Submitted by Gil-Gandel t3_120do92 in Jokes
But they keep going on about how he can do what he wants in his own living room.
Submitted by Gil-Gandel t3_120do92 in Jokes
But they keep going on about how he can do what he wants in his own living room.
At home? In his living room? Land lines exist. Corded phones even.
So which one of them was the minor? Or did you misspell miner?
Afterwards my wife had sex with the guy and the police officers joined in too! Can you believe it?!
Embarrassing 'corrections' are embarrassing..
Must of been the cop from Tennessee lol
Sure, but those are the ones that need qualifiers. "Phone" defaults to smart phones these days, anything else is the unusual one.
This is the funniest part of the post.
It's a different category from the "3 people go to a bar" joke I think.
Bro just incorrected OP
My schizophrenic husband got in a car accident trying to give himself road head. He hit a tree thinking he was a contortionist
My wife was in a miner accident, how she got the car down there in the first place, I'll never know!
Similar thing happens to my wife, and as much as she insisted the guy she hit was drunk, the police insisted that he's allowed to be inside the bar she drove through.
The real upvotes are in the comments.
They do exist, just no one under 50 has them
Being on the phone and drinking a coke would be a lousy defense anyways...
The grammar in your comment is as good as the grammar in your username.
Or possibly r/whoosh?
Minor accident driving through walls?
Instead it's a "my wife is bad at driving" joke ha ha ha
>I bought my wife a new car. She called and said, "There is water in the carburetor." I said, "Where's the car?" She said, "In the lake."
--Henny Youngman
You haven't argued with many women lately, I guess.
there's no mentions of cars or driving tho. I think it's just a joke about marital violence, since "accident" is ambiguous
edit: Why the fuck am I getting downvoted? You people see CAR written there?
Your casual misogyny is not the point. The joke only works if at first her excuse seems reasonable, and then the punchline turns it around and MAKES it unreasonable. Otherwise there's no subversion and no joke.
Somebody else already commented it, but it works better if she tries to claim he was drunk. A drunk person could conceivably stumble in front of your car, and it wouldn't legally be your fault if you hit them. Then the punchline actually changes things.
They should send that woman to Ohio, so that she can show that state how to run a train.
But it makes cops jealous
I don’t get it
ok grammar nazi, literally nobody cares
Well I care, so you are incorrect when you say that "literally" no one cares.
I once ran over a glass milk bottle and wrecked my tyres.
The silly fucker had it hidden under their coat.
I also care. Grammar is important.
Metaphorical “literally”
Why the hell does it matter? The message is still conveyed either way
Are you mad about the misogyny thing?
She drove through the house
Omfg this one got me
Hardly. Most people got rid of them because why pay for a land line when you pay for a cellphone.
I miss my grammar. I miss my grandpa as well.
Oddly enough a Cop and his Chief in my State, recently got into trouble for arresting a Woman for being Drunk in her own Home, after someone else crashed his Car into a Bush on her Property …
Steve Lehto covered it on his YouTube Channel:
Ooh thanks lol
My wife got a ticket for running into a policeman…in a traffic copter!
Well, some apparently don't care that you don't care, even though you do! How about that? :)
*Grammar are importants.
Minor accident? Thought you were gonna say she ran over a teenager!
I wish I could give you an award 😂😂😂
So am I mistaken or is everyone else wrong. The accident that she got in was with a homeless man. So in his defense he can do whatever he wants in his living room.
Who hurt you?
You did. Or it might have been that amateur juggler outside of Jersey City. Deliberations continue.
In the real world it is. Not reddit.
He didn't have to be homeless.
The humor is the expectation that the man would be at fault for the car accident because being on the phone AND drinking at the same time is very dangerous [while driving].
However expectations are subverted when it is revealed that the wife hit the man in his own living room. Actual living room, in a home. Therefore the man was not being dangerous, did not cause the accident, and above that it is wild that the woman drove through someone's house and hit them in their own living room.
At least 20 whooshes there. But holding out hope for the 21st.
I read this as my wife was a minor by accident... I need help
Then the wife removes her wig to reveal it was the bus driver the whole time.
Sorry for her
Why say Coke? Why not say beer or something that would be illegal to do while driving.
Because if you live in hurricane prone Florida and need to call 911 or family, cell service and WiFi goes down when the towers go down. Land lines go through.
Loved that you used the word "subverted". Sexy!
Must have*
We have to have one for our home security system.
What a plot twist
I had suspicions that my wife might be cheating. I work almost 50 miles away. So, one day I went home around lunch and parked down the street and walked to my house to see if I could catch her. Wouldn't you know it, there was another strange car in my driveway. As I got to the corner of property I snuck up and hid behind my boat. I could see it looked like she was making out with someone in my living room and to make sure they didn't see squatted down behind my boat transom. Looked like they were taking each other's clothes off..... OMG ! That's when my heart sank and I realized all my suspicions were true, there was gear oil directly under the prop on the concrete. That's why I've been losing power on those really long runs. and having trouble getting reverse. Time for all new seals let's hope she don't need a new lower unit.
Cool! You’re so badass, like going around correcting people’s grammar and shit. Have a nice cough cough terrible cough day.
And asserting other people's opinions?
Well, juggling your phone and a can at the same time would be bad enough, yesno?
