Recent comments in /f/InternetIsBeautiful

stevent4 t1_jduh3ra wrote

I'm confused as to what the point of this is? Most people are already aware of how much time they spend doing certain things, what's the tool supposed to tell us? What does it have to do with villages being swept away? It just comes across as vague, self help. "Read more!", "Exercise more!" Aren't helpful things to tell people. People know this. It also comes across as the programmers own personal opinion on things that they view as negative. I play a lot of video games because I enjoy them but according to this I'm wasting my life by doing something I enjoy?


rebeltrillionaire t1_jdugwhe wrote

The only real eye opener is that if you feel like you really only get something like 20-30 free days a year. Once you take sleep and showering and pooping and eating… that ~25 days isn’t 600 hours of free time. It’s more like 250. So yeah you probably have less than 1 year (8,000 hours) fully awake and a blank slate of non-work, non-vital activities left by the time you are 35.