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[deleted] t1_jbx5uvg wrote



maggieufledu t1_jbx6119 wrote

The joke doesn’t say they were on their way to their wedding, though.


ben_db t1_jbx7gaz wrote

Or that they were in the same car, the groom's car could have struck the bride's.


monadyne t1_jbx90y6 wrote

>Now that I think of it, this probably didn’t even happen.

[spits out beverage] Pffft!! What, now?


MtPollux t1_jbx62ua wrote

The joke doesn't say they were on their way to get married, just that they hadn't had the chance to get married yet.


soylentbleu t1_jbxhknq wrote

😂 I know you've been down voted for this and my first thought was "it's a joke, wtf is this about?" but I read all the way through and genuinely LOLd.
