Submitted by t-bands t3_yshas1 in InternetIsBeautiful
imageWS t1_ivzs31s wrote
Made by u/emilwallner
fartbox_fingerbanger t1_ivztgeu wrote
Is that one bot that would colorize pics still around?
derpanzerschreck t1_ivztmg3 wrote
Thanks it's really usefull. It's highly consistent I tried with new photos
ClarissaPDG t1_ivzutkt wrote
It’s a repost, but a welcome one.
It’s great.
Select_Repair_2820 t1_ivzxc32 wrote
Why does the phrase "traditional AI colorizer" sound weird?
NeeDleZ1992 t1_ivzxjkl wrote
Nice 👍🏼 I'll try soon with old pictures of my family
niceslcguy t1_iw014jn wrote
I played with this a short while ago. Here are some examples:
- 1920 - Aerial view of Edinburgh
- Nasa - Flight Director Gene Kranz - Colorized using AI
- 1901 Advertising for Wives
I tried others. It is rather finicky. Sadly, I didn't record the text I used for each set.
For the "1901 Advertising for Wives" I used the auto settings but changed the text part. I removed the auto-added word "outhouse
" and replaced it with "log cabin
" to have the colorization a bit more accurate.
edit: Here is what the colorization text I used for "1920 - Aerial view of Edinburgh".
>A stock photo of wing, plane, cloud, castle, hill, grass, and forest. Small contrasting details in color. In color film.
t-bands OP t1_iw04dav wrote
That's awesome!
t-bands OP t1_iw04i2v wrote
It really is pretty crazy!
cremona_goblin t1_iw05o5o wrote
The ad for wives is like the prototype of hinge
ScaryShoes t1_iw05p27 wrote
Wow, that's very impressive. I've seen some AI colorized photos before that were not anywhere near this level.
niceslcguy t1_iw06nsa wrote
To get decent color, you really have to play around with the auto-generated text. I suggest copying each set of text you like as you play around so you can see what does / doesn't work. Would be nice to find more details on how the A.I. is colorizing things.
I found that fixing the colorization for some objects would mess up the rest of the picture.
For example, there was a BW pic of a fast train. Each time I changed the color of the train, it tinted the entire picture. Some weird colors for the train made everything else look good, and some good colors for the train messed everything else up.
If you are willing to use photoshop to slice out objects, you can get better overall results.
andreasbeer1981 t1_iw07wqo wrote
myheritage is offering such a service for years.
9-11GaveMe5G t1_iw09444 wrote
I took several photos I had, turned them black and white, then uploaded them. It was way off every time. This is literally just randomly guessing
Really_McNamington t1_iw099y1 wrote
They'll be singing folk songs about the trade in a hundred years.
unzercharlie t1_iw0cm85 wrote
I've done dozens of photo restorations and I am so against arbitrary colorization. It's bastardizing the source material. Sharpen it, fine. Reduce noise, fine. Correct imperfections, fine. Adding color to a photo like a coloring book is so pointless. I honestly don't understand why anyone wants to do it to a photo that means anything to them.
thewhitearcade t1_iw0g8u5 wrote
you're getting down voted but you're right
andrak7 t1_iw0gb85 wrote
The NASA one especially looks awesome
Raxsah t1_iw0gh2n wrote
For some people, particularly the older generation, they only have black and white photos of loved ones to remember them by, but that's not an accurate representation of who that person was, because the world obviously doesn't exist in monochrome.
For those people I imagine it would be emotional to finally see an image of a loved one in colour, and not have to rely on memory alone which can fade over time
tbmny t1_iw0hxdh wrote
Try Myheritage colorizer. It's consistently the best in testing.
Of course it's paid, and all colorizers are ultimately guessing
unzercharlie t1_iw0ir1u wrote
I completely understand the sentiment, and I love the idea of someone seeing a loved one in color.
I did a restoration for my grandparents, but I was able to say "what color was that jacket?" and "what color was that dress?" and "what color was that truck?" They loved it and I loved doing it. I googled to find the original colors everywhere I could.
Colorizing something and just guessing the colors, or letting AI guess the colors, is something else entirely. I get doing it to learn colorization, or as a fun experiment, but I still believe it's the equivalent of a coloring book, and ruins a perfectly good black and white photo, which is a more accurate representation of history.
condog1035 t1_iw0jysi wrote
It got the color of my shirt EXACTLY correct in a black and white picture I ran through it. This is incredible.
u1tralord t1_iw0khhl wrote
Future iterations likely will have those features. This tech is just recently being made available to the public.
For now, you can just re-run it again for another variation
dutch1664 t1_iw0kkmx wrote
Not only does it give a better real-world feel - the world isn't black and white. It (this website OP posted) has brought out a lot more detail in the couple dozen photos I've run through it. Lots of things I noticed that I didn't before. So yes, this process definitely has value.
