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happydazenews OP t1_iyxrv4s wrote

I made a website called Happy Daze ( which only features positive, inspiring and good news stories. The best part about the site that it is completely advertisement free and has a high bar for quality in regards of the articles and the visuals/ ease of use. I recently posted my 100th article and wanted to commemorate it by telling reddit about it.
There is an iOS app called ( Happy Daze News) which is the same as the website but in app form. I am planning on releasing an android version ASAP. I have spent/spend a lot of money making this and on up keep ( server/domain/etc. )and would really appreciate if more people knew about it.
The website/app has absolutely no trackers/cookies of any kind and you can surf freely knowing that I am not going to collect any of your information. Same with the app no permission that are linked to you/ and no account needed to browse/ read the stories. The app has no notifications and if one wanted to receive them they would have to subscribe to the email newsletter.
The inspiration for this website/app was a personal one. I have always liked watching the news but recently I cannot seem to watch any mainstream news without becoming depressed or dejected about the current state of the world, so I focused on creating a platform that only features positive/inspiring stories with no annoying ads in an effort to create the most user friendly way to stay informed on all the good things happening in this great big world of ours. And don't be mistaken there are definitely great things happening all around us, but the big news outlets predominantly feature negative news so it can be easy to fall into that trap.
Currently, I source a lot of articles from educational sources (colleges, universities, journals, etc. ) but in the future I want to write more of them ( in house ) and create video elements to help illustrate the concepts and research in the articles. I would greatly appreciate any feedback and new ideas I could implement.
Here are some cool features of the site:
Great search functionality
Great tags to group a certain subject/category
Highlights the research article and provides easy access
Here is some of the feedback I have received already:
* a way to save articles
* swipe to like action for articles
* find a way to have more articles in the Home Screen
Thank You very much. Stay informed, and Stay Happy.
Happy Daze


Bacon1884 t1_iyxvhru wrote

I need this. I can’t tell you how much I think about an outlet where its JUST POSITIVE NEWS. Thank you πŸ™πŸ½ so much for this!!!


AusGeno t1_iyxx0z0 wrote

How will you tell everyone about it?


happydazenews OP t1_iyxynxg wrote

That's a good question. I plan to make more content on instagram reels/ TikTok and I'm hoping I could get some more interaction through that, but currently it has only been word of mouth. I am open to suggestions!


happydazenews OP t1_iyy0irn wrote

Great idea! I didn't want it to get too cluttered but I recently got a a linktree account, so I'm thinking of putting that instead of the individual links. Thank you!


Gee_dude t1_iyy1j0b wrote

I'm suspicious but intrigued


Lognn t1_iyy2mzj wrote

Doesn't such website need constant upkeep? How is it funded?


happydazenews OP t1_iyy2pk0 wrote

I dont blame you. Now a days there's nothing truly free in this world, and there are companies like super trash robin hood that claim to be free and make "You" the product but this is a love project I made mainly for myself tbh because I needed a website like this ( there were similar stuff out there but nothing truly like what I envisioned). There are currently 6 people subscribed to my newsletter and over 200 who have downloaded the app. While there are some costs, since I'm sourcing most of the articles from educational sources and did all the programing myself I can run a pretty efficient ship. Lmk if you have any more specific questions and I'd be happy ( no pun intended ) to answer them.


happydazenews OP t1_iyy46lk wrote

I pay out of pocket for upkeep. Currently costs are:

  • hosting - 40$/month
  • Domain Name - 35$/year
  • Stock Image Subscription - 50$/month
  • Linktree - 8$/month
  • Stock Video Subscription (new) - 200$/month
  • Spell/Grammar Check Service - 5$/month

And you might be thinking well what's in it for me to be spending so much money for and well to be honest I was feeling a little down myself and organizing and compiling good and positive news stories has helped me lift my spirits. The roughly nine months which I have been working on this site I can unequivocally say it has improved my over all out look on the world and its given me a second wind to strive to be the best version of myself, and that is honestly priceless. Also it makes be feel good to be of some use to my community it gives me some pride/ satisfaction knowing I might be helping someone out there. someone who had the same problem as me.

