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Barbarbinks22 t1_iww6dze wrote

When I was in third grade I caught Swine Flu, and was in quarantine for a week before I could go back to school. I asked my mom to buy me some paper because I was super into origami at that time too. So, I spent that week folding all kinds of paper airplanes to see what worked and what didn’t and eventually created what I always considered the ultimate paper airplane.

It has a really simple process to make it, but I’ve never seen anybody else make it or see anything about it online. It flys straight, far, and gracefully. It even won me a competition back in 6th grade. I’ve never given it a name, but I’m thinking maybe I should now lol.

It’s a bit front heavy and has a nose that hooks slightly downward, while still maintaining that classic paper airplane style. So if that rings any bells, let me know.

Sorry for the novel, I saw everyone sharing their stories and figured since it almost never comes up in conversation now that I’m an adult, I could share the story with you guys!