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ZoeZobo t1_j51r9vf wrote

Hi Mel! Oh man I have so many questions… I am in the middle of reading your High 5 Habit book and identify with a lot of what you talk about. I feel like my “problems” are stacked, like they are all connected and effect each other, and even if I address the very bottom issue in the stack it won’t necessarily effect the other issues. I will give you an example, I am a people pleaser! I have a sh*t ton of learning disabilities and went to a bunch of different private schools growing up. My teachers were always sending me the message that I wasn’t good enough, I couldn’t do it. They actually would sometimes tell me I couldn’t do things. I was pulled out of school for teachers treating me badly as well. As a result I always tried to befriend adults because I knew at some point they wouldn’t like me, maybe showing them in the beginning how cool I could be, how nice I was would effect how much they hated me later on. I learned people would never really like me for who I was, and that was stacked on my learning disabilities, people seeing me as less because I didn’t understand things the way they did. The learning disabilities are never going to go away, so how can I detach the two issues that I view as connected? Hopefully this makes sense. I love you and everything you do for yourself and for us, thank you!


Mel-Robbins OP t1_j51upg6 wrote

Everything is connected. And it has nothing to do with your learning disabilities. You need to learn to love yourself as you are, despite it all.

If you can do that - and I'm not saying it's the easiest thing to do - it takes time, it's a muscle you need to build, but it changes everything. So much of your question is about things outside of you. What other people think, what other people say, how other people see you.

The answers to this question are about you and your relationship to yourself. you get that right and the outside world really doesn't matter.

You need to listen to this and follow the advice-


ZoeZobo t1_j51zi6z wrote

Here’s another one. I am a huge people pleaser and often when someone does something that really bothers me, in the moment I tell them it’s no big deal and not to worry, but after I end up frustrated with myself because I wasn’t as honest as I should have been. In the moment I truly feel like I’m saying the right thing though, it’s not until after that I get frustrated with myself for not expressing what I felt, but in a a reasonable way. How do you teach yourself to do that in the moment and feel comfortable enough to speak freely when it could be off putting to others?