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fusiongt021 t1_j9xkjc5 wrote

How was the pay? Make more then or now


video_call_girl t1_j9xkrcj wrote

Good question. I was super consistent across the 10 years. As mentioned in another comment. $1700 was my average. $900 on a bad night and around $2300 on a great night.

In the 10 years I had some outlier nights. There may have been two terrible nights in the middle of winter I made $60. There also may have been some crazy good nights during the Christmas season where I made $2500- $2700. I never left the clubs to F anyone so I just made money from lap dances.

Oh an in terms of do I make more now or then... Hmmm Nov/ Dec/ Jan you would say I make more now. But Im having a pretty bad month this month financially.


LazyChemist t1_j9xlcn6 wrote

What would you say was your annual salary?


video_call_girl t1_j9xm7lr wrote

Around $150K. I would work around 2 nights a week on average. Some weeks 1 night, some weeks 3 nights. I would also take weeks if not months off. I was also drinking a lotttt and partying a lottt in the first 5 years.


cheesebrah t1_j9xo8y6 wrote

yup this is the lifestyle. i was a bouncer at a club for a bit and was amazed at how alot of the girls were always broke. than i figured it out quick. most had vices. lol.