Recent comments in /f/InternetIsBeautiful

covertpetersen t1_jdvsoe0 wrote

>At the age of 32 and only have 600ish free days until my approx death is kinda depressing.

>Going by that I have 2 years of free time.

I'm confused. Average Canadian lives until 82, so that's 50 more years.

Even if you only get weekends off, and never take a vacation day or holiday, that alone is 104 days a year. Multiply that by 50 years and you get 5,200 days. If you sleep for 8 hours a day you're left with 3,467 days.

Where's the 600 coming from?


0IIie OP t1_jdvmzy2 wrote

A lot of time was spent investigating this previously but it wasn't possible to resolve without switching to a different slider system that has it's own drawbacks. There is a jquery problem with the browser that in this case prevents real time values as the slider moves.


0IIie OP t1_jdvi4fa wrote

The tool aims to help you reflect and use your time however you feel best. It purposefully doesn't prescribe one 'right' way, because there isn't one. Only you can decide how you want to spend your day, though this tool may be useful to get a second perspective. It's perfectly good to choose video games as a way to enjoy your day :)


0IIie OP t1_jdvhdex wrote

The tool aims to help you reflect and use your time however you feel best. It purposefully doesn't prescribe one 'right' way, because there isn't one. Only you can decide how you want to spend your day, though this tool may be useful to get a second perspective.


0IIie OP t1_jdveczo wrote

Apologies for the difficulty inputting your info, the next update should make it a little easier. The focus was on keeping everything as simple as possible, but these sliders aren't ideal due to the jquery limitation on updating values in real time.


0IIie OP t1_jdvdq4c wrote

Yeah that means it added up to more than the available time (24hrs). It's a little difficult to get everything inputted on a mobile screen, you should find it easier on a larger screen that shows everything at once. Sorry for the slider trouble.


Thedude317 t1_jdvc3w0 wrote

Yea that’s not it chief, I only interact with websites if I HAVE TO on my phone, everything other than cursory searches I perform on actual computers with superior human interface devices.

Though, you can make a convincing argument that in a modern world you should have ux/ui that is cross platform compatible, but I’m sure you’ve experienced a shittier mobile page than a desktop page.
