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shad0wbitz77 t1_iy786ww wrote

Thanks for not making another Parkinson's joke.

Those really rattle me up.


Canstralian t1_iy7a7xa wrote

Amongst the Trembling Aspens


kaseypatten t1_iy7amku wrote

What flavor ice cream does Michael J Fox get at Baskin Robbins?

It doesn’t matter he’s just gonna spill it anyways…

Edit: It’s a fucking joke people…


40andbored t1_iy7dnwg wrote

He got a job temporarily replacing the broken water sprinklers


MattheqAC t1_iy7jsqr wrote

I like the idea that you have named the foxes in your garden centre


Jeri_Shea t1_iy7wc8f wrote

Crosspost this to the dad jokes subreddit.


c7music t1_iy8bubt wrote

He grabbed a bag of Scotts turf builder and said, "Great! Scotts! this is heavy!"


Antique_Ad_2766 t1_iy8t00f wrote

I heard he’s reimagining Kevin Bacon’s role in the Tremors remake…


The_Osta t1_iyalayz wrote

He gives the best hand.... shakes.


Low_Examination6799 t1_iyb7qno wrote

I'd like to find this as humorous as y'all are, but this disease isn't something that's funny at all. This is miserable for those that's been diagnosed & heartbreaking for their loved ones that's taking care of them.
