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1714alpha t1_j7vaml8 wrote

Oof, the bastard love child of Reddit and Twitter feels like the media equivalent of a Doritos taco at Taco Bell. Either one of those ingredients could already drag me into a nauseous shame spiral on their own, but with their powers combined, I'll only have the courage to try it once or twice before I'll feel like I need to go on a serious cleanse, lol.


TravelinDan88 t1_j7vaxcw wrote

You're aware Twitter is in the middle of a death rattle, right?


Octopusapult t1_j7vuvov wrote

I already use a reddit-like way to browse Twitter. It also pilfers all the best content from every other social media too.

It's called Reddit.


YourBrainOnJazz t1_j7vxrri wrote

Some platforms are shitty but still the only way to get information. Cant tell you how many restaurants only use facebook pages or how many police and fire departments basically only use twitter/facebook for communications


levon_wei t1_j7vzzi5 wrote

I hate the phrasing "design folks"


krysnyte t1_j7w6wuw wrote

I'm gonna need one for Jensen Ackles. THX


Truck-Nut-Vasectomy t1_j7wbt5j wrote

Why are people trying to help Twitter be better?

Twitter is an enclave of useless opinions, misinformation, racism, and promotional material for pornography that's being made moreso by a billionaire who has no interest in helping the world be a better place.


Bluffwatcher t1_j7wescx wrote

Bit of feedback if you're interested...

The Trending scroll could be a bit slower. Can't really get a gist of what is flying past.


smatchimo t1_j7wfzyh wrote

Ok but we need to admit Twitter's top content is an oxymoron


Agogp t1_j7wnpni wrote

I said "dora the esplora" once in my head and now it wont go away. Dope project!


GeektimusPrime t1_j7wsgj5 wrote

The “Trending Tweets” scroll way too fast; can’t even read the short ones.

Awesome idea! I signed up for pro notice.


JMJimmy t1_j7wuhp8 wrote

Let twitter die the death it deserves


MichaelTen t1_j7wupin wrote

Needs sort by top (most hearts)... and by hour, day, week, month.....

Limitless Peace


Cyberfury t1_j7wuzmu wrote

That's a great way to structure a whole lot of bullshit, I give you that. ;;)


EricForce t1_j7wv9i8 wrote

The truth is nothing survives for long at all. Even Facebook managed to crash their entire subnetwork. It was so bad I heard that the sys admins couldn't get through the doors to the server room because it killed every key card and door lock they had. Many things in tech are like that; one mistake away from utter chaos.


GamerCharlie t1_j7wvr20 wrote

The threads of tweets should look like Twitters version IMO (just ranked and sorted by you)


Leshawkcomics t1_j7wwpsy wrote

Is there any way to search for sub-communities?

Lets say I just saw something cool about my favorite show and wanna see what people are talking about in it's community:

How would i find out about the new square enix game?

Is this something going to be in Pro? Cause I feel like putting basic functionality like that might leave your attempt DoA.

Cause if I can do that with a google chrome extension on twitter, why pay for it?


pm_me_your_rigs t1_j7x1src wrote

The truth is as someone who has worked on large scale networks for many years. Shit is perpetually broke. But generally there is enough redundancy to mask those issues.

And for code pushes there are generally multiple levels validation and approval before things roll out.

Even then, there will be bugs. No process is perfect.


Robotboogeyman t1_j7x82mf wrote

Very cool, just used the machine learning section to sign up for the new ai video thing on there!


Tipodeincognito t1_j7xow2u wrote

Suggestions: It would be great to see different languages, although I understand that it could be a lot of work. Also, Mastodon needs things like this.


TheJocktopus t1_j7xw69s wrote

One suggestion that comes to mind is to add a "comedy" community, if that's possible. A lot of the most popular stuff on Twitter is just funny and doesn't have to do with any niche interests.


pierifle t1_j7xwn6n wrote

Is Reddit old a layout option?


necroreefer t1_j7xxpa6 wrote

it's not a real social media site unless there is a place for pro wrestling fans to yell at each other.


klaus91 t1_j7y9b7m wrote

Awesome stuff. Is it pure JS? Which tool did you use? Thanks


ActivelyDrowsed t1_j7yjti2 wrote

Would be cool to create my own categories or for it to generate a best of based on my account's own follows


DonJulioTO t1_j7yk5h5 wrote

This is like a Michelin Guide for eating faeces.


RM237 t1_j7yveq2 wrote

I love the wallpaper in the header image. Any chance you could tell me where to find it? Thanks


q_izzical t1_j7ywz4v wrote

these categories are cringe as hell


thinklikeacriminal t1_j7zc8ra wrote

Kevin gave me my first gmail account when it was in beta. He wanted to see what happened when someone filled up their inbox; Gmail was offering 1gb and at that time 1gb of email storage was unheard of. If you sent him a large enough email, he responded with an invite.


t-bands t1_j7zq0nl wrote

Super clever, good stuff


IamZeebo t1_j84wunh wrote

Hey OP, good for you on making this and sharing it. I hope this becomes whatever you want it to be in terms of success.

Props to you man 👊🏾