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jadayne t1_jdrrakz wrote

Those sliders need to show values as I'm sliding them. Most of my time on that site was moving up 3, moving back 2, moving up 1, etc. :-)


0IIie OP t1_jdrzbnm wrote

If you have suggestions for improvements that could make the tool more useful it would be appreciated, the V3 is already in development!

Cloudburst will remain free forever, with no requirement to login.


WHATD_YOU_EXPECT_ t1_jds2bcg wrote

I don’t know how to answer most of these questions. I work weekends often and can’t qualify many other variables due to my nonstandard 9-5.


0IIie OP t1_jdsb97l wrote

It should still work fine for you :) Just figure out a daily average for your whole week then divide it by 7, then set both weekday and weekend work hours the same. For all other inputs it's the same, try to find an approximate weekly total then divide it by 7.


0IIie OP t1_jdsdxn7 wrote

Thanks for the feedback, the limits are there because otherwise it makes it hard to use the slider accurately on mobile. So there had to be a slight compromise for some users. If it is your profession you can use the 'working' input which has higher limits.


iamnotinterested2 t1_jdsje3b wrote

very machine like, surely the creativity that brought us here was not done in a factory style living.


YoRt3m t1_jdskiqm wrote

I don't know if it's because it's late or I'm just part of the short attention span era, but I saw all those sliders and just gave up the whole thing


0IIie OP t1_jdss43b wrote

Unfortunately it's not technically possible with these sliders due to a jquery limitation. The next update will switch to a different slider system on mobile to make live values possible.


the_star_lord t1_jdsv528 wrote

At the age of 32 and only have 600ish free days until my approx death is kinda depressing.

Going by that I have 2 years of free time.


DocJawbone t1_jdsxdl1 wrote

This is very neat/depressing. What does "consistently inactive" mean though?


JamJiggy t1_jdsygra wrote

Wtf are vital activities? Cool idea but I'm just confused as to how I've wasted my life.


InspectorG-007 t1_jdsz5c2 wrote

Living in a van down by the river is fine by me as long as I have no neighbors.


Shadrach451 t1_jdt1r9a wrote

This is the future. If you scroll down you will learn that 60% of your remaining time on Earth will be spent moving little sliders around trying to find the correct values.


Shadrach451 t1_jdt2fyg wrote

Then set the week days and the weekends the same and make them half of what you work during you ON weeks.

I'm baffled that so many people are struggling with the idea of estimating average activity in a week. This isn't science; just estimate something close and look at the output.


NW_thoughtful t1_jdt4958 wrote

This data and website are a useless waste of time and offer no insight.


mano-vijnana t1_jdt4xal wrote

The world is changing very rapidly right now. I think it's pretty safe to say that we don't have much of an idea how we're going to spend our futures.


0IIie OP t1_jdt9kn6 wrote

This is looking to find out whether you are at least occasionally physically active, or have been living a sedentary lifestyle for an extended period of your life.

Some research indicates that being physically active can extend your life by reducing many major mortality risk factors including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The first study below suggests that all-cause mortality is decreased by about 30% to 35% in physically active as compared to inactive subjects.

You can read more about this here:


aloof_logic t1_jdt9v35 wrote

this is a neat tool, but i’ll choose not to distill my everyday life into numbers, for my sanity, of course


Logical-Direction361 t1_jdtabrz wrote

Not applicable in America or China where you’ll work until you’re dead unless you benefit from nepotism.


nas_deferens t1_jdtfxi2 wrote

I like this but it may be easier to start by asking questions for each of the slider categories and then spit out the filled in sliders and results. Maybe for some of the difficult to quantify times you can have suggestions. Just a thought but I like this and want to spend some time to track myself now


funkcatbrown t1_jdtlsbe wrote

For some reason I got large negative spares on all of it. Probably because some of my choices did not add up to 24 hours but I’m guessing more than 24 hours a day. I feel like it would be better if there was some way you could make it so those choices about how much time you spend doing what had to add up to 24 hours so no negative spare results. Didn’t feel like going back and redoing it either since sliders weren’t very good on my phone.


Notunnecessarily t1_jdu6oaf wrote

Where is the slider for the amount of time I'm spending doing this assessment?


hdeanzer t1_jduafot wrote

Remarkable. Cognitively reorganizing to see it visually represented like that, for sure. Super well done—thanks. I’m gonna look at this when I need to use an existential crisis about reality to kick me in the pants


Magikarpeles t1_jdue5nw wrote

You have to spend your time in some way. What’s the point of this?


ktappe t1_jduf0ip wrote

Welp, I have 10,000 days left to live. Yay. Now what do I do?


titaniana t1_jdugcpy wrote

This is an interesting idea, but doesnt allow for doing multiple tasks at once like watching TV while working out, or socializing while on your lunch break at work. Kinda oversimplifying, which exaggerates the amount of time you really use in a day.


