They’re both masterbaiters
terdfergesson t1_jefdbah wrote
Sad trombone
Holala13 OP t1_jefdcws wrote
I couldn’t find it by using the reddit search bar unlike my joke about gay people
[deleted] t1_jefduva wrote
lokoston t1_jefdyry wrote
Is in Greek. Look it up that way.
ole_shanksies t1_jeftzcp wrote
They both spend a while tugging their rod
regrettablyold t1_jegczx9 wrote
Why was the commercial fisherman struggling financially?
Because he had a triple net lease, maybe?
Why was the professional sperm donor struggling romantically?
Because he didn't want to work at home, maybe?
I don't know. So sue me like Gwyneth Paltrow.
tralaraximpum t1_jegvb9b wrote
I was expecting something about seamen. Upvoted the Sad trombone instead.
[deleted] t1_jefd2ww wrote