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SnakePlisken_Trash t1_jdinywy wrote

I had suspicions that my wife might be cheating. I work almost 50 miles away. So, one day I went home around lunch and parked down the street and walked to my house to see if I could catch her. Wouldn't you know it, there was another strange car in my driveway. As I got to the corner of property I snuck up and hid behind my boat. I could see it looked like she was making out with someone in my living room and to make sure they didn't see squatted down behind my boat transom. Looked like they were taking each other's clothes off..... OMG ! That's when my heart sank and I realized all my suspicions were true, there was gear oil directly under the prop on the concrete. That's why I've been losing power on those really long runs. and having trouble getting reverse. Time for all new seals let's hope she don't need a new lower unit.