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Bob8644 t1_je0k8ve wrote

2016 is down the hall and to the left


abackCement445 t1_je0kh00 wrote

Donald Trump is stereotypically perceived to be a posterior.


Crott117 t1_je0l9r0 wrote

14 inches is way too short for the purpose of this joke


9boi t1_je0o6qb wrote

Rent free


Igloo_Heater t1_je0sgoh wrote

Lamest joke on r/Jokes all year. You have to be able to come up with something better than calling Trump an asshole. That's too easy


MpVpRb t1_je0tboa wrote

That's an insult to assholes


noteghost t1_je0uzry wrote

I'm about the same height as Trump. Just measured from the bottom of my throat to the top of my belt buckle: about 21".


Muzck t1_je0wc2f wrote

A plunger when you’re backed up


Actuallawyerguy2 t1_je0wlx1 wrote

i don't think OP knows how inches work, or how long that fuck's ties are. It literally hangs like 4 inches below his beltline.


HarryHacker42 t1_je0ze3b wrote

The man who tried to overthrow democracy, stole classified documents and refused to return them, helped Saudi Arabia's MBS get away with murdering a journalist and got the LIV golf tournaments at his courses in return, and continues to encourage violence against police ... yeah.. that's the guy we're supposed to "forget" and stop talking about? When he's in jail, sure thing. Because you don't let those kind of assaults on America go unanswered.


Ubersupersloth t1_je10arx wrote

Wow. A “Trump Bad” joke. That’s a blast from the past.


HarryHacker42 t1_je10oky wrote

The economy tanked under Covid while Trump lied and said Covid was just the flu and wasn't serious, and then almost died from it.

Trump did end the war by surrendering to the Taliban, so that's something, but Biden sure would have liked better terms to be stuck with. Do you remember the good times when Trump killed an Iranian general in Iraq with a drone strike? Yeah, that's still causing issues.

Rose tint my world, keep my safe from my trouble and pain.


RoLaAus t1_je10y0f wrote

"Tried to overthrow a democracy"

Really, with NO firearms and telling his rally attendees to "make your voices peacefully and patriotically be heard"

OR are you referring to those who said "Who ever said protests should be peaceful" OR "there should be more unrest in the streets" I'm confused... only 1 side had "autonomous zones"


Less_Geologist_4004 OP t1_je11tyv wrote

This joke came from a conversation with a friend about OJ and the OG asshole was Johnny Cochran back when OJ was on trial. I remembered the joke and modernized it. I just couldn’t think of a bigger media asshole than him. Sorry dude.


cerokurn13 t1_je11uts wrote

Don’t be butt hurt someone made a joke about ur dumb president. Notice how when you guys make jokes about Biden like he’s falling up the stairs and shit we don’t get mad


HarryHacker42 t1_je13qbo wrote

So the police who were beaten with flagpoles and maced and dragged around were just loved to death? The gallows built outside for Mike Pence were just a form of worship we've missed, like Jesus on the Cross? How about the handcuffs and zip ties? The smashing windows? It was not peaceful, so stop your bullshit.


HarryHacker42 t1_je147f9 wrote

At least you don't argue any of it is untrue. Let me know when you find an example of Biden making $141 million off the US government while President, like Trump did while golfing. Or show me where Biden encouraged violence against police or journalists. Lets see how your oligarchs stack up against the current loser the Democrats put in place.


RoLaAus t1_je2t4s0 wrote

And again, none of then had dreams, most were let in and even the "q anon shaman" was escorted around by cops (tried to open a locked door then directed him to an alternate route - making them co-conspirators OR making it entrapment... which was it?)


RoLaAus t1_je2u1k4 wrote

And neither was the "mostly peaceful" riots where a police pricing was burnt down and they tried to keep the cops inside!

NO cops died directly from the Jan 6th protest, and so ehow .yateriously multiple cops were suicided (and none committed suicide during the "summer of love", come on man! Those cops were Clintoned and were gon a spill the beans about all the comms that were "accidebtally" destroyed that day!

Smashed windows - BIG F*&%ING DEAL! There was multiple BILLIONS worth of damages done by those "mostly peaceful" RIOTS! AND COPS WERE KILLED DURING THEM TOO!


maynardstaint t1_je2vebv wrote

Dude, get your head out of your ass. The Qanon shaman confessed, plead guilty and gave a video statement. Stop with the fucking conspiracies. THEY DID IT. THEYCOMMITED EVERY CRIME THEY ARE ACCUSED OF.


HarryHacker42 t1_je33fud wrote

The BLM protests were because "you're killing black people without any reason and we're sick of waiting for you to stop".

Jan 6th was to "overthrow the will of the voters and have Donald Trump declared President without the vote supporting it".

One is overthrowing democracy, the other is "stop killing us".

If you can't see the difference, then any efforts to debate with you are pointless. I'm sorry you were lied to by Tucker Carlson, its what he does...


