After he finishes eating, he pulls out a gun and shoots it in the air. The bartender is surprised and asks the panda why he did that. The panda pulls out a dictionary and points to the entry on "panda", which reads: "Panda: a large black and white bear-like mammal native to China. Eats shoots and leaves."
sdforbda t1_jdbn5mp wrote
I'm bamboozled.
cjl3ish t1_jdbn9xj wrote
[deleted] t1_jdbnoco wrote
[deleted] t1_jdbp08l wrote
sdforbda t1_jdbpgsv wrote
RealUglyMF t1_jdbpirx wrote
Oh wow, I'm dumb. Haha. Good one
sdforbda t1_jdbq248 wrote
Haha gets the best of us sometimes.
Mental-Astronaut-664 t1_jdbrj4n wrote
😂 finally a joke I haven’t heard before!
chrisfpdx t1_jdbs2x1 wrote
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation is a non-fiction book written by Lynne Truss, the former host of BBC Radio 4's Cutting a Dash programme. In the book, published in 2003, Truss bemoans the state of punctuation in the United Kingdom and the United States and describes how rules are being relaxed in today's society. Her goal is to remind readers of the importance of punctuation in the English language by mixing humour and instruction.
anonny42357 t1_jdbs8ic wrote
I want that book. I didn't know I needed it, but now I do. I'm an English nerd, so it sounds amusing AF.
iamjoebloggs t1_jdc0kg4 wrote
There is no charge for awesome?
The_Griggler t1_jdc1fll wrote
I grew up with a mate we called the wombat, because he eats, roots, shoots and leaves
SABatoge2002 t1_jdc4809 wrote
It's LEAF! Make like a tree and leaf! God, ya sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!
Difficult-Reach-5205 t1_jdc4fxu wrote
rapid growth of a situation.
Ok-Comfortable6400 t1_jdc6k9l wrote
Pretty sure he is referencing Biff from the back to the future series or boondock sts.
Incognito_Echo t1_jdc96fk wrote
DeaconBrad42 t1_jdcaa2n wrote
SAB’s response is old Biff’s response to young Biff in Back to the Future II when he hears young Biff say it wrong in 1955.
PsychologicalBox7428 t1_jdcab2z wrote
This joke is just pandaring to the masses
Ok-Comfortable6400 t1_jdcan2o wrote
I know. 😊 just stirring the internet a little.
[deleted] t1_jdcclrj wrote
DuctTapeRuler_14 t1_jdcfymx wrote
That, my friends, is not a panda. He never left.
Specialist-Tale-5899 t1_jdch0kj wrote
But he didn’t leave though.
BachsBicep t1_jdchg4j wrote
The next day a squirrel walks into the bar and orders a fruit salad. After he finishes eating he begins masturbating vigorously. The bartender is outraged and asks the squirrel what he thinks he's doing. In response the squirrel pulls out a dictionary and points to the entry on "squirrel", which reads: "Squirrel: a small rodent that lives in trees. Eats fruit and nuts."
piggie45 t1_jdchqvp wrote
I heard this joke before only it was a Koala, a prostitute and bush...
ACOGJager t1_jdcj38m wrote
it's LEAF L E A F. make like a leaf and get outta here.
theembodimentoffat t1_jdcktfo wrote
>Lynne Truss
Any relation to that failure of a PM whose tenure's only significant event was the Queen's death?
Yoyo524 t1_jdcnibn wrote
I read that book and was hoping someone else would reference it in the comments
regrettablyold t1_jdcocqp wrote
That explanation left me in a comma.
regrettablyold t1_jdcot3s wrote
Bare nosed wombats can make cube-shaped poops. Wombat fact. I think they are the cutest marsupial. Wombat opinion.
regrettablyold t1_jdcp693 wrote
Good one, but what sort of bar serves fruit salad?
camerupts t1_jdcptdc wrote
i haven't heard this one in forever!! my dad loved this one, brought a big smile to my face :)
maxiewoxy t1_jdcq0ww wrote
Fruit salad? Yummy yummy.
jenlindesigns t1_jdcqllh wrote
Awe, some good clean and clever humor for a change!!