In the future, if cost of upkeep continues to rise, I would consider maybe doing some merchandise to generate some revenue, but I pledge that this website will never have ads/sponsored posts or any other form of advertisement.

Ads accomplish the exact opposite than the purpose of a good news website they are annoying and irritating, and some are even designed to make you feel less than. F Ads respectfully.


happydazenews OP t1_iyy5o6a wrote

Its has other features like SSL Certificate and helps with some integrations like Zappier and SEO but I appreciate you telling me. I will look into alternatives.


500Milez t1_iyyistf wrote

I've seen so much negative stuff, some making me question my faith in humanity. Thank you for this


hardtofindagoodname t1_iyylneh wrote

I second this. Reddit and most social media is just rife with lots of negative stuff. Even seemingly innocuous subreddits like r/AskReddit are terrible for this ("What your worst experience..?", "What annoys you the most about..?" etc. One of the biggest drawbacks with the official Reddit app is that you cannot unsubscribe from negative subreddits as far as I know. So if you click on one of these subs and participate, you will start getting them in your feed causing a feedback loop.

Some subreddits I subscribe to are: r/MadeMeSmile, r/UpliftingNews, r/GetMotivated. If anyone knows more, please add in a reply!


hardtofindagoodname t1_iyyn09q wrote

Great stuff - thanks for helping the internet to be a better place.

I couldn't immediately tell, but do you allow people to submit their own links/articles? The thing I've found with positive news sites is that they don't have the same breadth of articles as say r/worldnews. Most people have ADD when it comes to this sort of stuff so it would be nice to have a very diverse set of constantly added news, otherwise people will not regularly return and eventually forget about your site. The only way I know to counter this would be to have many contributors. Maybe you could make it work in parallel with a same named subreddit and cross-post articles bi-directionally from your website to the subreddit? Then, your other social media outlets like TikTok can help promote it further. Your website would be the central "repository".

My 2c ;)


miz_n t1_iyynm9t wrote

This is felt like a breath of fresh air. Thanks for making this!


Octopuns t1_iyyphe1 wrote

I actually nearly dismissed this website completely because I was expecting the kind of "positive" stories to be similar to the ones on r/UpliftingNews. I'm so so glad they're not. I've now added Happy Daze to my home screen as the quality seems different.

As you said, Reddit is rife with negative stuff - and the "uplifting" subreddits are honestly no better. Every bit of "positive" news is based on the foundation of the dystopian nightmare we call society. So many of those stories are like "all of our forests are being destroyed but oh, at least we stopped one company from destroying this one bit of land... for now". "Basic healthcare is prohibitively expensive but oh, at least one company said they're looking into transparent pricing". etc

Of course, you can apply that logic to any feel good news if you're pessimistic enough - but just a warning to be very careful what you're consuming - especially if it "claims" to be uplifting. Positive news doesn't generally drive clicks and upvotes so I often find there's an undercurrent of negativity/sadness in those posts.

When I'm looking for a positive experience, I get the hell off Reddit and I honestly just scroll Pinterest and look at illustrations - it's one of the only algorithms that feels like it isn't trying to anger me into engaging with it. It's just showing me stuff I like to see.


hardtofindagoodname t1_iyyqjjq wrote

Totally agree with what you're saying. The subreddits I mentioned are hit and miss but I haven't found anything with sufficient articles that could satiate my desire to read positive, real stories on a daily basis.

Looking at OP's website at the moment, I saw lots of medical-related articles which don't particularly interest me in general. What I would like to see is a mix of r/humansbeingbros, r/funny, r/UpliftingNews and r/getmotivated but without any negative backstory to it (eg. . Guy on the street who gets $50 that will last him for 1 day, Person survives Stage 4 Cancer, etc). Many stories are billed as "positive" but get you thinking of struggles people are going through... And when you're in that mindset, you're not in a position to help anyone else.

