science, when they regard fundamentally exclusive domains?

People argue against objective evidence from the perspective of faith, but I’d argue they are just sticking their fingers in their ears. Faith concerns belief, that which is unprovable or unknowable. Science concerns everything except that.

Edit: typos, and, I completely sympathize with your frustrations. Using religion to fight fact is counterproductive for everybody.


rydan t1_j1la4gg wrote

Why should faith have any place anywhere? Have you seen what happened to all those people that invested crypto recently? What is to say religion isn't a similar scam?