[deleted] t1_jdcqogm wrote
[deleted] t1_jdcqoub wrote
peter_the_martian t1_jdcr21k wrote
A polar bear and the musical artist Seal walks into a bar. They exchange pleasantries and, well you know the rest
kkitty44 t1_jdcrr08 wrote
Boondock is “make like a tree, and get the f**k out of here!”
Ok-Comfortable6400 t1_jdcssld wrote
😂 yes!!!!!!
dejomatic t1_jdcu16a wrote
The same one that serves a cheese sandwich
bdchrisp23 t1_jdcudv5 wrote
Obviously the one that that squirrel goes to!!
The_dark_Archangel t1_jdcusvs wrote
I love this!
Pranav_RedStone971 t1_jdcvgr0 wrote
I was completely bamboozled by the punchline though.
Bdellio t1_jdcwcsy wrote
A salad bar.
Conscious_Amoeba8232 t1_jdcypr3 wrote
The version I heard is that the panda shoots in the air and runs out. The bartender shouts after him, “Why did you do that?!”, and the panda shouts back, “look it up!”. The bartender pulls out a dictionary and so forth.
Conscious_Amoeba8232 t1_jdcywqu wrote
It’s leaf. LEAF. Make like a leaf and get a tree.
mcgargargar t1_jdcyz2b wrote
Like Charles Barkley at Sixers practices
Bernardias t1_jdczgsq wrote
AkhiraAmin t1_jdczuzg wrote
Make like a tree and fuck off - Ricky TBP
TEMOfficial t1_jdd1all wrote
Cowboy_Reaper t1_jdd234r wrote
Wiggle Wiggle
No_Towel_8922 t1_jdd2akg wrote
Was a death sentence, common during this period.
No_Indication_1691 t1_jdd5ykl wrote
Make like a baby and head out
CryptographerMedical t1_jdd6lig wrote
Ahhhhh I have found my people!
legallyalienated t1_jdd6nq8 wrote
I’m just a courier, so don’t get upset with ME, but the Karma Justice Department asked me to deliver this … Actually, its “make like a tree and LEAVE” not LEAF.
Different-Tie-1085 t1_jdd6r1m wrote
Luked0g44O t1_jdd82jh wrote
You left out walking out after firing the gun.
Luked0g44O t1_jdd89vp wrote
Make like a prostitute, and blow this joint.
Altruistic-Offer2120 t1_jdd8ns9 wrote
Take you’re angry upvote because you beat me to it. Just like the prostitute did to my joint.
Green-Dragon-14 t1_jdd8rpm wrote
gambled94 t1_jdd8u6w wrote
Lol the amount of people not understanding the make like a tree and get outta here reference. Smh
Time_Bus_7998 t1_jdd8wep wrote
Like Michael...I'm Bolton!
[deleted] t1_jddal61 wrote
Pause_Affectionate t1_jddel8b wrote
Thank you for correcting that!
flarezilla t1_jddgqgg wrote
Make like a tree and get outta here.
steady1978 t1_jddj4ac wrote
Make like horse shit and hit the trail
Responsible-Pass7902 t1_jddldu9 wrote
Why did I think it was going to be one a black person thing and one a white person thing. Haha
scw1224 t1_jddlpu6 wrote
It is a fantastic book.
bunglefrungle t1_jddoi6i wrote
the seal blows his own head off with a shotgun, yeah I'm familiar
AsYouAnswered t1_jddr5us wrote
Make like a baby and split!
Repulsive_Onion_5925 t1_jdds631 wrote
Sooo make like a leaf and get out of the tree?!
ChiefScout_2000 t1_jddsb25 wrote
Canuck here: Make like a Leaf and get the puck outahere.
palebluedotcitizen t1_jddst2w wrote
Old joke but I heard it differently: why doesn't the male panda cuddle his lady panda after sex? He eats, shoots and leaves.
Adventurous-Pool6988 t1_jddtzw2 wrote
lol, unque
Betta45 t1_jddui49 wrote
I love this book. I have red pen at the ready because of it.