So, basically there needs to a site with all the news that nourish your mind and keep it in a light-hearted state so you're in a good frame of mind for your day.


greenappletree t1_iyyrvb4 wrote

Wow thanks ! The oral I insulin story made me happy - I don’t need it but would imagine how awesome that would be for someone who does.


relative t1_iyyszc3 wrote

Stripe is a payment gateway and to use it you need to embed their javascript on your website. their script includes tracking code that sends your activity on the page to their server


OVRLDD t1_iyytmgi wrote

Very interesting initiative! I'm curious: how do you deal with positive news that can be controversial?

e.g. nuclear energy is having several good news as investment grows to use as a replacement for coal (like in Eastern Europe). Things are looking good, and it's a good step for the environment. Would that be included, or - due to potential controversy on public misconceptions - it gets filtered out?


TisKey2323 t1_iyytory wrote

This is great! We need more people like you in this world. Just downloaded your iOS app. You must really have a great paying job to be maintaining your website/app ad-free. Either way, kudos to you on achieving something you always dreamed of


Rogaar t1_iyyu9ca wrote

I remember a TV based news program was created decades ago like this. They shut it down after a few months as hardly anyone watched it.

What does that say about people in general? We don't care about good news as much as we care about bad news.


happydazenews OP t1_iyywvmn wrote

Oh good eye, Sorry must have missed that one. I used a few code templates for my site where I had to go in and manually delete the google tracking which was on by default and adjust a few other things. I will my best try to remove it ASAP. I did check the site with like one of those cookie blocker add ons on chrome but it said there wasn't anything, so I'm glad you pointed it out. Thank you.


happydazenews OP t1_iyyx7dq wrote

Great tip! You are totally right I am trying to diversify my articles to include a variety of different types of good news and cool stories. I will def make it more clear for people to send me ideas and news related stuff so I can make better content. For now if anyone is interested you can send me an email at


happydazenews OP t1_iyyxizw wrote

You are so right. I struggle with those types of "good news" stories as well. There was one I saw that stuck in my mind where the mom couldn't afford to buy her kids presents and their neighbors found out and went and bought them gifts. Like I understand the neighbors did a great thing but overall the story doesn't make me feel good.


Vextin t1_iyyxkkq wrote

Many similar options fall into the pitfall of posting stories like "child saves sister after her face is eaten off by a dog!" Or similar, where it's technically a happy ending but also a total downer.

This site seems actually 100% positive and uplifting, meant to make you feel like the world is a good place. I appreciate that, OP. <3


happydazenews OP t1_iyyytd5 wrote

I think nuclear energy is the future, especially the varieties of reactors with no weapon-izable by-products. I believe thorium salt reactors and the miniaturization of reactors combined with advancements in artificial intelligence could lead to an incredibly green future with an abundance of clean power. Thanks for the question. Regarding most controversial topics I think I would try to avoid them but some things like nuclear energy imo are common sense.


stevenmeyerjr t1_iyyzb8q wrote

The idea is pretty neat. Seems easier and cheaper to simply make it into a subreddit like r/happydaze. Crowdsource the writing and posting from users on Reddit. As people crosspost and find links from around the internet, with a built in user base and an advanced commenting system. With no server cost and no subscriptions needed.


MrIantoJones t1_iyz01q5 wrote

Please add a β€œbuy the devs a coffee/sandwich/dinner” tip jar in the app?

Tip jars harm no-one and don’t compromise standards, but let us appreciative folk drop a tangible thank you (or tangibly contribute to your efforts) :)


hohounk t1_iyz03jd wrote

I love the UI, truly amazing!


happydazenews OP t1_iyz06hj wrote

Negative news stories definitely draw more attention and when the news companies are doing anything and everything for the all mighty ad dollar. They dont care what they post as long as they get eyeballs watching their content. So unfortunately I am not too surprised the TV show version (tv is a very ad driven) didn't work. However, since Im not worried about ads I hope to avoid that pitfall.

