Submitted by jessie4_ t3_11howgv in InternetIsBeautiful
gaslight_blues t1_jaupy71 wrote
I personally do all my web development in Assembly.
ultramadden t1_javnovl wrote
who would voluntarily do a jQuery course in 2023???
that shit is straight outta 2006
jessie4_ OP t1_javs9m0 wrote
i'm impressed by the course.. i mean the guy developed an app like twitter & instagram by using php/jquery and if u look at the project you can't tell jquery is used behind.. look at the project it's live ->
ultramadden t1_jaw0d0k wrote
your title implies something interly different. Gotta work on atleast giving a little hint what your trying to say
but this isn't the sub I thought it was so that might be on me....
arbuge00 t1_jawsgf2 wrote
It's ok for beginners, but you really should consider microcode.
garlopf t1_jauiy0b wrote
Python + FastAPI with async io all the way...