OkAffect58 t1_iw0kup2 wrote
It really is crazy what AI can do
King_Buliwyf t1_iw0kxia wrote
What a strange hill to die on.
Nikmerenda t1_iw0ll79 wrote
Was this all in order to Rickroll people clicking on the "about" section?
Trynottodent t1_iw0ln0f wrote
TIL that 1920 Edinburgh was the model for King’s Landing
poolside123 t1_iw0mrni wrote
This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever come across on Reddit!😦
Bifi323 t1_iw0nnk3 wrote
I just tried it with a random picture and it got it all wrong, AND called me pregnant :/
Edit: the picture I fed the ai
heartcore0210 t1_iw0r5i8 wrote
This is amazing thank you!
usernameblankface t1_iw0rvpn wrote
Having AI that can accomplish something as complicated as colorizing an old picture is a new thing. Too recent to have a Traditional version.
unzercharlie t1_iw0s1yw wrote
Having an opinion = dying on a hill
niceslcguy t1_iw0s58y wrote
The AI isn't great for detecting some objects, though it often gets a surprising amount correct. Most pics will need tweaking of the text used for colorization. Note that many pictures are currently bad for this sort of thing. Like comics, for example.
I think it is still being worked on, so I'll revisit it later after it has been improved.
cammoblammo t1_iw0tdze wrote
Your shirt wasn’t black and/or white to begin with, was it?
MikeKelehan t1_iw0u6kq wrote
Nobody tell Ted Turner
DeaconDoctor t1_iw0u9lt wrote
This is pretty cool, but I always wonder what these kind of "upload to receive" sites are doing with the files after uploading them.
brownowski t1_iw0x2b6 wrote
You can add that into the prompt given to the AI already. E.g. a red truck or woman in a yellow dress. Although, I have found you need to find a name for the colour that represents it pretty accurately, otherwise it might add a tint to the entire photo. You might get poor results just saying brown or red instead of burnt sienna or something more specific.
catschainsequel t1_iw12gxh wrote
Asking the real questions!
muricabrb t1_iw154gd wrote
TheUnclearVoice t1_iw19fkj wrote
Beautiful thanks
______DEADPOOL______ t1_iw19v44 wrote
A bunch more examples:
GucciGuano t1_iw1a5sf wrote
how did it know what color buttons they were from the 2nd pic?
dogtierstatus t1_iw1a7t2 wrote
It sounds like an oxymoron. Traditional and AI feels opposite
niceslcguy t1_iw1d63v wrote
I believe it makes partial guesses based on training data.
So, if that is standard colorization for those type of buttons, it might be somewhat accurate. It is possibly all wrong, of course.
IlllIIllllIlIlllllll t1_iw1fgiq wrote
It’s guessing obviously (since the color information is destroyed in the image you uploaded) but it’s using AI to assume things like grass = green and sky = blue. If it makes your tshirt red then obviously that’s a guess, and there’s no way for it to have known if it was actually green.
Wishilikedhugs t1_iw1hqhc wrote
Could this be fed a series of frames like in a black and white movie/show and be consistent? Half tempted to see if I can colorize Doctor Who.
JimJohnes t1_iw1iwp5 wrote
How can you "ruin" digital copy of a photo?
gooeyjello t1_iw1jzv1 wrote
Nice! Thanks!
Treacherous_Peach t1_iw1n33m wrote
What did you think it was doing..? Did you think it somehow knew the color of your shirt?
arpansharma0016 t1_iw1n9ve wrote
its_never2_late t1_iw1odjw wrote
Oh lordy here we go
KOHTPOBEP3A t1_iw1ovyn wrote
Just don't send your naked photos or any you don't want to leak. At the same time a photo of you eating ice cream as a child in 1970 is something really valuable only to you.
coolsimon123 t1_iw1purg wrote
Colouring them in I guess
sentient_ballsack t1_iw1rurj wrote
It guesses based on fed data and color values. AI colorisation tends to play it safe and isn't necessarily accurate at all, which is why it's so controversial among historians.
Almighty-Arceus t1_iw1s09b wrote
Somewhere, Ted Turner just jizzed in his pants.
Justforthenuews t1_iw1s32d wrote
Future anthropologists, current dataminers, and ai trainers would disagree with you.
polisonico t1_iw1slx8 wrote
They go back in time to kill you.
sellinglower t1_iw1u29d wrote
> AND called me pregnant
Perhaps the AI does know something you don't just yet
Bread-Zeppelin t1_iw1umni wrote
Other than calling you pregnant that's a pretty good job IMO. I don't believe you can tell from a grayscale photo if something is red/green like the colours in your shirt, so the fact it took a 50/50 guess and got it wrong with that one item isn't that bad at all.