Thneed1 t1_jddvq4l wrote
Also Canuck here: Make like a Leaf and lose in the first round.
unopoularopinion t1_jddvtb6 wrote
Canucks and Leafs are different sides of the country
unopoularopinion t1_jddvyyt wrote
ChiefScout_2000 t1_jddzeol wrote
I HABitually make that mistake.
JimmyL1957 t1_jddzfsq wrote
Hey! Just make like a Shephard and get the flock out!
Drando4 t1_jddzuyz wrote
Pittsburgher here: Make like the Pens and lose in the first round.
unopoularopinion t1_jde02xt wrote
Going up in Flames. Need to take a Jet
SteamyPork t1_jde20x6 wrote
I’m gonna make like diarrhea and run
Pale_Thing_8979 t1_jde3lq9 wrote
Wait! Isn't it "Make like a tree and leaf?"
[deleted] t1_jde52i5 wrote
Ddowns5454 t1_jde7die wrote
Please make like a goose and get the flock out of here
TrashPandacoot1122 t1_jde9cb8 wrote
To soon
CalypsoCooper t1_jdeaelb wrote
Yes, but what does she say about the oxford comma?
Ltsdexi2 t1_jdeb0ys wrote
I should go.
Fordemups t1_jdecdrk wrote
Best joke I’ve seen on here in ages. Bravo
emzirek t1_jdecg20 wrote
why don't you make like a baby and head out
dejomatic t1_jdecqbe wrote
Make like a breech baby and butt out.
Quirky_Ice5866 t1_jdeg9fj wrote
Make like Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 and get lost
Outrageous-emma t1_jdeggqk wrote
My advice is to improve your value before you have the capital to negotiate with a manager
26shiva t1_jdei9c8 wrote
That's about as funny as a screen door on a battle ship 😜😎
maester_t t1_jdeigbc wrote
The best Oxford Comma example I know of is the one involving strippers, JFK, and Stalin.
PMmeHOPEplease t1_jdek06p wrote
It was a joke from the back of a book to learn better English, can't remember the name but they had a series of them for English and maths. I never read the book but laughed a few times at the joke on the back.
Altruistic-Offer2120 t1_jdemrgf wrote
I saw it but couldn’t edit it and just don’t care
iliketapestries t1_jder0jx wrote
And the classic “People in glass houses sink ships!”
kkitty44 t1_jderl6f wrote
Wow. In your universe, the leafs make the playoffs?
kkitty44 t1_jdernq7 wrote
Ewetootwo t1_jdev9k9 wrote
Exactly the right reference. Thank you. Moreover the plural of leaf is leaves. And of course if Toronto leaves the playoffs NHL in the early rounds they’ll once again be the Maple Loafs.
So leave the leaf alone and watch the Maple Leafs loaf about.
Ewetootwo t1_jdevkrc wrote
Did so last year and will again this year. The real question is will Lightning strike twice?
Ewetootwo t1_jdevq8t wrote
Hope it doesn’t run out of oilers.
unopoularopinion t1_jdevu5m wrote
Call your Senator
[deleted] t1_jdewezp wrote
thebemusedmuse t1_jdewrmq wrote
I liked that book. I liked the parody of it - Eats, Shits and Leaves - better
surfingkoala035 t1_jdexfq1 wrote
Still my favorite line of comedy ever. Mainly because I saw B2TF2 when I was still very young and I didn’t get what Biff was supposed to be saying. Funny.
finniebearrr t1_jdey7rk wrote
Here's your downvote.. Now, make like glue, and stick around a while!
notnicks1 t1_jdf0dnj wrote
Version i heard: a girl meets this realy cool panda in a bar and they hit it off. They swap phone numbers and agree to go out one day. She never hears from him so eventually calls the panda, and asks if he'd like to come over for dinner -she'd cook.
The panda comes round to hers and they have a great time. He's charming and funny, and really flirty. After the meal he makes a move, and 10 minutes later theyre naked, and getting freaky. They both cum, and as she rolls off him expecting to cuddle, the panda is up and heading for the door.
she phones her best friend and tells her about this wonderful panda she met who just wanted her for sex. Thats pandas for you, the friends says. EATS, SHOOTS AND LEAVES..
