Submitted by rgthree t3_ygl2ll in InternetIsBeautiful
Indie_Undies t1_iu9o4mh wrote
Reply to comment by -REDDIT-USERNAME- in Nostalgic website in 90s “Geocities” style for tracking Halloween movies 📼🎃 by rgthree
I recommend you to check out sites hosted in neocities. Most people there try to replicate the retro feeling.
kunegard t1_iuacy3d wrote
Sadly, most of them have just like 2-3 pages including 'About me' and 'Contact', so you read at most 300 words on a whole website : /
The_Reginald_ t1_iuaheza wrote
Just like the old days!
King-Cobra-668 t1_iubyssr wrote
"🚧under construction 🚧"
BeatlesTypeBeat t1_iub952q wrote
Really though! 2-3 pages and 300 words meant it was high time I opened up a new one.
[deleted] t1_iuccip0 wrote
Ripcord t1_iubisjo wrote
And all of them have "welcome to my homepage!" And "don't forget to sign my guestbook!". And I bet a few have "have you considered changing long distance carriers to MCI?"
ouralarmclock t1_iubu3z2 wrote
“This website is meant to be viewed in [Internet Explorer]
turd_boy t1_iud22om wrote
Who has "Internet Explorer"? Everyone has AOL bruh, its the future...
bmwiedemann t1_iubyrkv wrote
Do they also have "under construction" notices like in the good old days?
Indie_Undies t1_iuduslj wrote
I guarantee you that you will stumble upon several of those.
Squiggledog t1_iuc339n wrote
Can you cite an example of a site in reference?
Indie_Undies t1_iudud2h wrote
You can start here:
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