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GeneralFactotum t1_iu030f0 wrote

Later that day the same two cannibals tried eating a clown fish.

Finally the first guy looked up at the second guy and asked, "Does this tastes fishy to you?"

Ok, that it. I have officially had too much Reddit today. Must take my meds...


karpo_r t1_iu0393h wrote

Lesbi-honest, that‘s fnny


Big-End-9824 t1_iu0v5yy wrote

Dad joke. A cannibal came back from holiday with just one arm. His friend asked:”what the hell happened to your arm”? The cannibal replied:” it was self catering “.

Yes, I’ll get my coat. Sorry.


akmountainbiker t1_iu1u23d wrote

Two clowns were sitting around a campfire eating a cannibal. The first clown turns to the other and says, "I think we fucked up this joke."


foomer15 t1_iu2h3qf wrote

Because they taste funny .


Adingding90 t1_iu3lrw4 wrote

Walking back to the village from the part of the forest used as a latrine, a cannibal sees his friend taking a shit and crying. "What's wrong?", he asked.

"I just dumped my girlfriend!"