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team_reply_all t1_j608737 wrote

What are your fave lakes at ELA and why?


iisd_ela OP t1_j60dfl3 wrote

Chris: Lake 227 for being fairly symmetrical and bowl-shaped. The bathymetry map looks beautiful – available publicly and free here, in the “Current Maps” section of our larger bathymetry data package.

Thomas: The curtain experiment on Lake 226 was one of the most impactful early experiments at ELA. The hourglass shape of the lake makes for nice aerial photos!

Scott: Lake our knowledge it is the longest running whole lake experiment in the world....and still providing excellent policy relevant scientific outputs. We are also adding phosphorus to two new lakes (Lakes 303 and L304) and are turning bright green with algal blooms.

Sonya: Lake 227 is probably my favorite lake as well for the same reasons stated above. It’s the lake most researchers and students want to visit since they learn about it in university. However, it is also my least favorite lake from an analytical standpoint; since it is experimentally eutrophic, it has high nutrient concentrations, which means we have to dilute the samples to be within our analytical range.

Mike: I like Lake 979. It’s a beautiful, small, diverse wetland with a gorgeous waterfall at the far end. I started my research at ELA there, so I have many great memories of it.