The larger commentary about what that says about people... I choose to look at it in a positive light; that type of content gets more attention because people care and while they might feel powerless to help, watching and being knowledgable about their strife is better than nothing at all. maybe? I dont know.


happydazenews OP t1_iyz0hph wrote

Right! Its so hard to find some truly good news. Like I was telling u/Octopuns, I remember this one story that stuck in my mind where the mom couldn't afford to buy her kids presents and their neighbors found out and went and bought them gifts. Like I understand the neighbors did a great thing but overall the story doesn't make me feel good.


Rogaar t1_iyz20tc wrote

I hear where your coming from. I have a bit of a hypothesis. I wonder if we gravitate towards the negative news.

Hear me out...

What I mean is by seeing other people's misery, we look at our own lives and think "glad that's not happening to me". Makes us feel better about our own lives.

When it comes to social media, it's somewhat the opposite. People post the best things about their lives which makes everyone else depressed as they wish they had that kind of life. When we all know these are fake lives people are promoting.


happydazenews OP t1_iyz2kac wrote

I just added the button to the website, and app! On the website/app if you scroll all the way to the bottom to the footer section the "Contribute" Link will take you to a page with a "TIP JAR" button. Thank you so much for the reminder ( I had it written down but no button made) and the gesture honestly means so much to me.


MrIantoJones t1_iyz34gf wrote


I just tried via the contribute link from the About menu link, via both the app and the website via Safari.

It took me to PayPal but then I got a PayPal error:

β€œWe can’t find this profile

Make sure you have the right link and profile hasn’t been turned off.”

Trying to be helpful, not trying to annoy!


happydazenews OP t1_iyz352r wrote

You are totally right, but I really wanted to make it very clean and organized ui wise and I felt limited by the reddit form. Also, I like the idea of crowdsourcing and having people be able to post, and they are absolutely welcome to in the sub reddit but for the site I just wanted to strictly control design elements and stylistic choices which is only possible when I'm the only who can post.

On the page I have a email where people can send me potential ideas/topics

Also here's the link to the subreddit : r/happydazenews


muricabrb t1_iyz3all wrote

Merchandise is a great way to raise funds, you can also try going the patreon/substack route. I'd be happy to send a few bucks your way every month to support this project.


MrIantoJones t1_iyz4ao8 wrote

The link in your Reddit comment above is working.

The button on the site (and in the app) from the About menu is still not, but I’ll try again in a few minutes to see if it’s a propagation issue?

Edit: now the link above is down too. It worked once for me but now isn’t. I’ll try to make sure this isn’t on my side?


happydazenews OP t1_iyz5pl7 wrote

Yes merchandise would be great! I really appreciate your kind words. I am planning on making more YouTube content about the articles on the website and once I have a few videos I think I'll launch a patreon or something similar, but for now I am just accepting donation from our contribute page.

Thanks again for the wonderful suggestion!


ThatProPie t1_iyz6c2z wrote

awesome! my feed is always so depressing, this is much needed!


happydazenews OP t1_iyz7cnu wrote

"Hear me out...What I mean is by seeing other people's misery, we look at our own lives and think "glad that's not happening to me". Makes us feel better about our own lives."

I am with you 100%. I also think maybe people who are in tough situations can watch the news to feel less lonely like... its not only "me" whose going through strife and hardship.


natener t1_iyzall7 wrote

This is fantastic. Thank you!


FixSwords t1_iyzcpy3 wrote

Love the idea. Might I suggest you do a little work on site Accessibility? A quick look suggest that this site would not be usable for people with some visual impairment.

As an example: On mobile at least, on the homepage the white text on each article card does not have enough contrast against the image behind it in a lot of cases.

If you use the Chrome Developer Tools, you can run an Accessibility Audit on each page which will raise some key recommendations around this.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) has a rating system of A, AA and AAA in ascending order of how accessible a site is. You can see how to meet these standards here:

AAA and even AA can be quite tricky to meet, but perhaps start with A? This would then make your site usable by people with various disabilities and associated accessibility needs.


realizment t1_iyzdhqw wrote

I had a concept for a positive news tv network a few years ago. Get in touch with me if you want to discuss the potential. Good work!


