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Brut-i-cus t1_jde0bbo wrote

In my back yard because it is going over my house

Unless of course I have to drive to avoid clouds


alpacasarebadsingers t1_jderl3t wrote

For the last eclipse I made my family drive an hour north. They said “Atlanta is 99% eclipse, why do we need 100%?” I said shut the fuck up and get in the car. Then right when it was going to happen it got cloudy where we were. I made them all get in the car and we drove 3 miles down the road for clear skies.

Totally worth it.


Calfredie01 t1_jdeykg3 wrote

That last percent really does make a world of difference


Brut-i-cus t1_jdeys4l wrote

I am from Ohio an we drive about 8 hours to see it

We made a nice family vacation of it visiting Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Dollywood

I had been prepared to drive as far S was necessary even if it meant St Louis or farther to be able to see it and I will be ready to do the same this time if I have to drive that far to see it again

To get to see it happen twice in one lifetime and only having to travel mere hours to make it happen is a great piece of luck


JGCities t1_jdg9x68 wrote

Learned that lesson the hard way.

Charlotte got a bit dark, Columbia got totally dark.

Too lazy for 2 hour drive for event of a life time (probably)


alpacasarebadsingers t1_jdh47ph wrote

Our original plan was to go to Charleston to watch it on a boat, but then the weather was going to be shit for Charleston and I changed to north Georgia mountains. All the people we were going to see in Charleston were unimpressed by the eclipse behind 100% cloud cover.

That’s why for this next eclipse I’m reluctant to make big plans. Plane tickets, house rental, etc. what if there is a storm that day?


righthandofdog t1_jdharzl wrote

We were staying in Charleston. Drove 39 miles towards Columbus that day to get clear skies. Pro-tip - big lakes pull humidity out of the skies during the day and tend to have clearer skies


righthandofdog t1_jdhaln3 wrote

We're in Atlanta, my son got stuck in traffic and did the 99% thing. We'd gone to Charleston, chased clear skies an hour away and were just blown away. He saw our pictures and video and heard us talking about it and realized he'd fucked up


alpacasarebadsingers t1_jdhkl7n wrote

Yeah. 99% eclipse is a lot closer to 0% than 100%


righthandofdog t1_jdhsf0i wrote

yup. walking around under a corona is just fucking magical. I only regret that I hadn't smoked a bowl 20 minutes earlier.


welshlondoner t1_jdh7hmp wrote

I'm from the UK. We went to Florida for two weeks and drove for 10 hours to Tennessee to see it.


hannahbay t1_jdgd1qx wrote

Yep. My parent's house is in Indiana along the path of totality. April 8 is marked on everyone's calendars, everyone is taking the whole day off, we have out of state family and friends coming in, we're having a party and hopefully we don't have to drive to find clear skies. Luckily though it is later in the day so if we do need to drive, we have time.


PurpleSunCraze t1_jdgbopg wrote

You’re driving too high if clouds are an issue, get closer to the ground.


ceruleanpure t1_jdg0zte wrote

Aw crap. I’m coming to the mainland to see it and I’m still debating on what state to go to. I was going to avoid renting car; but I guess it’ll be safer if I do. I don’t want to miss this!!!