rebeltrillionaire t1_jdugwhe wrote

The only real eye opener is that if you feel like you really only get something like 20-30 free days a year. Once you take sleep and showering and pooping and eating… that ~25 days isn’t 600 hours of free time. It’s more like 250. So yeah you probably have less than 1 year (8,000 hours) fully awake and a blank slate of non-work, non-vital activities left by the time you are 35.


stevent4 t1_jduh3ra wrote

I'm confused as to what the point of this is? Most people are already aware of how much time they spend doing certain things, what's the tool supposed to tell us? What does it have to do with villages being swept away? It just comes across as vague, self help. "Read more!", "Exercise more!" Aren't helpful things to tell people. People know this. It also comes across as the programmers own personal opinion on things that they view as negative. I play a lot of video games because I enjoy them but according to this I'm wasting my life by doing something I enjoy?


stevent4 t1_jduh83i wrote

It's just repeating what a lot of cheap self help peddlers tell you, read more, cook more, exercise more without actually addressing the core reasons why those things have gone down.


hinowisaybye t1_jdva98f wrote

Doesn't account for overlap. Eg I'm at work and on social media right now.


Thedude317 t1_jdvc3w0 wrote

Yea that’s not it chief, I only interact with websites if I HAVE TO on my phone, everything other than cursory searches I perform on actual computers with superior human interface devices.

Though, you can make a convincing argument that in a modern world you should have ux/ui that is cross platform compatible, but I’m sure you’ve experienced a shittier mobile page than a desktop page.


0IIie OP t1_jdvdq4c wrote

Yeah that means it added up to more than the available time (24hrs). It's a little difficult to get everything inputted on a mobile screen, you should find it easier on a larger screen that shows everything at once. Sorry for the slider trouble.


0IIie OP t1_jdveczo wrote

Apologies for the difficulty inputting your info, the next update should make it a little easier. The focus was on keeping everything as simple as possible, but these sliders aren't ideal due to the jquery limitation on updating values in real time.


0IIie OP t1_jdvhdex wrote

The tool aims to help you reflect and use your time however you feel best. It purposefully doesn't prescribe one 'right' way, because there isn't one. Only you can decide how you want to spend your day, though this tool may be useful to get a second perspective.


0IIie OP t1_jdvhqsm wrote

Where does it say any of that? The only reference to exercise would be the impact it has on lifespan, which is based on an average taken from a range of scientific papers. If you would like to see them I'm happy to provide further info.


0IIie OP t1_jdvi4fa wrote

The tool aims to help you reflect and use your time however you feel best. It purposefully doesn't prescribe one 'right' way, because there isn't one. Only you can decide how you want to spend your day, though this tool may be useful to get a second perspective. It's perfectly good to choose video games as a way to enjoy your day :)


Iwantmyflag t1_jdvikq5 wrote

Every second spent on that site certainly is wasted time. Classic input=output

Do you work? Yes.

Result: You work.


0IIie OP t1_jdviwo3 wrote

Thank you for the useful feedback! The aim was to keep it simple and compact to make mobile use possible, but there's definitely room for improvement with the slider UI.


0IIie OP t1_jdvj7g6 wrote

Yup, I'm with you. Unfortunately even after a lot of work investigating this it wasn't possible to resolve without switching to a different slider system that has it's own drawbacks.


0IIie OP t1_jdvmzy2 wrote

A lot of time was spent investigating this previously but it wasn't possible to resolve without switching to a different slider system that has it's own drawbacks. There is a jquery problem with the browser that in this case prevents real time values as the slider moves.


covertpetersen t1_jdvsoe0 wrote

>At the age of 32 and only have 600ish free days until my approx death is kinda depressing.

>Going by that I have 2 years of free time.

I'm confused. Average Canadian lives until 82, so that's 50 more years.

Even if you only get weekends off, and never take a vacation day or holiday, that alone is 104 days a year. Multiply that by 50 years and you get 5,200 days. If you sleep for 8 hours a day you're left with 3,467 days.

Where's the 600 coming from?


johnjeudiTitor t1_jdvwu23 wrote

i didn't think it was possible for me to hate work more


0IIie OP t1_jdw2hi8 wrote

Thanks yeah I can definitely see that being useful, also ideally the value text can be switched to a number input field. It's just that that creates some trouble keeping the input's value updated with the slider.


KodyBerns99 t1_jdw6rtt wrote

Interesting tool! It sounds like it could be helpful for those who want to make more intentional use of their time. I'll have to check it out.


Anokest t1_je1e2ub wrote

I get that, thanks :) I think it would be good to ask for weekly spent time on activities though since it is easier to estimate and calculate. Lots of the activities you ask for aren't done daily, but probably weekly or biweekly.


SansCitizen t1_je8ft21 wrote

Well, I answered as accurately as I could, and for some reason it seems to think I'm going to spend -52.7 hours/day awake. As in, every day, I will be unconscious for a little over 2 days?

... How do I make the most of that?