WeReAllMadHereAlice t1_iyzk714 wrote

This is lovely! And I appreciate it's not like r/upliftingnews where literally every story seems to be "this kid is dying of cancer, but his teacher paid for his lunch debt out of her own pocket!"


troymandarin t1_iyzkwzy wrote

Digital Marketing guy here. $40 per month is pretty reasonable tbh, depending on what your zappier integration is doing of course and if it includes support on that. I made a small donation but I’d be happy to help you out with seo/e-commerce related questions or strategy advice. I wouldn’t want to charge


MsSapirWhorf t1_iyzmq2r wrote

This is a great idea!

How often are articles going to be posted?


pharoahogc t1_iyzn3xq wrote

Good Job! You created something I think everyone can benefit from. And on top of that Greed Free!! Thanks.


extrangher0 t1_iyzpmnj wrote

Just want to let you know I am "happy" about your project and wish you the best of luck!

Bookmarked your site and added to my pinned tabs/start page. Thank you!


Flag_Red t1_iyzqn0n wrote

I love that you reference the scientific paper when you write an article about one.


StevenWoodson t1_iyzthix wrote

Absolutely agree with all of this! This site is such a great idea and with some small improvements even more folks would be able to enjoy reading it.

Chrome Devtools is a great one to use for testing, I'm also really fond of Siteimprove and Accessibility Insights too. I'd also urge you to try a bit of manual testing as well, for example I noticed I was unable to effectively navigate using keyboard alone because I couldn't easily tell what links had focus when I hit the tab key. This article Focus management and inert is a great primer on the subject.

Managing accessibility audits can be a bit daunting if you're just starting out, I would recommend checking out to help ease some of that burden. It was purpose built specifically for this purpose, with a guided setup and helpful tips along the way. Try it free for a week!


touche112 t1_iyztx4n wrote

I need a boomer edition of this. I have employees at work that are constantly seeking out "good news" and end up on ad infested clickbait farms.


tsebaksvyatoslav t1_iyzwk6y wrote

so this is what it feels like to click on a website without ads on mobile. damn. truly refreshing


skarro- t1_iyzy5d9 wrote

Love the site OP! Downloading the app now. God bless.


Reddnit t1_iyzym7a wrote

Love the website. Recommend checking out services such as canva if it's available where you are.(Popular service here in Oz 🦘) It should meet your image/video requirements at a fraction of the cost.πŸ‘


goldtoothgirl t1_iz018bj wrote

Do you have a git hub repo of your code. Neat sight


__MHatter__ t1_iz03f03 wrote

This is awesome. Please, please, please keep "some billionaire or large corp does something philanthropic" type articles away.

They're always just PR fluff pieces and just remind me that billionaires shouldn't exist to begin with and tend to have the opposite effect of positivity/inspiration for me.


jiggygoodshoe t1_iz03slp wrote

Not sure how you're curating your "good"news but maybe you could include a submissions API for content providers to submit or link their good news to your aggregator. And maybe a "this sure ain't good news"button could be used to report incorrect articles.

This way maybe larger publishers could send you their good news articles, rather than you digging around to find them.

Also I wouldn't shy away from advertising. What if you only used a curated set of approved advertisers. Things like local solar installers or ethical farm delivery in your area type of things. Not all advertising is from predatory super large corporations.


sneaky4oe t1_iz058gv wrote

Why does it not get new stories often tho


gregatronn t1_iz07l2e wrote

Thanks for this! I appreciate your hard work.


amalgam_reynolds t1_iz08y9n wrote

This might very well be something you've already thought of, and it doesn't look like there any such articles on your site so far, but if you're thinking about expanding, I'd be very careful of excluding all r/OrphanCrushingMachine type stories. I.e., stories that sounds uplifting and happy, such as "grade school student pays off the lunch debt for their entire class" without addressing the bleak reality that our society has put children into debt.


PandaKing185 t1_iz09g8c wrote

It's always healthy to be suspicious, but some people just like to do good things. And it looks like OP is doing just that. It'd be hard to lie about trackers and ads when there are so many tools to find them. Someone already found a tracker OP missed and he acknowledged he missed it and that it will be removed.


mrbubbles916 t1_iz09ypn wrote

It's literally only science related?


