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HHS2019 t1_j8t3whh wrote

Thank you for doing this. Do you think that humanity should engage in climate change mitigation and adaptation, rather than attempting to reduce carbon emissions?

To be clear, I understand the science and PPM calculations, but I don't foresee a world where all countries, particularly China, India, and Russia will promote a carbon-free or low-emission economy...and I doubt that the U.S. has the willpower to do so any time soon.


mit_catastrophe OP t1_j8tdocc wrote

Thanks for your question! Clearly the answer is to do both. But how much to each? That depends on relative costs and benefits, time horizons, how easy or hard it is to actually implement certain policy changes, etc. --- and unfortunately these are all things we have no particular expertise in. Nevertheless we think that this discussion is important; democracy probably has an important role to play here.