RoLaAus t1_je38qj3 wrote

Except black people are 7 tines more likely to kill another black person.... cops just mowing down black people who aren't resisting arrest (like Floyd KICKING the cop trying to put him into the police SUV!!!) just isn't happening! Black people kill FAR MORE blacks than do cops! Also, a white person is 40 times more likely to be attacked by a black person than the other way around... if tou just exams those 2 facts alone, black people are more violent as a group - sure there are SOME pacifists, and sure there are SOME violent white people but POc NEED TO stop listening to mass media, it is imperative to their survival, even more so than OBEYING LAWFUL ORDERS of cops! They also need to stop having an attitude of getting killed and getting their family rich and "making a statement" for the community!!


RoLaAus t1_je3922f wrote

The fact that he dis do what he did does NOT negate the FACt that the recently released video shows a cop trying to open a locked door for him and when he couldn't he (the cops - there were actually multiple ones) direct him to another route to enter thar locked door! Either they are co-conspirators OR agaib, they not only merely "allosed" him in, they all but pushed him inside then arrested him for tresspassing.... and you can't "tresspass" someone that you GUIDED in to a building/secure room!!


RoLaAus t1_je39hc1 wrote

What the cops in that video did was essentially a private security gaurd for a rich/famous person house, taking a random stranger up to the front door, trying to gain access to the house that way (for the stranger) then the security gaurd tells the stranger "let's go around back, it should be unlocked and you can go inside that way"


maynardstaint t1_je3d153 wrote

Not what I said. The shaman was arrested because there is evidence he committed a crime. Then he confessed.

If YOU have proof of a crime, to arrest whoever you think is guilty.

What I DONT care about, is what you THINK happened. Because you have no idea who they are, what they’re ACTUALLY doing, where they’re may it may not be taking him. You dont ACTUALLY KNOW A damn thing. Every single word. Out of YOUR mouth. IS conspiracy theory. And I don’t give a shit what you THINK happened.


RoLaAus t1_je3e94i wrote

The ONLY reason you are saying what you are saying is 1 - the video shows people on the other side as you And 2 - Cult News Network told you "no co text", so you say "yes massa" and Parr their talking points.

WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE then cops IN UNIFORM escorting him around!

Also, his defense did not have these clips to show the judge/jury for his defense, so I don't particularly care what he confessed to Behing Biden WITHELD EVIDENCE just like he sicked his politicized IRS on the Twitter Files news reporter!!


HarryHacker42 t1_je3fw5q wrote

  1. So what if black people kill black people? That doesn't give police the permission to kill them. The whole complaint about obeying lawful orders went out the window when people started protesting Trump being subjected to lawful orders which he refuses to comply with. Floyd wasn't supposed to be killed, which is why police went to jail for it. When the people protested, even journalists got shot in the face by police. Police showed us their true colors by beating protestors.

  2. Jan 6th was trying to end Democracy. Trump tried to overthrow the actual votes so many times, in so many cases, it was clear that was his intention. He is still doing it today. 2000+ terrorists stormed the capitol, scared the shit out of ALL the legislators, and tried to prevent Pence from announcing the election results.

Screw you for trying to make this about your racist attitudes and not what really happened!


RoLaAus t1_je3ptgw wrote

Your answer to the IRS (and the DoJ) being wraponized by 1 side is to make light, make a joke about it... this administration is the EXACT reason that 2A says "to ensure a free state" and the actions of this administration only post-justifies Jan 6th and it won't be long before it is taken further and we will have no other choice but to stand up and fight...I mean, this admin has already shown its true colors about 1A and their attempts to start a "ministry of truth" circa Orwrlls 1984! And they KNOW if you take away 2A by trying to disarm the people it will only solidfy their stronghold on you fools!


RoLaAus t1_je3w5aa wrote

You lot have been setup and conditioned to accept government lies for over a decade! Much, much longer... they have been teaching you for multiple generations and then they gave you the "final exam" on your willingness to accept government lying to you when you guys excuse "I did not have sex with that woman" and then accepted the excuse "that depends upon what your definition of 'is' is".... then fast forward a short while later made you had a 1st lady telling you to be good little nazis and "turn in your neighbkrs" for telling racist jokes...and now we are 1 step away from arresting comedians for speech like Canada has done, and you freely accept the political imprisoning of dissedents...its been roughly 1.5 years and still some Jan 6th proyestors have not received their CONSTITUTIONAL right of a speedy trial and due process (like the WH withholding video evidence" you gladly accept the wraponization of IRS and what you likely don't know is happening behind the scenes is that people are being targeted by the ATF for SELLING THEIR OWN PROPERRY - which most states allow (with provisions) but when 1 guy tried to sell 1 handgun (not even a rifle not even an AR15) he was told by the ATF that he needs to cease and desist LEGAL ACTIVITY or else he will be charged as an "unlicensed dealer" (gun "dealers" re thise defined as their purpose of existing is earning a profit from selling guns", but the ATF is using this VAGUE definition to harass law abiding citizens!! Be a good little Nazi and never question your dear leader with no clothes!!