Recent comments in /f/InternetIsBeautiful

alpacasarebadsingers t1_jdh47ph wrote

Our original plan was to go to Charleston to watch it on a boat, but then the weather was going to be shit for Charleston and I changed to north Georgia mountains. All the people we were going to see in Charleston were unimpressed by the eclipse behind 100% cloud cover.

That’s why for this next eclipse I’m reluctant to make big plans. Plane tickets, house rental, etc. what if there is a storm that day?


imnotsoho t1_jdgg5n1 wrote

I saw my first eclipse in 1979 by Goldendale WA. Drove 3 hours from Seattle overnight and another hour to a clear area. Clouds were iffy but we got a good view when the clouds parted for the whole eclipse.

In 2017 I went to Boise to see the last one, again my brother was with me as he was in 1979.

I am already planning my trip for 2024.


hannahbay t1_jdgd1qx wrote

Yep. My parent's house is in Indiana along the path of totality. April 8 is marked on everyone's calendars, everyone is taking the whole day off, we have out of state family and friends coming in, we're having a party and hopefully we don't have to drive to find clear skies. Luckily though it is later in the day so if we do need to drive, we have time.


stevewm t1_jdg1mtn wrote

Drove from southern Indiana to Kentucky to reach the line of totality for the last one. This time I am only about 20 miles from the totality line, so I will be watching from my backyard! Maps say I will see 3 minutes, 23 seconds of totality, vs 4 minutes if I made the 20 or so mile trip.