I saw a documentary about people who re-colourised images professionally and they said that a lot of the decisions on what colour to make clothing was done based on research of what styles, dyes and inks were commonplace in the time period, rather than the photo itself.
snowe2010 t1_iw1wab1 wrote
Last one literally has a demon child
sweptawayfromyou t1_iw1xmmb wrote
You should have posted the black and white version you uploaded for comparison! I tried it with a black and white photo of mine and it even got my hair color correct, which should not be easy to know from a photo without colors!
User6RE001 t1_iw1xzy4 wrote
I love it. Had some black and white photos of my grandparents.. Really great in color now.
Bifi323 t1_iw1y1yv wrote
I just added it to my original comment. I'm gonna try some more later :)
ShetlandJames t1_iw1zyp8 wrote does this too iirc
Kebab-Destroyer t1_iw24hxq wrote
I threw one of my B&W wedding photos on there, chose a particularly colourful one (or would have been were it not greyscale) and it came out pretty close to real life
[deleted] t1_iw279jn wrote
TheGodReaper t1_iw27onu wrote
Really dope
compsciasaur t1_iw28c10 wrote
Whoa, impressive!
I need a wives advertisement like that.
lucellent t1_iw2bui5 wrote
There have been AI colorization tools for at least 5-6 years now. Not on this level, but it's not entirely new.
gee_gra t1_iw2ddk0 wrote
For artistic photography you're absolutely correct, but for pics of some cunts gran from nineteen-dickety-two then colourising absolutely has value
zideshowbob t1_iw2fgbr wrote
This is awesome!
Nonameswhere t1_iw2h3jl wrote
Very interesting. Good share OP. Thanks.
osnapitsjoey t1_iw2k309 wrote
Whenever I see zebra I think tutti-fruitti
thegodfather0504 t1_iw2l7yv wrote
"I love pregnant women."
"But...I am not pregnant."
"Wait till you meet me." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
FerretChrist t1_iw2qxjd wrote
What do you consider "wrong" about it? It looks fine to me.
neopointer t1_iw2rb82 wrote
Amazing. The photographer of my wedding was very stupid and didn't want to send some original color pics. This site helped a lot. Thanks!
MrUnstable69 t1_iw2ruk8 wrote
This is absolutely incredible! Thank you for sharing.
nefex99 t1_iw2s9m5 wrote
I love the site and examples OP posted, but also this comment needs to be seen more ^
indecisionmay t1_iw2so6y wrote
Amazing! Playing with some old photos from the 40s. You rock OP!
ChipMunkley t1_iw2whh9 wrote
This is awesome! Thanks bro!
Whirlywynd t1_iw2wvte wrote
She’s probably talking about the incorrect sweatshirt color
-p-a-b-l-o- t1_iw2z5k3 wrote
Not really, the word tradition still works
enilea t1_iw33y6o wrote
Sometimes it just has to guess blindly, it's almost impossible to know the true colors. There are many it gets right based on the texture it's made of, but since clothes can be any color it doesn't have a proper way to know. If you know the sweatshirt has to be red you can specify it in the prompt and it should work.
enilea t1_iw34pti wrote
>letting AI guess the colors
You can change the text prompt to choose different colors
blitz672 t1_iw38irj wrote
Idk why ur downvoted
*Here is an example from what I link I ran thu OP's link B&W OP's My link's AI Original color
unzercharlie t1_iw3e46b wrote
Because reddit
Psychological-Scar30 t1_iw3f2m1 wrote
People in a subreddit dedicated to cool technology react differently to a statement than people in a subreddit that seems completely oblivious to the fact that technology constantly improves and insist on making fun of it's current limitations and patting themselves on the back for how much better they are than an AI? Color me surprised.
blitz672 t1_iw3jwpj wrote
An image from the article I linked run through this. The colored image I used the surprise me button on OP's link
regedit007 t1_iw3nt9e wrote
Check out the about section lol
blitz672 t1_iw3oja1 wrote
One of these is the original color photograph
2 are AI
1 of those from this link
Still lacks so much vibrance and detail, as well as historical knowledge of textile colors of the time.
blitz672 t1_iw3r92o wrote
So I did some tinkering with the word text and it was a bit better. What's funny is running the same original img Thu a 2nd yielded vastly different results.
Original color
Black and white
1st time Thu
Tweeked text prompt
blitz672 t1_iw3rn22 wrote
So I did some tinkering with the word text and it was a bit better. What's funny is running the same original img Thu a 2nd yielded vastly different results.
Original color
Black and white
1st time Thu
Tweeked text prompt
ClarissaPDG t1_iw3y6gf wrote
Oh, thank you.
Select_Repair_2820 t1_iw45t4z wrote
I really love this AI colorizer, it's just like the ones grandma used to code for us come Christmas time
Grand-Property-6941 t1_iw66m9c wrote
How useful!
Whirlywynd t1_iw77v62 wrote
thanks I guess but I was literally just answering the question. Wasn’t confused about anything.
superfluous_t t1_ivz9s6x wrote
Thanks for posting this - just tried on an old pic of my grandad and it worked great - my mum will love it