PandaKing185 t1_iz0bffb wrote

Honestly you could go for an optional subscription of some sort and make it dirt cheap like $3/month. I know many people (like myself) want to support this but would rather do it monthly, and if you offer it in the app non-intrusively with just a single reminder then you'd probably get the exposure to make those $3/month subscriptions add up. Maybe add a couple perks that wouldn't seem unfair like dark mode or priority when submitting articles or something. Giving attribution to who submitted the article would probably also boost submissions if you go that route.

Also I'm a software developer and would love to volunteer my free time to bring it to Android or implement features if you need more assistance. It's a great idea that I can get behind. Just give me a DM if you're interested


PandaKing185 t1_iz0c731 wrote

Yeah but subreddits can quickly and easily stray from their intended purpose and as soon as a post hits r/all and you get an influx of the average reddit user, you can bet it'll be a full time job moderating it to keep it from turning into r/orphancrushingmachine like r/upliftingnews. I can completely understand wanting to have a curated website separate from Reddit


paanvaannd t1_iz0flrj wrote

Entirely agree.

What a lot of people also don’t realize is that free (as in β€œfreedom” and β€œbeer”) software runs most of the world. The proprietary stuff like Microsoft and Apple systems are all at the consumer level, which is dwarfed by the number of Linux-based machines out there. And Linux is entirely free! No built-in tracking, ads, monetization, subscriptions, etc.

The phrase β€œif it’s free, you’re the product” is excellent advice when dealing with proprietary tech. To my knowledge, OP’s site is not free (as in β€œfreedom”), so it’s warranted to be wary. As you mentioned, there are several ways to test OP’s claims and it seems they check out, as far as verifiable.

But it’s also important to keep in mind that there are millions of individuals across the world who just want to do good for others through contributing free works to society with no strings attached!


gordonmessmer t1_iz0hw0d wrote

I hate to be a downer, regarding a project whose focus is on positive news, but this appears to be entirely built on copyright infringement, and plagiarism. I've only spot-checked a few articles, but those were all tagged "By Ghost", but selecting a unique sentence and searching for that always gave an exact match on other sources.

If you're not writing your own text, you're going to face serious legal issues. Even if you provide adequate attribution (naming the actual author), posting articles that were published elsewhere without the author's explicit permission is copyright infringement.


tenbilliondollarsman t1_iz0k9e7 wrote

Do you have a github buddy? Btw thank you for making this website, nice work


Calencre t1_iz0lqyf wrote

Just need to be careful with something like that, as depending on how the moderation works, it's easy for articles which are actually horrifying if you think about them for more than 5 seconds to sneak in, and next thing you know it's /r/UpliftingNews in website form


tintin_007 t1_iz0took wrote

can I get the shade photo in your post?


jhalmos t1_iz0tp1x wrote

Won’t this just cause joy and happiness around the world, though?


HappyDaze182 t1_iz0vu94 wrote

Can't believe there's a website dedicated to all things me.


vw_bugg t1_iz0y3bc wrote

I am mostly interested in the micro reactors and the molten salt reactors. You know, the ones that physically can't "melt down" and destroy a continent for generations to come and the generations to come.

Anytime people hear nuclear they think chernobyl or japan. These were mild compared to what one of those full sized plants are capable of. People just dont know we are moving away from something of that scale and type.


Another-random-acct t1_iz1eh8l wrote

Great idea! How will you pay for everything? Especially if it grows?


happydazenews OP t1_iz1ulgq wrote

Good Point regarding the source of the articles. I totally hear where you are coming from. Regarding the colleges and universities, they actually post these articles to publicize the research and I think reposting them helps both people who are looking for a centralized site for all the good news and the educational institution/researchers.

