Recent comments in /f/InternetIsBeautiful
SilverKelpie t1_jdfuh81 wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
In my backyard, but it’s April, so I’ll probably cursing at clouds.
emandinga t1_jdft99v wrote
Reply to Guessdle | Play 20 questions with GPT-4 by No_Yak8345
Can it be held by a human?
It was a >!bicycle!<.
kaibo_ t1_jdfsyip wrote
Reply to comment by stgeorgeforeman in I'm Sleepy - A minimal design Bedtime Sleep Calculator by Ryuzzaki
I made a similar calculator for iOS and Apple Watch.
MichaelZeiler OP t1_jdfryvf wrote
Reply to comment by Cloakmyquestions in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Have you seen a total solar eclipse? It’s an event that truly lives up to the hype
Vuhmahnt t1_jdfran7 wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
In my backyard, enjoying 3 minutes 58.6 seconds of totality.
x31b t1_jdfptyr wrote
Reply to comment by PMmeUrUvula in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Come for the eclipse. Stay for the Aztec sacrifice.
signofzeta t1_jdfpgsj wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Western New York, Vermont, or the tip-top of New Hampshire. Undecided.
Cloakmyquestions t1_jdfmu2i wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
This thing is already getting hyped. It will be hysteria.
PMmeUrUvula t1_jdfm6p9 wrote
Reply to comment by toungespasm in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Weather maps seemed to indicate the farther south you went, the higher chance of not having cloud cover. And also it is a tourist town so less dangerous than most of the other parts of Mexico. Plus cheaper than Texas or anywhere farther north.
Things could change in a year though.
fanofnolan t1_jdflk2h wrote
toungespasm t1_jdfks9t wrote
Reply to comment by PMmeUrUvula in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Is that the best place in Mexico to see it ?
cinnamonface9 t1_jdfb9ii wrote
Reply to comment by BuscandoMemo in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
I too chose this guys mom house.
gochet t1_jdfahn9 wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Last time, I drove from MN to Carbondale, IL just to see it. This time, it's going through Carbondale, IL AGAIN.
MisterMasterCylinder t1_jdf78tl wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Planning to sail down to Lake Erie and anchor right in the path of totality to watch it from the water.
Unless the weather sucks that day, in which case idk
Dirk-Killington t1_jdf2std wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Hell yeah man! Thank you!
One of my favorite camping spots in Arkansas is right in the path so I will be there.
Brut-i-cus t1_jdeys4l wrote
Reply to comment by alpacasarebadsingers in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
I am from Ohio an we drive about 8 hours to see it
We made a nice family vacation of it visiting Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Dollywood
I had been prepared to drive as far S was necessary even if it meant St Louis or farther to be able to see it and I will be ready to do the same this time if I have to drive that far to see it again
To get to see it happen twice in one lifetime and only having to travel mere hours to make it happen is a great piece of luck
Calfredie01 t1_jdeykg3 wrote
Reply to comment by alpacasarebadsingers in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
That last percent really does make a world of difference
BuscandoMemo t1_jdexfue wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
At my mom's house in Eagle Pass, TX.
shep2105 t1_jdet66r wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
I live in a city that's going to experience totality, so I'll be home
alpacasarebadsingers t1_jderl3t wrote
Reply to comment by Brut-i-cus in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
For the last eclipse I made my family drive an hour north. They said “Atlanta is 99% eclipse, why do we need 100%?” I said shut the fuck up and get in the car. Then right when it was going to happen it got cloudy where we were. I made them all get in the car and we drove 3 miles down the road for clear skies.
Totally worth it.
Busterlimes t1_jdeq9bd wrote
Reply to comment by bip-jenkins2 in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
Please do! It wouldn't be a bad drive from Michigan to get in a good spot.
[deleted] t1_jdfy83b wrote
Reply to A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler