Recent comments in /f/InternetIsBeautiful
TellusChaosovich t1_jdsxgwc wrote
Reply to comment by 0IIie in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
It is possible to use on change to update an element displaying the value by each slider.
DocJawbone t1_jdsxdl1 wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
This is very neat/depressing. What does "consistently inactive" mean though?
WHATD_YOU_EXPECT_ t1_jdsx60d wrote
Reply to comment by 0IIie in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Haha, that broke my brain. No thanks.
aon9492 t1_jdsw5jd wrote
Reply to comment by granthollomew in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Professional gamer moment
the_star_lord t1_jdsv528 wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
At the age of 32 and only have 600ish free days until my approx death is kinda depressing.
Going by that I have 2 years of free time.
granthollomew t1_jdsupo1 wrote
Reply to comment by scrappadoo in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
by lying about it for cool points on the internet
0IIie OP t1_jdsszxw wrote
Reply to comment by iamnotinterested2 in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Hopefully it helps to reflect and choose a path towards the life you feel best
0IIie OP t1_jdss43b wrote
Reply to comment by TailessKat in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Unfortunately it's not technically possible with these sliders due to a jquery limitation. The next update will switch to a different slider system on mobile to make live values possible.
TailessKat t1_jdsq74c wrote
Reply to comment by jadayne in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
This was the fatal flaw for me too. On mobile the sliders are almost impossible. It didn't show the values at all so I had no clue what I was selecting.
scrappadoo t1_jdsmlca wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
How do you survive on 4 hours of sleep a day?
YoRt3m t1_jdskiqm wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
I don't know if it's because it's late or I'm just part of the short attention span era, but I saw all those sliders and just gave up the whole thing
iamnotinterested2 t1_jdsje3b wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
very machine like, surely the creativity that brought us here was not done in a factory style living.
BizzyM t1_jdsg2ut wrote
Reply to comment by 0IIie in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Good ol' mobile arrow keys
0IIie OP t1_jdsdxn7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Thanks for the feedback, the limits are there because otherwise it makes it hard to use the slider accurately on mobile. So there had to be a slight compromise for some users. If it is your profession you can use the 'working' input which has higher limits.
0IIie OP t1_jdsbuue wrote
Reply to comment by Anokest in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
For an hour twice a week, 0.25hrs per day average is very close to being accurate.
[deleted] t1_jdsbukg wrote
0IIie OP t1_jdsb97l wrote
Reply to comment by WHATD_YOU_EXPECT_ in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
It should still work fine for you :) Just figure out a daily average for your whole week then divide it by 7, then set both weekday and weekend work hours the same. For all other inputs it's the same, try to find an approximate weekly total then divide it by 7.
Makropony t1_jds7bhu wrote
Reply to comment by WHATD_YOU_EXPECT_ in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Yeah, my work schedule is 2 on 2 off, there’s literally no such thing as a weekend for me.
Anokest t1_jds3ha2 wrote
Reply to comment by WHATD_YOU_EXPECT_ in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Same here but for other activities. If I exercise two times a week, how many minutes do I spent on it daily? I don't know what 2/7th of an hour is.
DMMMOM t1_jds2jy6 wrote
Reply to comment by jadayne in A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Yes that is annoying, I tried clicking and typing a number. Nope. Hit and miss going backwards and forwards trying to get the right number.
WHATD_YOU_EXPECT_ t1_jds2bcg wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
I don’t know how to answer most of these questions. I work weekends often and can’t qualify many other variables due to my nonstandard 9-5.
rubbishdude t1_jds0n9m wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Well. This is depressing.
0IIie OP t1_jdrzbnm wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
If you have suggestions for improvements that could make the tool more useful it would be appreciated, the V3 is already in development!
Cloudburst will remain free forever, with no requirement to login.
PureMetalFury t1_jdry3rg wrote
Reply to comment by sev7en25077 in RedKetchup - Online Tools by sev7en25077
I bet you’re the kind of person who writes “changed some stuff” in their commit messages
JamJiggy t1_jdsygra wrote
Reply to A shocking visualization of how you'll spend your time into the future, designed to help you make the most of your time on Earth - by 0IIie
Wtf are vital activities? Cool idea but I'm just confused as to how I've wasted my life.