The plan in to write everything (in house) in the future but for right now it really helps with costs to repost other articles from colleges, universities, and journals. I have written a few of the articles myself and like how they have turned out, so the plan will be to write more and more until everything is custom and nothing is reposted. Thank you.


happydazenews OP t1_iz1v9qb wrote

While most of the stories are science related I am working on diversification. The problem is some of the other stories are harder to post because while they might have a bit of good news the overall story will make you feel not so great.


happydazenews OP t1_iz1vsdw wrote

Good idea regarding the submission api! I will consider doing some merchandise in the future if its necessary, but I will never have ads because I personally hate ads even though I understand there is a spectrum of quality in regards to ads. Thank you for the suggestion.


happydazenews OP t1_iz1x0u6 wrote

Thank you for the kind words, and great suggestion. I am working on having a button which narrates the article added soon!

I tried it with article you can scroll to the bottom and there is a narration option. I appreciate you letting me know about the WCAG and its guidelines. I would love to make the site more accessible and will be working towards a AAA rating. Thanks again!


happydazenews OP t1_iz1yc54 wrote

Im currently posting 3 - 4 times week and working towards posting once a day. It can be hard to find articles/stories that meet the bar in terms of quality. Thanks for the comment.


happydazenews OP t1_iz1z4fz wrote

Yes! The research is always highlighted so that people can reference it easily and find more in depth knowledge regarding the article if needed. Thank you for the kind words.


happydazenews OP t1_iz21a1o wrote

Currently my job is able to cover all the expenses, but I do want to expand and create more quality content in the future. I think maybe doing some merchandise will allow me to keep the lights on without having to rely on ads. Thanks for the comment.


rubberseatbelt t1_iz39s2x wrote

You know there are ways of aggregating information through API and there are articles freely available.

If you're trying to do this one article at a time, you'll always be behind.

You might want to look at how to get content for free and pipe it into your site.

So a lot easier to do with WordPress, but Google free content. You'll find it everywhere. All you have to do is attribute it to the author. Good luck!


OVRLDD t1_iz6merx wrote

They are, indeed, very promising. However, have in mind that both those reactors are NOT being pursued for safety reasons. That is a side benefit (and ironically, a small one).

Molten salts are great at achieving high temperaturez, and cause less stress to the reactor in case you want to change the power output - a better match for the heavy renewable energy systems, and to use in high-heat industry. They have some ways to go in terms of proving technical feasibility in the long term, which will be a very long process withing the regulators.

Micro reactors are being targeted for some niche markets - remote.power generation (e.g. mining), low industrial heat, or other uses beyond energy (e.g. nuclear waste recycling/usage). Still a tough sell, as market is much smaller, and while they promise cheap prices through industrialization, you can also achieve it with SMRs.

Any talk you might hear about "we want to use X nuclear technology, because it is safer, and creates less nuclear waste" is usually a sales pitch aimed for public that have big misconceptions of it. And sometimes, in a very false and simplistic way (e.g. some micro reactors claim that passive cooling from Ambient Temperature is enough to cool down reactors. While this is true, it does not cover days where heatwaves can happen. Very likely, design will have to be changed to accommodate such High T days, as I highly doubt any regulator would just accept it as it is.

The true obstacle is the initial investment. Not even economics, which tend to be good- just investing in expertise, framework, and getting the financing costs at decent interest rates.

Nuclear is seen as very safe - including within governments. Most governments just don't want to take such investment, and decide to go on renewables, and crossing fingers for future solutions is just easier for them, as many tend to not plan ahead of their 4-year period. Much easier than trying to get controversial.

This is seen in today's news: UK, for instance, recently published that they are super invested in nuclear, and have a."very ambitious goal" of getting a lot of nuclear built by 2050. How much is a lot for them? Best case scenario: 25% of electricity capacity. Yes, only 25%.

Other technologies that are basically ready to be demonstrated also face market challenges. E.g. Thorium Reactor demonstration got halted, because they could not get a reliable source of fuel for their reactors, as there isn't a supply chain for them (yet), and not a big desire to create one. This is even despite the USA spending money to get rid of Thorium from other industries.

So while we are doing R&D for newer technologies, these tend to be for other uses that conventional nuclear is not suited for. As it stands, there is still a lot of development going on with conventional technologies, especially in Eastern Europe (SMRs with conventional designs) and many African countries (conventional Russian nuclear designs).


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