Recent comments in /f/InternetIsBeautiful

anonamo0se t1_jdhjm0e wrote

I'm just east of one of the major cities in the path of totality that looks like it is further in the path than that city. Last time the kids were disappointed that it wasn't a total eclipse where we were and couldn't travel at that time to get closer. It was still awesome, it got about 10 degrees colder for about 20 minutes and the leaves from the trees filtered what little sunlight that shone through on to the ground into little crescent shapes of the eclipse that you could watch in real-time like some kind of pinhole camera, crickets started chirping and dogs were going apeshit. I could see some how some primitive cultures would believe that it was a sign of significance, religious or otherwise cus it was trippy.


Significant_Sign t1_jdhf66z wrote

The one we all got in the States a few years ago was the first one I've experienced where we got the weird shadows. I made sure to save all our viewing glasses in a safe place. We (again) are not in the path of totality, but we'll get enough for the cool effects. I'm so excited for my family. Our youngest was just barely five last time, next time she'll be 9. Hopefully we'll all have lifetime memories of it.


TriumphDaWonderPooch t1_jdhbgoj wrote

Where will I be? At my sister's in Batavia, NY - halfway between Buffalo and Rochester, and about 18 inches from the center of the total eclipse path.

OK - maybe a bit more than 18 inches... but right smack dab near the middle! Already sent her a package of 25 eclipse glasses for the event.


righthandofdog t1_jdhaln3 wrote

We're in Atlanta, my son got stuck in traffic and did the 99% thing. We'd gone to Charleston, chased clear skies an hour away and were just blown away. He saw our pictures and video and heard us talking about it and realized he'd fucked up


ConnieRob t1_jdh9rlk wrote

If you need reservations for that spot, make them now. We’ll be going to Hot Springs and made our camping reservations a few months ago and got one of the last spots. The lady said they were filling up so fast.


ConnieRob t1_jdh9hwl wrote

Flying me and my kids in to Hot Springs Arkansas! We went to the last eclipse up in Lawrence, Ks in 2016. It was truly one of the most awe inspiring moments of my life. The hush of the world around us, everything silent and seeing sunlight on the edge of the horizon but being in darkness. It was magic.