Recent comments in /f/InternetIsBeautiful

PMmeUrUvula t1_jdfm6p9 wrote

Weather maps seemed to indicate the farther south you went, the higher chance of not having cloud cover. And also it is a tourist town so less dangerous than most of the other parts of Mexico. Plus cheaper than Texas or anywhere farther north.

Things could change in a year though.


Brut-i-cus t1_jdeys4l wrote

I am from Ohio an we drive about 8 hours to see it

We made a nice family vacation of it visiting Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Dollywood

I had been prepared to drive as far S was necessary even if it meant St Louis or farther to be able to see it and I will be ready to do the same this time if I have to drive that far to see it again

To get to see it happen twice in one lifetime and only having to travel mere hours to make it happen is a great piece of luck


alpacasarebadsingers t1_jderl3t wrote

For the last eclipse I made my family drive an hour north. They said “Atlanta is 99% eclipse, why do we need 100%?” I said shut the fuck up and get in the car. Then right when it was going to happen it got cloudy where we were. I made them all get in the car and we drove 3 miles down the road for clear skies.

Totally worth it.