Take my upvote, ya filthy animal. I blew coffee all over my workshop.
My wife was just in a minor accident. She knocked over a 12 year old.
Women I right fellas ?
That's what I was thinking. "Officer, this guy was texting while drinking a beer!" "Well, it's his living room, he can do whatever he wants."
It works much better with a beer.
Thief: "Your money or your wife" Henry Youngman "I'm thinking it over..."
Agreed. Saying her would have made it funnier.
My Dad is 80. He still has a landline, but last summer he told us kids to use his cell as the default now. I think he's getting rid of it this year.
My Mom is 78, and broke. She uses the landline because it's cheaper. My brother and I talked at Christmas about just putting her on one of our plans instead. Unlimited talk and text plus shared data for like 20 bux more a month. She pays 25ish for very limited minutes.
I believe his exact words were... 'This is my own private domicile and I will not be harrased....'
Time to clean your filthy workshop!
I could care less, butt I won’t bother today.
“Honey, the carburetor is missing.” That’s right dear, they are all fuel-injected nowadays.”
I still have a land mine. I like them, and believe wholeheartedly in their effectiveness.
Not a big fan of those myself, but I do have a wired phone.
Only if the phone lines are buried below ground. If they’re above, they’re just as vulnerable as above ground power or other utility lines.
I got a car for my wife, best trade I've made all year
Directed by M Night Shyamalan
That’s cheating!
Yes, agreed. They're buried. Like our chances of ever having a normal governor...
is that woman, your mom…?
I heard they did it on a boat. I can't believe it. Canoe?
„Hey honey, I've had a wildlife-vehicle collision.“ – „What did you hit?“ – „Fish.“
If she was, that would make my last fap really awkward.
I asked my wife how whe got the car in the living. She said she took a left at the kitchen.
I did that on a floating bridge once but I didn't think to make this joke at the time! Dang it!
He shouldn't have rear-ended her. Then again, he has no requirement to wear pants and sit normally in his living room.
That wily Bus Driver always seems to show up when kinky sex is involved.
Exactly whose bush was interfered with?
Still better than being a minor on purpose.
Hers, right on her own front stoop …
And even more importantly, he wasn’t even wearing a condom!
Were they stupid? That’s private personal property. They can do damn near anything there.
That’s what the Judge said …
As for the Cop, not to mention the Chief, they aren’t Officers anymore!
Adults by birth, children by choice.
Honey, I've got good news and I've got bad news..
Good news is the airbags work
My wife hit some kids who were jay walking…
with a baseball bat
M Night Shyamalan, Michael Bay, and Tommy Wiseau.
Good news is the airbags workED.
That's a rip on a Jack Benny classic: Benny's held up by a mugger, and has to decide between his money or his life
Yeah, that bus driver gets around. 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, all through the town
Nah! It’ll evaporate eventually! Sawdust will help!
Alright buddy
No you're wrong
It could make sense very briefly if they arrived and saw a drunk lady by a car and assumed she’d been driving it. One would think this would be cleared up very quickly though…
I ain’t your buddy, guy.
So where is the minor?
I just woke-up from the worse hangover in my life, I got totally wasted last night at the local bar. On a side note, whoever drove my truck home owes me a mailbox.
Wait ... So women can drive?
Under 50, have a landline.
Nope …
They came back to first Breathalyze, then arrest her, and finally conduct a Warrentless Search!
2 twin sisters are given identical VW bugs for graduating from high school. They each drive to the mall the next day to show their friends their new car. One of them starts crying and yells to her sister, "OH my God, my engine has been stolen! ". To witch, her sister replies, "Don't worry, there's a spare in the trunk. ".
In that case it’s not technically infidelity cos she only got fucked in the belly button with Tommy W
i and the home invader had a fruitless 3 hours trying to find some money he could steal in my house. in the end send him home as i saw his failure was getting to him mentally.
I just read it again an this time read it as my wife was a minor accident... I still need help
It's Henny Youngman, not Henry.
"Take my wife.... Please!"
The people on the bus go up and down.
We have a landline so my wife can call her cell to find it and so we can get our share of spam calls.
Lake my wife, please!
BLONDE sisters.
Ooofff. Good ol’ Ronnie DeathSentence. Better you than us. We had to survive eight years of Eagle Scout Scotty Walker, 2010-2018.
Yeah, I’ve one of those too.
"Better you than us"... WHAT? Look, I'm sorry you had Scott Walker. I don't wish Desantis on anyone. That's not the spirit or the answer.
It was said in jest. Don’t be thin-skinned, like a typical MAGAt supporter.
I'm against Desantis. Don't point fingers at my reaction when they were your inconsiderate words. Now that's a "typical MAGAt" reaction.
Our phone provider changed to Voip lines instead of normal land lines. So lights go down, no phone service. Found this out and got rid of the "land line".
You a schoolteacher? Or just nothing better to do? Blame me for not using my native language? What is it?
No I was being a smartass. Sorry I hurt your feelings.
Edit:Also because once the airbags go off, they aren't going off again.
No shit Sherlock
News to me ...and who's Sherlock?
fairlyPertain t1_jdgsxs5 wrote
A husband and wife joke where the punchline is not infidelity?Blasphemous!