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941893 t1_iud3ygq wrote

Tre story.My first wife said she wanted to see this movie.I told her there was no point, we all know how it ends.She looked at me like ‟sure you do”....I then told her the boat sinks thinking I was being funny.

She got mad at me for spoiling the end of the movie - She‘s not my current wife.


VerbatimHeel t1_iud4hk8 wrote

I saw that movie twice.

I was convinced they wouldn’t be dumb enough to hit that iceberg agin!


awaymoralize58 t1_iud55df wrote

A mate of mine went on a tinder date once, during small talk she mentioned her favorite film is Titanic.

So in the interests of making converstion, my mate comments on the actual historic event of the Titanic sinking.

She says ‟Do not be silly, the Titanic never sank”

He says ‟Uh, what?”

She says ‟Well obviously it did not really sink, it was just a movie”

A second date did not happen.


dickydav t1_iud6750 wrote

Thanks for spoiling the ending. I haven't seen it yet.


PhilipWaterford t1_iudby8q wrote

It'd need to be a great-grandparent for the joke to work in 2022.


NinjaElectricMeteor t1_iue1q9f wrote

For such a succesful movie it's strange they never made a sequel.


A_Mirabeau_702 t1_iue8l4i wrote

Leo DiCaprio has asked to be digitally removed from Titanic because it’s now 25 years old.


Ysanoire t1_iueljki wrote

I went on a date with a guy who said 90% of science is bullshit. He followed it up with saying moon landing was impossible. At the same time he claimed he was an engineer.


Some-Register-3901 t1_iuerdx0 wrote

I think that this joke in general is "impossible". The Titanic movie came out in 1997. Assuming that it would make sense for a person to be on the Titanic, at an age where it would make sense to warn people about the sinking, but also possible for them to watch the movie is improbable to say the least. The Titanic sank in 1912, and if we assume that the subject of the joke was at least 12 at the time, that would mean that they would be at least 97 just to watch the premier of the movie. So yeah, impossible.


Loggerdon t1_iuevj9j wrote

My favorite:

Tina Fey hosting the Oscars: "Gravity: the movie that proves George Clooney would rather fly off into space and die than spend another minute with a woman his age".


911art t1_iuf2zpy wrote

I had a date once that after we saw the Martian with Matt Damon she asked if it was based on a true story. I would say that there wasn't another date after that but honestly the sex was good enough to put up with crazy for a while. But that's a whole another story.


PhilipWaterford t1_iuf7ufl wrote

In my case it was a great-grandmother (passed away in the 80's) who in 1912 had tea with a friend that was leaving for the States and died a few days later. She could still relate that story when she couldn't remember your name.


gorka_la_pork t1_iuf93cn wrote

It did, but it's not as spectacular as it sounds. It was 16 feet long and sprang a leak when an old repair came apart. I like to imagine someone was playing "My Heart Will Go On" badly on a $3 slide whistle.


Dilaudid2meetU t1_iuf9i8q wrote

It’s a weak joke anyway - great story though. I had a great aunt with dementia. We were playing the game with a fuzzy tennis ball and Velcro mitts in a park. After two throws I always had to tell her how to play again. Really weirded out 7 year old me.


InevitableCry5883 t1_iufb4rr wrote

I figured they iced him out , gave him the cold shoulder.


Pgapete1960 t1_iufc8nt wrote

What wasn’t revealed was that when the Titanic was found 3km down,2 letters were missing on the side of the ship revealing an M and a P……….. It was the Olympic……. Titanic’s sister ship.


peb396 t1_iufhnoe wrote

"Jack, I'll never let go."

<hears whistle from rescue boat>

<pries his cold, stiff, purple fingers from hers and shoves his ass into the dark abyss>


Hud1289 t1_iufj7kp wrote

Went to see Wonder Woman with my ex and was legitimately asked if it was based on a true story and who won the war.. least one of the reasons they’re an ex


braellyra t1_iufjs1s wrote

I love that Adam & Jamie actually tested it super thoroughly on Mythbusters. (Turns out it would be impossible to keep the door afloat with 2 people on it, unless they used their life vests to support the door)


JSwag1310 t1_iufy82j wrote

My mother had to explain to my brother and I that Rufio in Peter Pan, didn't actually die and was just an actor who was, and I quote, "probably enjoying a burger at McDonald's as we speak." Don't know why but that part always stuck with me.


UrbanDoriHunter t1_iug3vf6 wrote

Watched water world with an ex. When they finally found the last tinny bit of land I said, wow look it’s the top of Mt Everest. They said I was stupid, Mt Everest is in the Himalayas…


Blackhole_Star_yum t1_iug78ef wrote

They still are real lmao, I went to high school with some kids and that's what their family does for a living. And they're the richest families in the area. They also make really cringy tiktoks.


Superpe0n t1_iug8zmn wrote

they had movie theaters on the Titanic???


sorryibitmytongue t1_iugcy1l wrote

But the joke doesn’t actually say he was on the titanic. It works cos that’s what you assume it means at first, but after the reveal he was watching the film there’s no reason to think he was ever on the ship. I just assumed it meant he had learned about the historical event and went to the cinema to warn people.


Brewtality76 t1_iugjp8d wrote

Titanic is my favorite movie.

Anything that goes down for three hours straight is bound to be great.


R-E-D-D-l-T t1_iugnxb5 wrote

I would’ve just corrected her, not knowing something can happen to anyone. If she gracefully accepts the new information, what’s wrong then? There are far bigger red flags in people than not knowing if the Titanic was real or not.


zombie_chrisbrains t1_iugzqyd wrote

I was in a queue at the video store when the film came out on DVD (back in the day!) and some brainless woman wanted to rent it. She asked the clerk if it was any good and he said "the special effects are great, the sinking of the ship is really well done, very realistic", and she replied "Well, you've just bloody ruined it for me now!"


starfyredragon t1_iuhehrg wrote

I really wouldn't call them "still real".

There's lots of posers, but land is sectioned up so much that actual cowboys (aka, shepards for cows) who guide cows across large vistas fatting them up while leading them to the destination to sell, are kind of non-existant now.

Also, people have a tendency to conflate actual cowboys with sphegetti western cowboys, which were faker than Sasquatch in a Polaroid shop.


GroundbreakingWall39 t1_iuir0nn wrote

If you've seen Once upon a time in Hollywood, there are some pricelessly hilarious moments of interaction with a ten-year-old girl. You can feel Leo working to stay in character without cracking up. Quentin Tarantino is a great writer-director.