Nothing-Compares2U t1_jdf31x3 wrote
I would give you 2 upvotes for that one.
coyoteatemyhomework t1_jdf8285 wrote
SaintCholo t1_jdf8k3b wrote
He meant tossed salad
SaintCholo t1_jdf8ytj wrote
A guy is driving around the back woods of Montana and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: 'Talking Dog For Sale.'
He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard.
The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador Retriever sitting there.
"You talk?" he asks.
"Yep" the Lab replies.
After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says, "So, what's your story?"
The Lab looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA. In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping, I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running... but the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger so I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals. I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I'm just retired."
The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog.
"Ten dollars" the guy says.
"Ten dollars? This dog is amazing! Why on Earth are you selling him so cheap?"
"Because he's a fucking liar. He's never been out of the yard."
Snoo_95983 t1_jdfbf27 wrote
Make like a shepherd and get the flock out of here!
Snoo_95983 t1_jdfbinw wrote
Make like a shepherd and get the flock out of here!
thetomahawk42 t1_jdfcqoe wrote
It's a brilliant book! It should be mandatory reading in all schools.
thetomahawk42 t1_jdfcw2q wrote
She prefers the Oxford Comma and advocates for it in the book.
Proper_Ambassador525 t1_jdfcxfv wrote
The following day, a wombat enters the bar and orders a chicken parmigiana. After he finishes eating, he looks around and sees a beautiful woman. He wanders over and whispers a few words in her ear.
Next thing the bartender knows, the wombat is making sweet sweet love to the woman, right there in the bar!!
Shocked, the bartender demands to know what's going on!!
The wombat pulls out a dictionary and points to the entry for wombat. Eats roots and leaves.
thetomahawk42 t1_jdfczcz wrote
Yep. It kinda doesn't make sense unless the Panda actually leaves...
Romulofras t1_jdfhnc2 wrote
Wow this won't go down well in Australia it's wombats. Only wombats eats roots and leaves. 😁
Ewetootwo t1_jdfhuqc wrote
So the dictionary entry should be changed to: eats shoots and talks to bartenders.
Saavedroo t1_jdfi2se wrote
Sooo... I understand where the joke ought to be. But I guess I must be missing one definition of "shoots".
ItsameMatt03 t1_jdfp7u3 wrote
This is one of the oldest jokes.
muffsnake t1_jdfqznf wrote
The version I heard involved a hooker, cunnilingus, and the punchline “eats bushes and leaves”
dinosaur1972 t1_jdfy4qr wrote
That's the one I heard too. Mighta been a koala instead of a panda?
Peach_Beneficial t1_jdg4f71 wrote
Make like a turd and slide outta this hole!
RogueIslesRefugee t1_jdg5rop wrote
Gotta love how of all things, that's what Liz is to be remembered for, heh.
SapientRaccoon t1_jdg6a6v wrote
A shoot is a young plant. Giant Pandas like bamboo shoots.
theembodimentoffat t1_jdg6l9r wrote
Yeah, but any relation?
Saavedroo t1_jdgbary wrote
Aaah, this makes more sense. Thanks ! :D
CucumberUseful4689 t1_jdgbvc9 wrote
The Oilers moved to Tennessee
Huge_Name1866 t1_jdgg1zm wrote
That's so funny,I had to grin and bear it. Rofl.
TristansDad t1_jdgk9bf wrote
I don’t think so.
theembodimentoffat t1_jdgkl4r wrote
StevenMcFlyJr t1_jdgn1q5 wrote
Hey, you leave Biff alone .....
Akhi1 OP t1_jdgw2pv wrote
Good to hear 😊
PMmeHOPEplease t1_jdhcuqo wrote
Yeah that's the one. It's literally called eats, shoots and leaves 😅
bj-mc t1_jdi68xa wrote
AsYouAnswered t1_jdiquiq wrote
Make like a banana and leaf?
bj-mc t1_jdis9t5 wrote
Make like a Banana and split
AsYouAnswered t1_jdiykzj wrote
Make like a tree and head out?
Inevitable-Match591 t1_jdjzd6h wrote
Twenty five years old. Watched it a month ago for the first time
CuredOast672 t1_jdbmx2x wrote
Here’s your upvote.. Now, make like a tree, and get outta here!