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Reiiser OP t1_j6xwlw6 wrote

Thank you :)
I have accepted - and was i wrote somewhere else - we all are born, we all die - this is literally the only constant in life :) All People before me had to die, so i think it has to be ok :)


sarc311 t1_j6y18kk wrote

What a great attitude. I hope your remaining time is filled doing as many of your favorite things as possible. Positive vibes and love spread your way.


Saltpataydahs t1_j6yk3dh wrote

It will be okay. Nothing 'bad' happens when you die. There's no reason for it to. For most people the biggest fear is nothingness but that won't happen either. It's just not bad, not necessarily good either. But the good news is if being dead makes you sad, and being away from your lived ones makes you feel bad, you won't feel that way when you die. Because that's bad and nothing bad happens when you die.