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bohanmyl t1_j8mxq55 wrote

Hi! Whats the best way to get started on IFS therapy solo and what reading is recommended to start with?


LucilleAaronWayne OP t1_j8n446s wrote

Hi u/bohanmyl. There are a few ways to get started, and the right way for you depends on your comfort with being in the unknown.

If you're up for taking a little leap, to trying IFS without "knowing" with certainty how to do it: I'd recommend listening to my free IFS audio guide - There's a beautiful workbook there as well which will help you get set up. All you need to do is carve out some private time for yourself, get a pen and journal, and follow the audio guide.

A lot of people love the experience and find it very meaningful.

However, some people want step-by-step instructions every step of the way. The good news: You can find those in Bonnie Weiss's workbook or Jay Earley's overview of self-therapy or more general guidance in Dick Schwartz's No Bad Parts: . The not-so-good news: Many people find applying the classic IFS process to themselves not very effective over the long term. (I explain why here:

Lasting healing with IFS requires trusting your inner system and being led by Self. And if we're following a manual every step of the way, we're not trusting our systems. We're following a manual and, more often than not, manufacturing something that resembles Self.

But it's perfectly ok to start with detailed guidance as long as you know that in order to make solo IFS a lifelong healing tool, you'll eventually need to spread your wings and leap into trusting yourself.

My own workbook all about solo IFS is coming out autumn 2023! If you want to join my inner circle launch team (and get an early copy), you can join my email list to get an invite: